Micro Focus COBOL Library File 11/09/21 23:52:03:32 ±IfäL €  g +À²v3S DBDGEN.MSG @]C‹œ‚:d IMSDBU00.MSG `å &f.R IMSPARSE.MSG €ú‡-+ IMSRGN.MSG  /Á|Šl= IMSWND.MSG À²-¦6¥6? MFS370.MSG àþ8š4x PSBGEN.MSG :‰˜K5g PSBVER.MSG  Z ‡-+ EXDLI.MSG i*a‡-+ IMSDBU.TXT *************** WARNING MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 DBD401 More than one DBD macro present, all but the first ignored. DBD402 DBD RMNAME operand invalid with ACCESS %8, DBD402 RMNAME ignored. DBD403 More than one DBDGEN statement present, all but the first DBD403 ignored. DBD404 Unknown keyword, %8 for %8, ignored. DBD405 DBDGEN statement appeared before %8 macro. DBD406 Field TYPE=H (Halfword), assumed to be two bytes long. DBD407 Field TYPE=F (Fullword), assumed to be four bytes long. DBD408 DATASET SCAN operand is invalid for ACCESS %8, DBD408 SCAN ignored. DBD409 DATASET FRSPC operand is invalid for ACCESS %8, DBD409 FRSPC ignored. DBD410 Exceeded maximum of 10 DATASET macros with operands. DBD411 Label %8, only the first DATASET with a common label DBD411 can contain operands. DBD412 DATASET contains no operands but label %8 not DBD412 previously defined. DBD413 Duplicate DATASET DDNAME %8 in DD1, DD2, or OVFLW. DBD414 Label %8, DD1 %8, previous DATASET group DBD414 contains no segments. DBD415 SEGM macro not preceded by DATASET macro. DBD415 DATASET is required for access type: %8. DBD416 Incorrect RULES specified for sequential dependent segment DBD416 %8, FIRST rules assumed. DBD417 Missing required DBDGEN macro statement, assumed present. DBD418 More than one PART statement present, all but the first DBD418 ignored. DBD419 PART statement unsupported, treated as a DATASET statement. *************** SEVERE SYNTAX MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 DBD801 SEGM macro not preceded by DBD macro. DBD801 DBD macro must be first statement in DBD source. DBD802 DBD macro missing required NAME operand. DBD803 HDAM or DEDB database missing required RMNAME operand. DBD804 PARENT segment %8 for segment %8 not previously DBD804 defined in this database. DBD805 Source segment %8 for XDFLD %8 not defined. DBD806 SEGM macro missing required NAME operand. DBD807 Missing required DBDGEN statement. DBD808 SEGM %8 has missing or invalid BYTES operand. DBD809 SEGM %8, minimum bytes (%5%) exceeds maximum DBD809 bytes (%5%). DBD810 DEDB root segment %8, field %8 not unique. DBD811 Non-related MSDB segment %8, field %8 not unique. DBD812 INDEX DBD segment %8 must contain a sequence field. DBD812 Field %8 not a sequence field. DBD813 FIELD macro not preceded by SEGM macro. DBD814 Segment %8, FIELD macro missing required NAME operand. DBD815 SEGM %8, FIELD %8, contains invalid data in name DBD815 parameter, 3rd operand %1. DBD816 DEDB sequential dependent segment %8 contains invalid DBD816 sequence field %8. DBD817 SEGM %8, FIELD %8 contains invalid data in name DBD817 parameter, 2nd operand %4 not SEQ. DBD818 Segment %8, sequence field %8 must be first DBD818 field after SEGM for IMS/ESA compatibility. Use system DBD818 config, IBM DLI PLATFORM setting for DOS/VS syntax. DBD819 COPY statement missing required name parameter. DBD820 COPY member %8 not found. DBD821 Segment %8, field %8 not unique. DBD822 Segment %8, field %8 packed length cannot exceed DBD822 16 bytes. DBD823 Segment %8, field %8, BYTES operand missing or DBD823 invalid. DBD824 Segment %8, field %8 missing required START DBD824 operand. DBD825 Field %8 extends beyond segment maximum size of %5%, DBD825 field start %5%, length %5%. DBD826 Segment name %8 not unique within this DBD. DBD827 %8 ACCESS type requires DATASET DD1 operand DBD827 when DATASET does not have a label. DBD828 DATASET SCAN value of %5%, exceeds maximum of 255. DBD829 DATASET FRSPC (free block frequency) of %5% must be in DBD829 range of zero to 100, but not 1. DBD830 DATASET FRSPC percentage of %3% must be in range of 0 to 99. DBD831 LOGICAL DATASET not valid with ACCESS %8. DBD832 MSDB missing required DATASET REL operand. DBD833 Only 1 SEGM statement allowed in MSDB database. DBD834 SEGM %8 missing required PARENT operand. DBD835 Segment %8, length %6% exceeds maximum segment DBD835 length of 32760. DBD836 Segment %8 level is deeper than 15, DBD836 parent segment %8. DBD837 DBD ACCESS %8 does not support Virtual segments. DBD838 LCHILD missing required segment NAME operand. DBD839 LCHILD segment operand %8 missing required DBD NAME DBD839 operand in index DBD. DBD840 LCHILD PAIR operand not supported with ACCESS %8. DBD841 XDFLD statement not supported with ACCESS %8. DBD842 