* For message format / instructions, see bottom of file - DSA 12/23/97 CP0001W DSN subcommand "&1" is not supported. : CP0002E Either PLAN or PACKAGE must be specified on the FREE subcommand. : CP0003I Free message slot %1 %2 %3.: CP0004W Keyword "&1" is not supported. : CP0005E Keyword "&1" is required. : CP0006E "&1" keyword value expected but "&2" was found. : CP0007E A non-null value must be provided for "&1". : CP0008E "&1" keyword requires only one value. : CP0009E "&1" keyword value too short. : CP0010E "&1" keyword value too long. : CP0011E A keyword expected but "(&1)" was found. It is ignored. : ER0012U Internal Error. IDATSO "stack" operation for "&1" failed. Return Code=&2. : ER0013U Internal Error. IDATSO "stack" operation failed. Return Code=&1. : ER0014U Internal Error. IDATSO "process-stack" operation failed. Return Code=&1. : ER0015U Internal Error. CAF OPEN failure. Retcode=&1, Reason=&2. : ER0016U Internal Error. CAF CLOSE failure. Retcode=&1, Reason=&2. : CP0017E Invalid keyword "&1" is ignored. : CP0018E ***Obsolete message***. : TS0019E Program "&1" not found. : TS0020S ***now free***Command Processor "&1" abended with ONCODE &2. : ER0021U Internal Error. IDATSO "process command" operation failed. Return Code=&1. : TS0022S Command Processor "&1" not found. Command "&2" not executed. : TS0023S ***Free***Cnd file (DDNAME &1) could not be opened (ONCODE=&2). Processing continues. : TS0024W Command file (DDNAME &1) does not exist. Processing continues. : TS0025S MJRM's wait on the Global lock canceled by the user.: ER0026U Internal Error. MJRM function "&1" failed with return code &2. : TS0027S MJRM could not unlock the Global lock.: ER0028U Deallocation of dataset "&1" dd "&2" failed with MJRM return code &3. Session termination continues. : XM0029S "&1" DD statement missing. : ER0030U TSO Request Handler internal error. Return code=&1, Return type=&2. : ER0031S "%1" is not a valid subsystem id. Sub-command stream flushed.: TS0032S Maximum number of command stream files already open.: TS0033S Unexpected file status &1/&2 on DD "&3".: TS0034S DSORG "%1" is not supported for DD "&2": XM0035S SYSTSIN dataset/member is inappropriate or does not exist. : XR0091I Waiting for shared use of dataset "&1". XR0092I Waiting for exclusive use of dataset "&1". XR0093I Required datasets have been acquired. Execution resumed. ER0099S Remainder of command stream flushed.: ER0100E Internal System Error. SVC handler parameter list incorrect. : VC0101E Invalid TU NUM value "&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0102E Invalid TU LEN value "&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0103E Invalid DISP X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0104E Invalid SPACE format X"&1" (not ALX, MXIG, or CONTIG) for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0105E Invalid LABEL type X"&1" (not NL, SL, NSL, SUL, BLP, LTM, AL, or AUL) for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0106E Invalid PASSWORD specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0107E Invalid Input only or Output only specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0108E Invalid Form alignment / image verification specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0109E Key X"&2" in TU number "&1" is not supported. : VC0110W Key X"&2" in TU number "&1" is not supported. : VC0111W Key X"&2" in TU number "&1" is invalid. : VC0112E Invalid Record organization specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0113E Invalid Allocation unit specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0114E Invalid Data set type specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0115E Invalid SYSOUT data set Spin specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0116E Invalid HFS file disposition specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0117E Invalid Buffer technique specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0118E Invalid Buffer alignment specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0119E Invalid DSORG specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0120E Invalid EROPT specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0121E