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Insufficient memory for loading Occurs Depending On value outsid Input record length may not be zero or > 64K Output record length may not be zero or > 64K Maximum record length cannot be < minimum length in input file Minimum record length must be > zero in input file Maximum record length must be > zero in input file Input file key offset or length may not be equal to zero Input file key must lie within minimum record length Input file key length may not be zero or exceed 64K Input file key length may not exceed record length Profile file not found Error creating profile file Invalid profile file format Error on output file during conversion Error on input file during conversion ero or exceed 64K Input file key length may not ex ed record length Profile file not found Error creating profile file Invalid profile file format No input file-name specified No output file-name specified Must specify Input file-name Must specify Output file-name No output file details specified in profile file Input file not found Structure file not found Error converting mask to structure Invalid batch process type Must specify Output file-name Maximum input record length allowed 512 Must specify mask file Maximum input record length allowed 512 Current key not split Maximum record length cannot be < minimum length in output file Minimum record length must be > zero in output file Maximum record length must be > zero in output file Output file key offset or length may not be equal to zero Output file key must lie within minimum record length Output file key length may not be zero or exceed 64K Output file key length may not exceed record length Output file key not defined Maximum output record length allowed 512 Maximum output record length allowed 512 ay not be equal to zero Output file key must lie within nimum record length Output file key length may not b BTRIEVE not found or accessible Rebuild only applies to ISAM files Output file name cannot be same as input file name Internal error calling help module ed 512 ay not be equal to zero Output file key must lie within nimum record length Output file key length may not b BTRIEVE not found or accessible Rebuild only applies to ISAM fil Output file name cannot be same input file name Internal error calling help modu ed 512 ay not be equal to zero Output file key must l within nimum record length Output file key length ay not b BTRIEVE not found or accessible Rebuild only applies to ISAM fil Output file name cannot be same input file name Internal error calling help modu ed 512 ay not be equal to zer Output file key must l within nimum record length Output file key length ay not b BTRIEVE not found or a essible Rebuild only applies t ISAM fil Output file name canno be same input file name Internal error calling elp modu ed 512 ay not be equal to zer Output file y must l within nimum record length Output file y length ay not b BTRIEVE not found or a essible Rebuild only applies t ISAM fil Output file name canno be same input file name Internal error calling elp modu ed 512 ay not be eq l to zer Output file y must l within nimum record ength Output file y length ay not b BTRIEVE not und or a essible Rebuild only pplies t ISAM fil Output file me canno be same input file name Internal err calling elp modu ed 512 ay not be eq l to zer Ou ut file y must l within nimum record ength Ou ut file y length ay not b BTRIEVE not und or a essible Rebuild only pplies t ISAM fil Output file me canno be same input file me Internal err calling elp modu ed 512 ay ot be eq l to zer Ou ut file y must l within ni m record ength Ou ut file y length ay not b BT EVE not und or a essible Re ild only pplies t ISAM fil Ou ut file me canno be same input file me In rnal err calling elp modu ed 12 ay ot be eq l to zer Ou ut file y must l within ni m record ength Ou ut file y length ay not b BT EVE not und or a essible Re ild only pplies t ISAM fil Ou ut file me canno be same i ut file me In rnal err calling elp modu ed 12 ay ot be eq l to zer Ou ut file y must l w hin ni m record ength Ou ut file y length ay ot b BT EVE not und or a essible Re ild only pplies t ISAM fil Ou ut file me canno be same i ut file me In rnal err calling elp modu ed 12 