GSAM DATASET macro missing required RECFM operand. DBD843 Missing required DBD macro statement. DBD844 SEGM statement not found, DBD requires at least one. DBD845 Paired segment %8 not found in DBD or occurred more DBD845 than once. DBD846 Index DBD can contain only one LCHILD statement. DBD847 Index DBD missing required LCHILD statement. DBD848 XDFLD missing required NAME operand. DBD849 XDFLD %8 missing required SRCH operand. DBD850 XDFLD %8 precedes SEGM statement and is missing DBD850 SEGMENT operand. DBD851 XDFLD %8 has more than 5 SUBSEQ fields. DBD852 XDFLD %8 has more than 5 DDATA fields. DBD853 XDFLD %8 has more than 5 SRCH fields. DBD854 LCHILD %8, XDFLD %8, key length %4% exceeds DBD854 maximum CONST,SRCH,SUBSEQ length of 240. DBD855 XDFLD %8, SEGMENT %8 not defined in database. DBD856 XDFLD %8, SRCH field %8 not in source segment DBD856 %8. DBD857 XDFLD %8, DDATA field %8 not in source segment DBD857 %8. DBD858 XDFLD %8, source segment %8, DDATA field DBD858 %8 cannot be a /SX field. DBD859 XDFLD %8, SUBSEQ field %8 not in source segment DBD859 %8. DBD860 XDFLD %8, target segment %8 not parent of source DBD860 segment %8. ***861 DBD %8 contains no root segment. DBD862 Sequence field %8 in root segment %8 must be DBD862 unique for database type %8. DBD863 GSAM minimum record length exceeds maximum for RECFM=V. DBD865 SEGM statement limit of 255 exceeded. DBD866 FIELD statement limit of 1000 exceeded. DBD867 Segment %8, key sequence field %8, length %4% DBD867 exceeds maximum. DBD868 Virtual logical child segment %8 not referenced by DBD868 an LCHILD PAIR statement. DBD869 Paired (real) logical child segment %8 missing logical DBD869 PARENT specification. DBD870 DBD statement missing required ACCESS operand. DBD871 MSDB missing required DATASET REL operand. DBD872 XDFLD has no preceding LCHILD statement. DBD873 Sequence field %8, start %5%, length %5% extends DBD873 beyond SEGM minimum size of %5% bytes. DBD874 Segment %8, sequence field %8 invalid, only 1 DBD874 sequence field allowed for this segment type. DBD875 Segment %8, field %8, START value %8 not DBD875 numeric or names a field which is not defined for this SEGM. DBD876 EXIT parameter is not allowed with ACCESS of %8. DBD877 Logical SEGM %8 missing required SOURCE operand. DBD878 Segment %8, hierarchy sequence error. DBD879 First ACCESS statement must precede first SEGM. DBD880 ACCESS statement contains mutually exclusive keywords DBD880 RMRTN and REF. DBD881 ACCESS statement only valid with DBD ACCESS=HD. DBD882 Segment FIELD statement limit of 255 exceeded. *************** IMS OPTION SPECIFIC MESSAGES - WARNINGS *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 DBDW01 Nested COPY statements are not supported by MFIMS: DBDW01 %50% DBDW03 MFIMS statement continuation overflow, extras ignored. DBDW03 Maximum number of lines per statement is %2%. DBDW04 SEGM %8, SSPTR not supported by MFIMS, SSPTR ignored. DBDW06 Segment %8, field %8 length %5% exceeds MFIMS DBDW06 SSA/FSA limit of %3%, length reduced to %3%. DBDW08 XDFLD %8, EXTRNCBL %8 operand no longer required. DBDW09 Segment %8, RULES=HERE for logical children is not DBDW09 supported by MFIMS, RULES changed to LAST. DBDW10 Segment %8, RULES=HERE on a root segment is not DBDW10 supported by MFIMS, RULES changed to LAST. DBDW11 MFIMS IMS86KEY extension specified for segment %8 DBDW11 field %8. DBDW13 MFIMS does not support asynchronous data capture, DBDW13 EXIT option for %8 changed from LOG to NOLOG. DBDW14 MFIMS does not support asynchronous data capture, DBDW14 EXIT parameter name "*" ignored. DBDW15 Variable GSAM RECORD value missing minimum length, DBDW15 MFIMS assuming minimum length 1. DBDW16 Unknown statement "%8" ignored, unsupported by MFIMS. DBDW18 Comment line continuation has non-blanks in columns 1-15, DBDW18 MFIMS assumes blank: %15% DBDW19 Duplicate keys for secondary index %8 not supported by DBDW19 MFIMS for DOS/VS ACCESS=HD database, index assumed unique. DBDW19 See Technical Reference "For the DBA" chapter. *************** IMS OPTION SPECIFIC MESSAGES - SEVERE *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 DBDL02 MFIMS does not support GSAM undefined length records. DBDL05 Bidirectional pairings exceed MFIMS limit of %4% per DBD. DBDL09 XDFLD statements exceed MFIMS limit of %4% per DBD. DBDL10 Index DBD can only contain one SEGM statement in MFIMS. DBDL10 Shared index databases must be defined with separate DBDs. DBDL11 This database requires a %5% byte MFIMS control key and DBDL11 exceeds the maximum of %4% bytes. DBDL12 XDFLD