Invalid Copy module table specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0122E Invalid PRTSP specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0123E Invalid RECFM specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0124E Invalid SVC 99 Verb code X"&1". : VC0125E Invalid Burst specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0126E Invalid DDNAME "&1" (Cannot be JOBLIB, STEPLIB, JOBCAT, STEPCAT, blank, or hex zero). : VC0127E SVC 99 request had &1 error(s). Request not processed. : VC0128E DSORG specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3" is not supported. : VC0129E RECFM specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3" is not supported. : VC0130E Dynamic Allocation (SVC 99) for "&1" failed. R15=&2 (X"&3") Error=&4 (X"&5") Info=&6 (X"&7"). : VC0131E DAIR error analysis is not supported. : VC0132E Dynamic Allocation (SVC 99) for "&1" not yet supported. : VC0133E Dynamic Allocation (SVC 99) for "&1" failed. ONCODE=&2. : VC0134E Key X"&2" in TU number "&1" ("sysout_program" other than "INTRDR") is not supported. : VC0135E Record organization specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3" is not supported. : VC0136E Data set type specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3" is not supported. : VC0137E Expiration date X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3" is not a valid date. : VC0138E Invalid DEN specification X"&1" for TU number "&2", Key X"&3". : VC0139E Dataclass "&1" does not exist. SMS reason code 1014 (X'03F6').: ER0179S Unable to obtain access to "&1". ER0180S Unexpected return code &1 from jseb-func-enq-ds. ER0181S Unexpected return code &1 from jseb-func-deq-ds. ER0187I Dataset "&1" is still allocated to (at least) ... ER0188I DD "&1". This may cause unexpected results later. TS0191I Program %1 Ended - %2.: TS0192I Program %1 Abended - %2.: ER0201E MVS Control blocks could not be allocated below the 16MB address line. Continuing with storage above the line. : ER0202U Internal System Error. MVS nucleus storage required (&1) is less than storage provided (&2) by RTS. Contact Micro Focus. : AF0221S Insufficient authority to allocate new dataset "&1". AF0222S Insufficient authority to read dataset "&1". AF0223S Insufficient authority to update dataset "&1". AF0224E Insufficient authority to delete dataset "&1". AF0225E Insufficient authority to alter/change dataset "&1". CL1000S Statement beginning "&1" contains a syntax error. : CL1001S Statement beginning "&1" contains an invalid character. : CL1002S Implementation-defined limit exceeded on statement beginning "&1". : CL1003E Duplicate parameter name ER1004U Internal error "&1" in CLIST processor. : CL1005E Variable "&1" is multiply defined. : CL1020E CLIST Execution error "&1" (No ERROR routine established). : CL1021E CLIST Execution error "&1" (No return from ERROR routine). : TS1050E The TSO command "&1" is not supported. : TS1051E Enter C to continue or T to terminate. : DM3000E The MFUSER environment variable is not set. Dialog Manager will be unable to locate its panels and messages: DM3001E An attempt has been made to write to write more data to the Dialog Manager Shared Variable pool that it is capable of handling. Please contact Micro Focus technical support.: ER9001U Internal Error "&1" detected. : XM9994X IDAMJRM:&1 - &2. : ER9995U IDAMJRM:&1 - &2. : ER9996I Attach PL/I debugger, then press enter to continue. : ER9997U %1 &2:&3 - "&4". : ER9998U Free slot. TS9999I JobDiag: %1. * =============== Message Format / Usage Instructions ================== * This is a comment line. Msg id begins in col 2. Use only cols 1-72. * Next line is example of msg MVSCP0001W (note " " repl by "*" in col 1) *CP0001W A msg with %1 (insert 1 may be null) &2 (insert may not be). * For continuation rules, see message 0012. * Col 1 = '*' for comments, ' ' for messages, Cols 2-3 = component code, * Cols 4-7 = msg id, col 8 = severity code (I, W, E, S, or U),. * Col 9 = ' ', cols 12-72 = msg txt. Continued lines, cols 1-11 = * blank, cols 12-72 msg text. Last non-blank char of prev line is * concated with a blank followed by cols 12 thru last non-blank char.