ay ot be eq l to zer Ou ut file y must l w hin ni m record ength Ou ut file y length ay ot b BT EVE not und or a es ble Re ild only pplies t IS fil Ou ut file me canno be ame i ut file me In rnal err calling el modu ed 12 ay ot be eq l to zer Ou ut file y st l w hin ni m record ength Ou ut file y ngth ay ot b BT EVE not und or a es ble Re ild only pplies t IS fil Ou ut file me canno be ame i ut file me In rnal err calling el modu ed 12 ay ot be eq l zer Ou ut file y st l w hin ni m record en h Ou ut file y ngth ay ot b BT EVE not un or a es ble Re ild only pp es t IS fil Ou ut file me anno be ame i ut file me In rnal err c ling el modu ed 12 ay ot be eq l zer Ou ut ile y st l w hin ni m record en h Ou ut ile y ngth ay ot b BT EVE not un or a es ble Re ild only pp es t IS fil Ou ut file me anno be ame i ut file me In rnal err c ling el modu ed 12 ay ot e eq l zer Ou ut ile y st l w hin ni m cord en h Ou ut ile y ngth ay ot b BT EV not un or a es ble Re il only pp es t IS fil Ou ut ile me anno be ame i ut file me In rn err c ling el modu ed 12 ay ot e eq l zer Ou ut ile y st l w hin ni m cord en h Ou ut ile y ngth ay ot b BT EV not un or a es ble Re il only pp es t IS fil Ou ut ile me anno be ame i ut ile me In rn err c ling el modu ed 12 ay ot e eq l zer Ou ut ile y st l w hi ni m cord en h Ou ut ile y ngth ay ot BT EV not un or a es ble Re il only pp es t IS fil Ou ut ile me anno be ame i ut ile me In rn err c ling el modu ed 12 ay ot e eq l zer Ou ut ile y st l w hi ni m cord en h Ou ut ile y ngth ay ot BT EV not un or a es bl Re il only pp es t IS f Ou ut ile me anno be am i ut ile me In rn err c ling el mo ed 12 ay ot e eq l zer Ou ut ile y st w hi ni m cord en h Ou ut ile y ng ay ot BT EV not un or a es bl Re il only pp es t IS f Ou ut ile me anno be am i ut ile me In rn err c ling el mo ed 12 ay ot e eq l z Ou ut ile y st w hi ni m cord en h Ou ut ile y ng ay ot BT EV not un or es bl Re il only pp es IS f Ou ut ile me an be am i ut ile me In rn err c li el mo ed 12 ay ot e eq l z Ou ut il y st w hi ni m cord en h Ou ut il y ng ay ot BT EV not un or es bl Re il only pp es IS f Ou ut ile me an be am i ut ile me In rn err c li el mo ed 12 ay ot e l z Ou ut il y st w hi ni m co en h Ou ut il y ng ay ot BT EV no un or es bl Re il on pp es IS f Ou ut il me an be am i ut ile me In rn e c li el mo ed 12 ay ot e l z ut il y st w hi ni m co en h ut il y ng ay ot BT EV no un or es bl Re il on pp es IS f Ou ut il me an be am i ut il me In rn e c li el mo ed 12 ot e l z ut il y st w hi m co en h ut il y ng ay ot EV no un or es bl il on pp es IS f ut il me an be am i ut il me rn e c li el mo 12 ot e l z ut il y st w hi m co en h ut il y ng ay ot EV no un or es bl il on pp es IS f ut il me an be am ut il me rn e c li el mo 12 ot e l z ut il y st hi m co en h ut il y ng ot EV no un or es bl il on pp es IS f ut il me an be am ut il me rn e c li el mo 12 ot e l z ut il y st hi m co en h ut il y ng ot EV no un or bl il on pp es f ut il me an am ut il me rn e c li mo 12 ot e l z ut il st hi m co en h ut il ng ot EV no un or bl il on pp es f ut il me an am ut il me rn e c li mo 12 ot e z ut il st hi m co h ut il ng ot EV no or bl il on es f ut il an am ut il me rn e li mo 12 ot e z il st hi m co h il ng ot EV no or bl il on es f ut il an am ut il rn e li mo 12 e z il st hi co h il ng ot no or bl on es f il an am ut il e li mo e z il st hi co h il ng ot no or bl on es f il an am il e li mo e z il st co h il ng no or bl on es f il an am il e li mo e z il st co h il ng no or on es il an il e li e z il co h il no or on es il an il e li e il co il no on il il e e co no on il il e il Insufficient buffer space File not opened when access attempted Serial mode error Illegal file name Illegal device specification Attempt to write to a file opened for INPUT Disk space exhausted Attempt to input from a file opened for OUTPUT No room in directory Filename not supplied Illegal device specification Attempt to open a file which is already open File not found Too many files open simultaneously Too many indexed files open Too many device files open Record error: probably zero length Read part record error: EOF before EOR or file open in wrong mode Rewrite error: open mode or access mode wrong Device or resource busy File is a