exceeds MFIMS maximum index record size of %5%. DBDL13 MFIMS user data extension incorrectly used for XDFLD DBDL13 %8. USTART operand is required when PTR=SYMB and DBDL13 concatenated key (CK) BYTES or START overridden. DBDL14 MFIMS user data extension incorrectly used in XDFLD DBDL14 %8. XDFLD USTART operand is not beyond lengths of DBDL14 CONST,SRCH,SUBSEQ, and DDATA fields. DBDL15 Segment %8, IMS86KEY value %5% must be less than DBDL15 field %8 BYTES value %5%. DBDL16 IMS86KEY operand only valid for sequenced segments. DBDL17 Number of logical children segments exceed MFIMS limit of DBDL17 %4% per DBD. DBDL18 Segment %8, field %8 exceeds MFIMS limit of 8 DBDL18 sequence fields for a virtual logical child segment. ***L19 MFIMS supports a maximum of %2 data capture EXITs per SEGM. DBDL20 Database %8, specifies ACCESS=HD and requires MFIMS DBDL20 IBM DLI PLATFORM configuration to be set to DOS/VS. DBDL21 ACCESS statements exceed MFIMS limit of %4% per DBD. DBDL99 Valid software license not present. Reason code (%4%). *************** Utility failure messages - UNRECOVERABLE DBDU01 File status %A5 opening DBDU01 file %C60. DBDU01 %B40% DBDU02 File status %A5 issuing close for DBDU02 file %C60. DBDU02 %B40% DBDU03 File status %A5 issuing read for DBDU03 file %C60. DBDU03 %B40% DBDU04 File status %5 issuing set/date for DBDGEN. DBDU04 %40% DBDU05 File status %5 issuing close for DBDGEN file. DBDU05 %40% DBDU06 File status %5 issuing close for DBDGEN field file. DBDU06 %40% DBDU07 File status %5 issuing create file for DBDGEN. DBDU07 %40% DBDU08 File status %5 issuing create file for DBDGEN field file. DBDU08 %40% DBDU09 File status %5 issuing delete for DBDGEN. DBDU09 %40% DBDU10 File status %5 issuing delete for DBDGEN field file. DBDU10 %40% DBDU11 File status %5 issuing write for DBDGEN file. DBDU11 %40% DBDU12 File status %5 issuing start/read for DBDGEN file. DBDU12 %40% DBDU13 File status %5 issuing read by key for DBDGEN file. DBDU13 %40% DBDU35 File not found %C60. ****** ****** IMSDBU API MESSAGES ****** MSG # ECHO LST LOG RC DT CAT MESSAGE TYPE ****** ----- ---- --- --- -- -- --- ------------ ****** 000-049 1 - - - - 0 PROCESS PROC ****** 050-099 2 - - - - 1 PROGRESS PROC ****** 100-149 - X - - - 2 STATISTICS ---- ****** 150-199 3 X - - - 3 DETAIL INFO, OPTS IN EFFECT DETAIL ****** 200-249 3 X - - X 4 STARTING PROC ****** 250-299 4 X X - X 5 ENDING END ****** 300-399 5 X - 04 - 6 NORMAL WARNINGS ERR ****** 400-499 5 X - 06 - 7 HIGH LEVEL WARNINGS ERR ****** 500-599 6 X - 08 - 8 NORMAL ERRORS ERR ****** 600-699 6 X - 12 - 9 RETRY ERRORS ERR ****** 700-799 6 X - 16 - 10 CONFIG/PROTOCOL ERRORS ERR ****** 800-899 6 X - 20 - 11 SEVERE ERRORS ERR ****** ****** PROCESS MESSAGES (000-049) **3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU001 %8 Segment load started DBU002 %8 Segment unload started DBU003 %8 Pointer Update started DBU004 %8 ZEROLOAD processing DBU005 %8 ZEROLOAD complete DBU006 %8 Segment add started ****** ****** PROGRESS MESSAGES (050-099) *3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU051 %8 Load %4 complete DBU052 Unloading %8 record number %13 DBU053 %8 Pointer Update processing LC number %13 DBU054 %8 Pointer Update %4 complete DBU055 %8 Load %4 complete %12 remaining DBU056 %8 Pointer Update %4 complete %12 remaining DBU057 %8 Add %4 complete DBU058 %8 Add %4 complete %12 remaining ****** ****** STATISTICS (100-149) ********3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU100 DBU100 P O I N T E R U P D A T E S T A T I S T I C S DBU100 DBU101 Segment LP ptr Pairs DBU101 Name Updated Created Deleted DBU101 ------- ------- ------- ------- DBU102 %8%%13% %13% %13% %11% %16% DBU103 ------- ------- ------- DBU103 Total %13% %13% %13% DBU103 DBU105 Segment Count Max/root Ave/root DBU105 ------- ----- -------- -------- DBU106 Segment Count Max/root Ave/root Flushed DBU106 ------- ----- -------- -------- ------- DBU107 %8%%13% %13% %13% %13% DBU108 ------- DBU108 Total %13% DBU108 DBU109 Rejected DBU109 Name Count DBU109 ------- ------- DBU110 %8%%13% DBU111 ------- DBU111 Total %13% Rejected segment(s) DBU111 DBU112 DBU112 L O A D S T A T I S T I C S DBU112 DBU113 DBU113 U N L O A D S T A T I S T I C S DBU113 DBU114 DBU114 A D D S T A T I S T I C S DBU114 DB0115 IMSUT0115I N DB0115 IMSUT0115I DBUTIL: Processing complete - %6 calls were issued. ****** ****** INFORMATIONAL - OPTIONS IN EFFECT (150-199) *****5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU150 * Options in effect: DBU150 * %78% DBU151 * %78% DBU154 USEQ LRECL=%5 DBU155 Duplicate