Micro Focus COBOL Library File 11/09/21 23:58:29:36 Ig  "?5 DSFWTXT.LNG MF message file 6998 ;!Y>z20+E_}&%*,;Rd%" 0#(KNP;^ #&$#1Gx 1 ?K S]n   .  7 J Z e k o w }              0 A I ` q  %     % , 2 B R o       ! 0 D" T v! " < 9 7 LM ! L K=3)"+M2e/  |*G\!j 'K#8L[*^#/iR$^_=`!HUe2\1Hy'  Inserts a function or space above the current selected itemDeletes the current selected itemChanges the selection to invoke another function or to a spaceChanges the bitmap displayed for the selected itemChanges the text displayed for the selected itemMoves the selected item to another positionTo select the new positionfor the function, click on thefunction after that position.Select the function you want to insertby double-clicking or pressing Enter.Select the function you want the button toinvoke by double-clicking or pressing Enter.Press Escape to cancel.A command or macroA space to separate buttonsSelect the type of item to change to:Select the type of item to insert:Insert in Change itemSave interface configurationYou have changed some of your interface options.Do you want to save these changes ?YesNoCommand PromptCommand prompt for entering commands and optional arguments[space]--end--(Macro)Change textshortcut key is OKCancelHelpCloseOptions for configuring the toolbarOptions for configuring the button barOptions for configuring the keyboardOptions for editing, deleting and creating macrosGeneral configuration optionsConfigure toolbarConfigure button barConfigure keyboardConfigure macrosConfigure general options~Hide~Configure...the key to invoke.Enter name for new macroChange bitmapsFind file...Defaults interfaceUse smaller ~fontSelect the function you wantBar visibleVisibleTopLeftRightBottomDetachColumns:On/OffPositionAvailable functionsCommandsDescriptionCurrent toolbarbutton barThe key pressed is not mapped to any function. can be invoked by:Information LineStatus LineMacrosEditCommandsMacrosInsert...MoveChange...Bitmap...Text...invokes the Command promptOn toolbarHistoryHintingEnabledWhen mouse over itemWhen item selectedSaveNew...DeleteKeys is not mapped to any keysSave confirmation(toggle)Press the key required:You can also use:Enter macro text/functions here is mapped to the command is mapped to the macro There are no additional key mappings.normal state:pressed state:disabled state:Button size (pixels)Height:Width:Use smaller font: Initialisation: Reading [Interface] section: Reading [Keys] section: Reading [Menu] section: Reading [Buttonbar] section: Reading [Toolbar] section: Creating status line: Creating information line: Creating command window: Miscellaneousunrecognised keynamekeyname expectedunrecognised command or macro namecommand or macro name expectedunable to find configuration fileunable to find configuration tag: Unable to find button bar definition. Bar will not be shown.Unable to find toolbar definition. Bar will not be shown.Unable to find menu definition. Menu will not be shown.Unable to create information line area. Hints and messages will not be shown.Unable to create status line areaUnable to create required command history. Command history will be disabled.Sorry, the requested function is only available in a graphical environment.name is not a recognised command, macro or key namebad or missing argument is mapped to the command can be invoked using key is not mapped to any command or macrofunction is not mapped to any keys is mapped to the macro Unable to show the button bar because it is empty.Unable to show the toolbar because it is empty.Are you sure you want to delete from the Save changes to macro ?To delete a macro, use the Delete button under the list. Macros contained in MF.INI can only be deleted by editing the file.Insufficient memory to complete operation.The page selected is not yet operational. Please do not attempt to use.Discard changes to macro ?The maximum number of macros already exists. Delete one or more unused macros and try again.Macro must be given a valid name.Delete current macro from list ?Macro contains no functions to execute.A command or macro already exists with that name. Please choose a new name.Remove current mapping for Unable to create toolbar entry for using specified bitmaps. There may be a problem with their names or format. Function will revert to original bitmaps.The normal-state field must contain a name. Only the pressed and disabled states are optional.Unable to create toolbar entry for . There may be a problem with your installation - check MFICONS.SF, MFBMP.DLL and MFBMPW.DLL are correct. The function will not be displayed.Unable to load bitmap specified for the normal state. Function will revert to default bitmaps.Unable to load bitmap specified for the pressed state. Function will revert to default bitmaps.Unable to load bitmap specified for the disabled state. Function will revert to default bitmaps.The toolbar will not be displayedUnable to open configuration file for update. Changes will be discarded.An error occurred closing the configuration file after update. Some data may be lost.The total length of the bitmap names for function exceed the maximum configuration file line length. Function will revert to default bitmaps.An error occurred whilst writing records for tag . Some data may be lost.Copyright (c) Micro Focus Ltd 1991,1994OKEnvironment>>Version Micro Focus(R)Product InformationURN: <