directory Illegal or impossible access mode for OPEN Illegal or impossible access mode for CLOSE Disk input-output error Operating system data error Block I-O error Device not available: probably Btrieve No space on device Attempt to delete open file File system is read-only Not owner of file Too many indexed files, or no such process Physical I-O error Incorrect mode or file descriptor Attempt to access a file with incorrect permission File already exists File access denied Disk not compatible File not compatible National Language Variants not set up correctly Corrupt indexed file Attempt to write on broken pipe File information missing for indexed file Attempt to open an NLS file using an incompatible program File not compatible NLS support module not found Indexed structure overflow Attempt to divide by zero File information missing for ind ed file Attempt to open an NLS file usin an incompatible program File not compatible NLS support module not found Indexed structure overflow Attempt to divide by zero File information missing for ind ed file Attempt to open an NLS file usin an incompatible program File not compatible NLS support module not found Indexed structure overflow Attempt to divide by zero File information missi for ind ed file Attempt to open an NLS ile usin an incompatible program File locked Attempt to add duplicate record key to indexed file Indexed file not open Record locked Illegal argument to ISAM module Too many indexed files open Bad indexed file format End of indexed file No record found in indexed file No current record in indexed file Indexed data file name too long Can't create lock file in \ISAM directory Internal ISAM module error Illegal key description in indexed file COBCONFIG syntax error ISAM file blocksize larger than run-time configuration can deal with Key already exists in indexed file CALL convention not supported rectory Internal ISAM module error Illegal key description in index file COBCONFIG syntax error Remote file system failure n-time configuration can deal with Key already exists in indexed fi CALL convention not supported rectory Internal ISAM module error Illegal key description in index file COBCONFIG syntax error Remote file system failure n-time configuration can deal wi Key already exists in indexed fi CALL convention not supported rectory Internal ISAM module e or Illegal key descriptio in index file COBCONFIG syntax error Remote file system failure Invalid file operation Illegal operation on an indexed file Sequential file with non-integral number of records Parameter type cannot be passed by value Nul file name used in a file operation Memory allocation error Dictionary error Operation not implemented in this Run-Time System Failure to initialize data division Invalid checksum in Run-Time System Generated code not supperted by this RTS tion Memory allocation error Dictionary error Operation not implemented in thi Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory Unexpected signal Cannot allocate memory Bad collating sequence Symbol not found Symbol redefined Symbol string table of zero size Symbol is not in TEXT section Coblongjmp() called below level of cobsetjmp() Unknown relocation type Communications failure during I/O request to the central file handler All locks/ current transactions cancelled due to exceeding time limit Record size exceed system limit Symbol is not in TEXT section Coblongjmp() called below level Attempt to access record zero of relative file Communications failure during I/ request to the central file handler All locks/ current transactions ncelled due to exceeding time limit Record size exceed system limit Symbol is not in TEXT section File must not exist elative file Illegal device specification - not mass storage File closed with lock - cannot be opened Record length or key data inconsistency Symbol is not in TEXT File already open - cannot be opened File not open - cannot be closed Rewrite/delete in sequential mode not preceded by successful read Boundary violation opened Record length or key data incons No current record defined for sequential read Wrong open or access mode for read/start Wrong open mode or access mode for write Wrong open mode or access mode for rewrite/delete Program abandoned at user request