primary key for segment %8 in DBU155 database %8. DBU155 Relative input record number (%12). DBU156 Duplicate secondary index key for segment %8 in DBU156 database %8. DBU156 Relative input record number (%12). DBU157 ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 DBU158 %9% %60% DBU158 %60% DBU158 %60% DBU158 DBU159 Pointer Update terminated. DBU159 Database(s) should be restored from backup. DBU160 Press ENTER to terminate. DBU161 Press ENTER to (C)ontinue, (Q)uit or (Z)oom. DBU162 Press ENTER to (C)ontinue. DBU163 Duplicate NOTWIN segment %8 in database %8. DBU163 Relative input record number (%12). DBU164 Loading GSAM, fixed length %6 byte records. DBU165 Loading GSAM, variable length records, %6-%6 bytes. ****** ****** STARTING MESSAGES (200-249) *3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU200 DBU200 %8 %12 started ****** ****** ENDING MESSAGES (250-299) ***3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU250 %8 %12 completed successfully DBU251 %8 %12 complete - %4 warning(s) issued. RC=%2 DBU252 %8 %12 failed. RC=%2 DBU253 %8 %12 terminated. RC=%2 ****** ****** NORMAL WARNINGS (300-399) ***3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU300 LRECL=%5 ignored for RECFM=V. DBU301 SEGM=%5 ignored for IMSDBU file layout. DBU302 DATA=%5 ignored for IMSDBU file layout. DBU303 RECFM=F ignored for IMSDBU file layout. DBU304 LRECL=%5 ignored for IMSDBU file layout. DBU305 Segment %8 not in database %8. DBU305 Future occurences of this segment will be ignored. DBU306 Pointer Update not required for database %8. DBU306 No logical child segments exist or Pointer Update DBU306 already performed for this database. DBU307 (0) Segments loaded. DBU308 Logical parent segment %8 not found in DBU308 database %8. DBU308 Logical child segment %8 deleted. DBU309 (0) Logical children segments updated. DBU310 (0) Segments unloaded. DBU311 List file in use. LIST changed to NOLIST. DBU311 DSN=%58 DBU312 Unable to open activity log file. DBU312 DSN=%58 DBU312 File name changed to IMSDBU.LOG in current directory. DBU313 Unable to open activity log file. LOG changed to NOLOG. DBU313 DSN=%58 DBU314 (0) Segments added. DBU315 Unable to insert paired segment due to duplicate key. DBU315 Logical child segment %8 deleted. ****** ****** HIGH LEVEL WARNINGS (400-499) *********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** DBU400 Warning message (308) suppressed for segment %8. DBU401 Warning message (308) suppressed for all segments. DBU402 Segment %8 not in database %8. DBU402 Warning disabled. DBU403 Invalid variable length input record. DBU403 Record length (LL) less than (%4) specification. DBU403 Relative record number (%12) will be ignored. ****** ****** NORMAL ERRORS (500-599) *****3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** RC=8 DBU500 %12 is an invalid IMSDBU function. DBU501 Database name required. DBU502 DSN is a required parameter when DBD omitted. DBU503 Invalid DSN specified. DSN=%16 DBU503 This name is reserved for the database data file. DBU504 Invalid DSN specified. DBU504 DSN=%58 DBU505 Must specify DBD when using GENERIC file layout. DBU506 Segment name position (SEGM) specification incorrect. DBU507 Segment data position (DATA) specification incorrect. DBU508 Compression not valid with RECFM(F). DBU509 IMSDBU layout specified, input file is GENERIC layout. DBU510 GENERIC layout specified, IMSDBU layout file found. DBU511 IMSDBU cannot LOAD/UNLOAD fixed length GSAM databases DBU511 that do not specify record length in the DBD. DBU512 Physical database %8 not genned. DBU513 Logical parent database %8 not genned. DBU514 USEQ not valid, no SDEP segments in DBD %8. DBU515 %8 is not a DEDB, USEQ is valid for DEDB only. DBU516 Database %8 requires Pointer Update. DBU516 %12 can not continue. DBU517 Duplicate primary key detected on input file record. DBU517 Review list file for additional information. DBU518 Duplicate secondary index key detected on input file. DBU518 Review list file for additional information. DBU519 Logical record length (LRECL) specification incorrect. DBU520 Database %8 specifies ACCESS=LOGICAL. DBU520 IMSDBU operates against physical databases only. DBU521 Database %8 specifies ACCESS=INDEX. DBU521 IMSDBU operates against physical databases only. DBU522 Invalid ACCESS= specified for database %8. DBU522 IMSDBU operates against physical databases only. DBU523 Invalid IMSDBU layout input file trailer record. DBU524 ZEROLOAD invalid for GSAM databases. DBU525 Database %8 contains no logical children segments. DBU525 PTRUPDATE function invalid. DBU526 Database CLOSE failure. Review IMSMTO.LOG for DBU526 additional information. DBU527 Invalid DSN specified. The MAKELIST function requires DBU527 that a wildcard (*) must be used when DSN is specified. DBU527 DSN=%58 DBU528 Invalid DSN specified. The DELETE function does not DBU528 allow a wildcard (*) in the DSN specification. DBU528 DSN=%58 DBU529 Duplicate NOTWIN segment in input file. DBU529 Review list file for additional information. DBU530 The ADD function is not supported for GSAM databases. DBU531 IMSDBU does not support GSAM databases. Please consult DBU531 MFIMS documentation. ****** The following errors are issued by DBUTIL - they must be in a form ****** where the "real" message text is in the 2nd. See IMSWND.MSG for a ****** description of the message format. Note that text must not exceed ****** 64 bytes else will be truncated by IMS86WTO. DB0532 IMSUT0532E N DB0532 IMSUT0532E DD statement missing/DSN not found for %8 DB0533 IMSUT0533E N DB0533 IMSUT0533E SYSIN LRECL exceeds DBUTIL maximum of %5% DB0534 IMSUT0534E N DB0534 IMSUT0534E Dynamic memory allocation failure. RC=%8% Size=%5% DB0535 IMSUT0535E N DB0535 IMSUT0535E Function is required for interactive calls DB0536 IMSUT0536E N DB0536 IMSUT0536E PCB Number is required for interactive calls DB0537 IMSUT0537E N DB0537 IMSUT0537E Cannot mix control cards with interactive call DB0538 IMSUT0538E N DB0538 IMSUT0538E SYSIN dataset not found. DSN=%60 DB0539 IMSUT0539E N DB0539 IMSUT0539E SYSIN dataset open failure status=%5% DB0539 DSN=%60 DB0540 IMSUT0540E N DB0540 IMSUT0540E terminated "LDIX" due to status code of %2% DB0541 IMSUT0541E N DB0541 IMSUT0541E SEGM %8 is not in PCB for: %8 DB0542 IMSUT0542E N DB0542 IMSUT0542E Dataset not found: %60 DB0543 IMSUT0543E N DB0543 IMSUT0543E DBUTIL terminated %4 due to status code of %2% DB0544 IMSUT0544E N DB0544 IMSUT0544E Error status= %5% reading input dataset DB0544 DSN=%60 DB0545 IMSUT0545E N DB0545 IMSUT0545E Invalid length in record. Length=%8 DB0546 IMSUT0546E N DB0546 IMSUT0546E Error opening input dataset. Status code: %5% DB0546 DSN=%60 DB0547 IMSUT0547E N DB0547 IMSUT0547E Input file not found. DB0547 DSN=%60 DB0548 IMSUT0548E N DB0548 IMSUT0548E "MLOD" can only be issued for MSDBs DB0549 IMSUT0549E N DB0549 IMSUT0549E Invalid command syntax. DSN required DB0550 IMSUT0550E N DB0550 IMSUT0550E Cannnot load remote database %8 DB0551 IMSUT0551E N DB0551 IMSUT0551E Cannot "LOAD" "INDEX" database %8 DB0552 IMSUT0552E N DB0552 IMSUT0552E Cannot "LOAD" database %8 USING "PROCSEQ" PCB DB0553 IMSUT0553E N DB0553 IMSUT0553E "USEQ" does not support "REMOTE" database DB0554 IMSUT0554E N DB0554 IMSUT0554E "USEQ" does not support "USER CAT" database DB0555 IMSUT0555E N DB0555 IMSUT0555E Error status %5% opening output dataset DB0555 DSN=%60 DB0556 IMSUT0556E N DB0556 IMSUT0556E LRECL for unload not given and default not available DB0557 IMSUT0557E N DB0557 IMSUT0557E "UNLO" of logical DBD requires a non-zero LRECL DB0557 specification, or variable length RECFM DB0558 IMSUT0558E N DB0558 IMSUT0558E "USEQ" does not support variable length DB0559 IMSUT0559E N DB0559 IMSUT0559E Invalid command syntax. RC=%4 DB0560 IMSUT0560E N DB0560 IMSUT0560E Invalid command syntax. DSN required DB0561 IMSUT0561E N DB0561 IMSUT0561E Database selected is not a DEDB DB0562 IMSUT0562E N DB0562 IMSUT0562E GSAM PCB missing required "RECLEN" parameter DB0563 IMSUT0563E N DB0563 IMSUT0563E PCB number %3 not defined in PSB DB0564 IMSUT0564E N DB0564 IMSUT0564E GSAM PCB missing required RECLEN parameter DB0565 IMSUT0565E N DB0565 IMSUT0565E Cannot issue calls against IO or ALT TP PCBs DB0566 IMSUT0566E N DB0566 IMSUT0566E DBD referenced by PCB number not defined DB0567 IMSUT0567E N DB0567 IMSUT0567E PCB number not numeric DB0568 IMSUT0568E N DB0568 IMSUT0568E PCB number cannot be zero DB0569 IMSUT0569E N DB0569 IMSUT0569E DBD name not found in PCB list DB0570 IMSUT0570E N DB0570 IMSUT0570E No PCB ID provided DB0571 IMSUT0571E N DB0571 IMSUT0571E Continuation error card number %6. Card=%65 DB0572 IMSUT0572E N DB0572 IMSUT0572E "LOAD" of logical DBD requires a non-zero LRECL DB0572 specification, or variable length RECFM DB0573 IMSUT0573E N DB0573 IMSUT0573E LRECL for load not given and default not available DB0574 IMSUT0574E N DB0574 IMSUT0574E This version of DBUTIL does not support %4 DB0575 IMSUT0575E N DB0575 IMSUT0575E %4 function only available when run as DBB or DLI DB0576 IMSUT0576E N DB0576 IMSUT0576E This version of IMSDBU only supports the batch interface DB0577 IMSUT0577E N DB0577 