Random read on sequential file REWRITE on file not opened I-O Subscript out of range Perform nested too deeply Illegal command line Too many parentheses in compute statement Not enough program memory : object file too large to load Attempt to REWRITE to a line-sequential file Malformed line-sequential file Overlay loading error Illegal intermediate code Arithmetic overflow or underflow Illegal character in numeric field file too large to load Attempt to REWRITE to a line-seq Version number incompatibility Recursive COBOL CALL is illegal Too many USING items Stack overflow Illegal configuration information System program not found Japanese operations illegal with this RTS Recursive non MF PERFORM is illegal Called program file not found in drive/directory Stack overflow Attempt to run intermediate code program which had severe errors in it Illegal segment reference Attempt to cancel active program Error during save Error during chain (program not found) End-of-file marker error Invalid parameter error Console input or console output open in wrong direction Attempt to open line-sequential for I-O ACCEPT/DISPLAY I-O error File malformed Attempt to open stdin, stdout or stferr with incorrect code Run time system not found on $COBDIR path File name too large Intermediate code load error Too many arguments to CALL Terminal type not defined Required terminal capability description missing Error in variable length count File size too large DELETE/REWRITE not preceded by a read Record number too large in relative or indexed file Screen handling system initialization error Load failure Operating system corrupted Run-Time System internal logic error I-O error in paging system Exported functionality error CALL parameter not supplied ion error Load failure Operating system corrupted Reading unwritten data from memory Machine does not exist Error in multi-user system Network communication error File is closed with lock Program not executable by Run-Time System Malformed Assembler subroutine file Too many locks GO TO has not been ALTERed Cannot ANIMATE a program running COMMUNICATIONS Cannot initialize the named communications device Incompatible host for compiled code file Malformed MULTIPLE REEL/UNIT file Operating system shared file limit exceeded Attempt to execute more than one SORT or MERGE simultaneously SORT/MERGE error: see status key SORT/MERGE error:see status key SORT/MERGE error:see status key External Language Initialization failure Dynamic load error - program component missing EXTERNAL file definition inconsistent EXTERNAL data definition inconsistent Could not allocate memory for EXTERNAL item SORT/MERGE error:see status key Floating Point Support Module not found ailure Dynamic load error - program com nent missing EXTERNAL file definition inconsi ent EXTERNAL data definition inconsi ent Could not allocate memory for EX RNAL item SORT/MERGE error:see status key Floating Point Support Module no found ailure Dynamic load error - program com nent missing EXTERNAL file definition inconsi ent EXTERNAL data definition inconsi ent Could not allocate memory for EX RNAL item SORT/MERGE error:see s tus key Floating Point Support Module no found ailure Dynamic load error - p gram com nent missing EXTERNAL file definiti inconsi ent EXTERNAL data definiti inconsi ent Could not allocate mem y for EX RNAL item SORT/MERGE error:see s tus key Floating Point Support odule no found ailure Dynamic load error - p gram com nent missing EXTERNAL file definiti inconsi ent EXTERNAL data definiti inconsi ent Keyboard interrupt to ANIMATOR during ACCEPT 9.text`G .data``@.bssppdU쉄$WVS8+ɉMPHSX[^_]U쉄$WVS>N+ɉMPHSX[^_]U쉄$WVS+PHSkX[^_]ð PPP4 8t+uf0FG GffGn PPPx 8tuffFG ffG EHuS4 Rj R+}t+ ذȉc}tEEHuS4Rj R}t+ ذ‚ȉc}tE:f'qff\bfu tbqbffrbffobffib+fkbffubfobuErbt rbu. 8vuf9vu?urbfobu0fobf+fobfqt!ftft fufbf?ft fufbffufcf{ t%u}ff }ffjhPʉcÍb+fH1fǖf󫍵,?fFGGG?fFGbbffbfbffbfFfcffbfFf cbKc~u8Nu fFfcbމ]Jʉ8) zMffi?5 fGi?5 Gi?5 Gi?5 Gi?8= }+fi?5 f5 OWJʉWi?+f5 fGʃ ʉ ]Atf[fʍ҃ʉ8) rZʃʉi?8= rʃ ʉ똋ʃʉffPPPP] ft fnfob].c) fGfGfGffGGGG+fGG ЊVBʉȋt>މ]Jʉ[ӃBʉ%Mfff5[fG5[G5[G5[G+Ҋf=[f;rkȋ5[}fʃ ʉʃ ʉ ]t}+ҊfOf;Mffi?5 fGi?5 Gi?5 Gi?5 Gi?8= }+fi?5 f5 OWʃʉWi?+f5 fGʃ ʉ ]?d+ɉfobfþXu썅P4Z8 t Cu[ +S8RjRtذ)ȉcð[[Y  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