IMSUT0577E SYSOUT dataset open failure status=%5% DB0577 DSN=%60 DB0578 IMSUT0578E N DB0578 IMSUT0578E Write to SYSOUT dataset failure status=%5% DB0580 IMSUT0580E N DB0580 IMSUT0580E Information for PSB %8 not found in configuration file ****** ****** RETRY ERRORS (600-699) ******3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** RC=12 DBU600 Database %8 in use by %12% DBU600 IMSDBU requires exclusive use of database. DBU601 LP database %8 in use by %12% DBU601 IMSDBU requires exclusive use of database. DB0602 IMSUT0602E N DB0602 IMSUT0602E Input card dataset is busy. Try later. DB0602 DSN=%60 ****** ****** CONFIG/PROTOCOL ERRORS (700-799) ******4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** RC=16 DBU700 Segment exit %8 not found. DBU701 Segment exit %8 version mismatch. DBU702 Progress report exit %8 not found. DBU703 Progress report exit %8 version mismatch. DBU704 Input dataset to %12 function not found. DBU704 DSN=%58 DBU705 Database data files not found. DBU706 %10 databases not valid for %12 function. DBU707 %12 of fileshare database requires the MFIMS DBU707 Supervisor. ****** ****** SEVERE ERRORS (800-899) *****3*********4*********5*****|***6*********7** ****** RC=20 DBU800 Error accessing system configuration. DBU801 Error accessing DBDGEN information. DBU802 I/O error issuing OPEN for list file. DBU802 DSN=%58 DBU803 Unable to access the MFIMS database catalog. DBU804 Input file to %12 function has incorrect character set. DBU804 DSN=%58 DBU805 Fixed length file has incorrect size. DBU806 Invalid variable length input file. DBU806 Unable to read record length (LL). DBU807 Invalid variable length input file. DBU807 Record length (LL) is zero. DBU808 Invalid variable length input file. DBU808 Reached END-OF-FILE prior to END-OF-RECORD. DBU809 Invalid variable length input file. DBU809 Record length greater than 32K. DBU810 Database %8 access failure. Reason code=%4 DBU810 Review IMSMTO.LOG for additional information. DBU811 Fileshare communications error. DBU811 Review IMSMTO.LOG for additional information. DBU812 Unable to delete dataset. DBU812 DSN=%58 DBU813 Makelist file %8 failure. DBU813 DSN=%58 DBU814 %8 GSAM delete error. DBU814 DSN=%58 DBU815 File %8 failure. DBU815 DSN=%58 DBU816 Segexit %8 requested abnormal termination. DBU816 Reason code=%4. DBU817 System error - (MFIMSCC). Reason code=%2. DBU818 System memory allocation error. Reason code=%4. DBU819 %8.SLF file not found DBU819 Reason code=%4. DBU820 IMSDBU layout input file header check failure. Version DBU820 stamp on input file header incompatible with IMSDBU. DBU820 DSN=%58 DBU821 Invalid length code (LL) for variable length segment. DBU821 Input record number %11, record length %7. DBU821 DSN=%58 DBU822 GSAM database error. Review IMSMTO.LOG for details. DBU899 Valid software license not present. Reason code (%4%). ******************************************************************************* ****** DBXxxx IMSDBU NON-API MESSAGES DBX000 Usage: DBX000 MFECL /IMSDBU project-name.mvp [function {database,file-spec} [parameters]] DBX001 Functions are: DBX001 {UNLOad,ADD,LOAD,REORganize,ZEROload,PTRUpdate,USEQ,MAKElist,RUNlist,DELete,?} DBX002 Parameters are: DBX002 [INI[(file-spec)],NOINI] [DSN(file-spec)] [LAYOUT({D,G})] [SEGM(position)] DBX002 [DATA(position)] [RECFM({V,F})] [LRECL(length)] [SEGEXIT(pgmname),NOSEGEXIT] DBX002 [COMPRESS[(pgmname)],NOCOMPRESS] [MAKELISTDSN(file-spec)] [REPLACE,NOREPLACE] DBX003 [LOG[(file-spec)],NOLOG] [LIST[(file-spec),NOLIST] [LISTOPEN={NEW,MOD}]] DBX003 [ECHO({MSGS,ALL,ERREND,COND,ERRORS,ENDMSG}[,msglvl,stoplvl]),NOECHO] DBX003 [CLS,NOCLS] [PROGRESS={0-9999}] DBX100 %16 Successful DBX101 %16 Successful RC=%2 DBX102 %16 Failed RC=%2 DBX500 Input Runlist file not found. DBX500 DSN=%70 DBX501 File not found. DSN=%56 DBX800 Error processing input Runlist file. DBX800 File status=%5 - %60% DBX800 DSN=%70 DBX800 RUNLIST failed. RC=%2 DBX801 Runlist file error. File status=%5 - %36% DBX802 Heap access error. Status=%5 - %40% ****** ****** Messages for STAGE1 Export & Import utilities ST1000 IMSUT1000 N ST1000 IMSUT1000E Error opening input (STAGE 1) file, Status: %5 ST1000 DSN: %60 ST1001 IMSUT1001 N ST1001 IMSUT1001E Error opening output (EXTRACT) file, Status: %5 ST1001 DSN: %60 ST1002 IMSUT1002 N ST1002 IMSUT1002E Error opening input (EXTRACT) file, Status: %5 ST1002 DSN: %60 ST1003 IMSUT1003 N ST1003 IMSUT1003E No output (EXTRACT) file specified; stage1ext ending ST1004 IMSUT1004 N ST1004 IMSUT1004E Error opening .LST file, Status: %5 ST1004 DSN: %60 ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 * FROM IMSEQU EQUWE1 MFIMS EQU limit of %4 exceeded, extras ignored. EQUWE2 EQU %8 contains unbalanced quotes. EQUWE2 Maximum MFIMS EQU length is %4. EQU4E1 EQU %8 error, keyword already has data. EQU4E2 EQU %8 error, data already has a keyword. * FROM IMSOPLST OPLWP1 MFIMS maximum of 24 PF Keys exceeded, extras ignored. OPLWP2 MFIMS supports a maximum of %2% data capture exit routines OPLWP2 per segment, first %2% routines accepted. OPLWP3 MFIMS maximum number of %3% default cursor positions OPLWP3 exceeded. Remaining physical pages defaulting to (1,2). OPL8P1 Number of list operands exceeds MFIMS maximum of %3%. OPL8P2 Macro %8, keyword %8 has unmatched parentheses. OPLLP1 Length of operand exceeds MFIMS size of %4% bytes. OPLLP2 Number of list operands exceeds MFIMS maximum of %3%. OPLLP3 Length of list exceeds MFIMS maximum of %4% bytes. * FROM IMSMACOP MAC4A1 Continuation cannot start in column 1. MAC4A2 Expected "=", found "(", "=" is assumed. MAC4A3 Continuation expected, none received. MAC4A4 Invalid character following final quote "%1". MAC4A5 %8 has a non-numeric value "%8", assumed zero. MAC4A6 Duplicate keyword %8 specified, last one used. MAC4A7 Expected "," found ")". MACW17 DBDGEN VERSION truncated to MFIMS maximum 128 bytes. MACWA1 BLANK line not allowed, MFIMS ignores blank lines. MACWA2 Exceeded MFIMS maximum number of operands, extras ignored. MACWA3 Columns 1-15 non-blank on continuation, MFIMS assumes blank. MACWA4 LABEL exceeds 8 bytes, MFIMS truncated to 8. MACWA5 Statement type must be on 1st line, ignored. MACWA6 %8 and other macro control statements not supported by MACWA6 MFIMS. This and subsequent control statements ignored. MACWA7 Column 16 on continuation was blank, MFIMS ignoring line. MACWA8 Missing comma for continuation, MFIMS assumed present. MACWA9 Invalid value "%8" - MFIMS ignored keyword and value. MACWF1 In-line CSECT or DSECT is not supported by MFIMS. MACWF1 Ignoring all statements until END statement. MACWF2 In-line macro definitions not supported by MFIMS. MACWF2 Ignoring all statements until MEND statement. MAC8A1 Unmatched parentheses. MAC8A2 Unmatched quotes. MAC8A3 Positional operand cannot follow keyword operand: MAC8A3 %60% MACLA1 Positional operand cannot follow keyword operand: MACLA1 %60% MACLA1 MFIMS does not perform MFSGEN syntax error recovery. MACLA2 Length of operand exceeds MFIMS maximum of %4 bytes. MACLA3 Unexpected parsing error, report to Technical Support. *************** SSA HELP - WARNING MESSAGES (50 BYTES MAXIMUM) * | SSA401 SSA QUALIFIED ON HDAM ROOT KEY USING OTHER THAN SSA401 "=" RELATIONAL OPERATOR HAS UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS SSA401 UNLESS SEQUENTIAL RANDOMIZER USED. MFIMS ALWAYS SSA401 USES A SEQUENTIAL RANDOMIZER - MAINFRAME MAY NOT. *************** SSA HELP - SEVERE MESSAGES (50 BYTES MAXIMUM) * | SSA801 %50% AM SSA801 SEGMENT NAME IN DBD BUT NOT IN PCB SSA802 %50% AC SSA802 HIERARCHIC ERROR IN SSA'S. SSA802 SSA NOT HIGHER LEVEL THAN PRECEDING SSA SSA803 %50% AJ SSA803 INVALID QUALIFICATION CHARACTER: %1% SSA803 MUST BE "*", "(", OR "BLANK" SSA804 %50% AJ SSA804 USE OF "C" COMMAND CODE PRECLUDES SPECIFICATION SSA804 OF HIGHER LEVEL QUALIFIED SSA'S SSA805 %50% AJ SSA805 CANNOT SPECIFY QUALIFIED SSA'S FOR REPL OR DLET SSA806 SEGMENT: %8% IS NOT DEFINED IN DBD: %8 AC SSA806 %50% SSA807 %50% AJ SSA807 COMMAND CODE: %1% INVALID SSA808 %50% AJ SSA808 "C" COMMAND CODE CAN ONLY BE SPECIFIED ON ONE SSA SSA809 %50% AK SSA809 FIELD: %8 NOT DEFINED FOR SEGMENT: %8 SSA810 %50% AJ SSA810 FIELD COMPARISON OPERATOR INVALID: %2% SSA811 %50% AJ SSA811 BOOLEAN OPERATOR OR TERMINATOR INVALID: %1% SSA811 VALID BOOLEAN OPERATOR OR TERMINATOR IS NOT %3% SSA811 BYTES FROM THE 2 BYTE RELATIONAL OPERATOR SSA812 %50% AJ SSA812 BOOLEAN OPERATOR INVALID FOR MSDB DATABASE CALLS SSA813 %50% AJ SSA813 INVALID PARENT SPECIFICATION IN DBD: %8 SSA814 %50% AJ SSA814 WRONG LENGTH FOR CONCATENATED KEY WITH "C" COMMAND SSA814 CODE. TERMINATING ")" NOT IN CORRECT POSITION. SSA815 %50% AJ SSA815 HIERARCHICAL PATH ABOVE SEGMENT WITH "C" COMMAND SSA815 CODE DOES NOT LEAD TO A ROOT SEGMENT. INVALID DBD SSA816 %50% AJ SSA816 SSA SPECIFIES INVALID CHARACTER FOR "X" TYPE FIELD SSA816 FIELD: %8% CHARACTER: %1% SSA817 ONLY ONE SSA IS ALLOWED FOR A DLET CALL AJ SSA819 CANNOT DELETE TARGET SEGMENT OF INDEX WHEN USING AM SSA819 AN ALTERNATE PROCESSING SEQUENCE SSA820 CANNOT DELETE PHYSICAL PARENTS OF TARGET SEGMENT AM SSA820 WHEN USING AN ALTERNATE PROCESSING SEQUENCE SSA821 SEGMENT %8 IN SSA FOR %4% CALL WAS NOT AJ SSA821 RETRIEVED IN PREVIOUS CALL SSA822 INSERT CALL REQUIRES LAST SSA TO BE UNQUALIFIED AJ SSA823 INSERT CALL REQUIRES ALL SSA"S AFTER AN SSA WITH AJ SSA823 THE "D" (PATH) COMMAND CODE TO BE UNQUALIFIED SSA824 COMMAND CODES "F" AND "L" NOT ALLOWED FOR AN SSA AJ SSA824 WHICH FOLLOWS AN SSA WITH THE "D" COMMAND CODE SSA825 COMMAND CODES "F" AND "L" NOT ALLOWED ON THE LAST AJ SSA825 SSA FOR AN INSERT CALL SSA826 CANNOT INSERT A ROOT KEY CONTAINING ALL LB SSA826 "HIGH-VALUES" (X'FF') TO A HIDAM OR HISAM DATABASE SSA827 NO PREVIOUS DATABASE POSITION ESTABLISHED FOR AK SSA827 SEGMENT: %8 FOR USE BY "U" COMMAND CODE SSA828 NO PREVIOUS DATABASE POSITION ESTABLISHED FOR AK SSA828 SEGMENT: %8 FOR USE BY "V" COMMAND CODE SSA829 PROCESSING OPTIONS DO NOT ALLOW PATH CALL FOR AM SSA829 SEGMENT: %8 SSA830 DBD: %8 CONTAINS INVALID "PARENT" DEFINITIONS AC SSA830 STARTING AT SEGMENT: %8 SSA831 %4% CALL NOT ALLOWED BY PROCESSING OPTIONS FOR AM SSA831 SEGMENT: %8. PROCOPT=%4% SSA832 CANNOT INSERT TO AN INDEX DATABASE AM SSA833 CANNOT INSERT TARGET SEGMENT OF INDEX WHEN USING AM SSA833 AN ALTERNATE PROCESSING SEQUENCE SSA834 CANNOT ISRT PHYSICAL PARENTS OF TARGET SEGMENT OF AM SSA834 INDEX WHEN USING AN ALTERNATE PROCESSING SEQUENCE SSA835 ISRT CALL REQUIRES AT LEAST ONE SSA AH SSA836 NO "PCB" "SENSEG" PROCESSING OPTION ALLOWS %4% AM SSA836 CALL. PROBABLE CAUSES: ISSUING REPL/DLET AND NO SSA836 "R", "D", OR "A" PROCOPT OR ISSUING A GET CALL SSA836 USING A 'LOAD' PSB. SSA837 CANNOT SPECIFY MORE THAN ONE SSA FOR MSDB DATABASE FT SSA838 CANNOT ISSUE %4% CALLS TO MSDB DATABASE TYPES FC SSA838 OTHER THAN "DYNAMIC". SSA839 CANNOT ISSUE %4% CALL FOR NON-OWNED LTERM. FC SSA839 OWNED LTERM: %8% ATTEMPTED UPDATE: %8% SSA840 "POS" CALL WITH SSA CAN ONLY HAVE ONE SSA AJ SSA841 DEDB %8 DOES NOT HAVE ANY SDEP"S FOR "POS" AJ SSA842 "POS" CALL WITH SSA NOT FOR ROOT SEGMENT MUST AJ SSA842 NAME SDEP. SSA NAMED: %8 SSA842 DEDB: %8 SDEP: %8 SSA843 "POS" CALL WITH SSA NOT FOR ROOT SEGMENT MUST AJ SSA843 HAVE POSITION ON ROOT SEGMENT. NO POSITION SSA843 ESTABLISHED. SSA844 "POS" CALL SSA MUST BE FOR ROOT OR SDEP AJ SSA845 MUST BE SENSITIVE TO SEQUENCE FIELD FOR INSERT TO AM SSA845 %8 USING FIELD LEVEL SENSITIVITY SSA846 CHANGED FIELD DEFINED AS REPL=N USING FIELD LEVEL DA SSA846 SENSITIVITY. PCB #: %3% SENFLD "START=" %5% SSA847 %50% AK SSA847 NO "SENFLD" FOR %8 IN "SENSEG": %8 SSA848 SEGMENT NAME IN SSA WAS ALL "BLANKS" AC SSA849 "FLD" CALL CAN ONLY USE ONE SSA FOR ROOT AJ SSA850 %50% AJ SSA850 BOOLEAN OPERATOR OR TERMINATOR INVALID: %1% SSA850 FAST PATH "HEX" FIELD TERMINATOR IS NOT %3% SSA850 POSITIONS FROM THE 2 BYTE RELATIONAL OPERATOR *************** SSA HELP - MFIMS SEVERE MESSGES SSAL01 %50% AU SSAL01 EXCEEDED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BOOLEAN EXPRESSSIONS SSAL01 SUPPORTED BY MFIMS. MAXIMUM IS %3% SSAL02 UPDATE WITH FIELD LEVEL SENSITIVITY REQUIRES AV SSAL02 DBDGEN FROM VERSION 2.5.01 OR LATER. DBD: %8 SSAL03 UPDATE WITH FIELD LEVEL SENSITIVITY REQUIRES AV SSAL03 PSBGEN FROM VERSION 2.5.01 OR LATER. PCB #: %3 SSAL04 %50% AU SSAL04 EXCEEDED AGGREGATE LENGTH OF FIELD VALUES IN SSA"S SSAL04 AGGREGATE TOTAL SUPPORTED BY MFIMS IS %5% SSAL05 %50% AU SSAL05 EXCEEDED MAXIMUM LENGTH OF SSA SUPPORTED BY MFIMS SSAL05 LENGTH SUPPORTED IS %5% * COMMIT/ROLLBACK MESSAGES (64 BYTES MAXIMUM) | RLM001 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM001 MSG ID: RLM001 RLM001 A DATABASE RECORD IS IN USE BY %12% RLM001 DATABASE: %8 RLM001 ROOT KEY: %50% RLM001 %76% RLM001 Options: RLM001 R - Retry database request RLM001 T - Terminate your application and backout updates RLM001 RLM002 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM002 MSG ID: RLM002 RLM002 DATABASE %8 IS IN USE BY %12% RLM002 %76% RLM002 Options: RLM002 R - Retry database request RLM002 T - Terminate the application RLM002 RLM002 * RLM003 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM003 MSG ID: RLM003 RLM003 FILESHARE DATA ROLLED BACK - TIMEOUT EXCEEDED RLM003 RLM003 RLM003 Press ENTER to terminate transaction and backout all updates * RLM005 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM005 MSG ID: RLM005 RLM005 ERROR DURING DASD SPACE RELEASE OR RELEASING READ LOCKS RLM005 RLM005 %76% RLM005 %76% RLM005 %76% RLM005 %76% * RLM006 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM006 MSG ID: RLM006 RLM006 DB UTILITY COMMIT FAILURE. RC=%3%/%3% RLM006 RLM006 The COMMIT issued by a DB utility for an MFIMS Fileshare RLM006 database failed. Re-try failed utility. RLM006 RLM006 Press ENTER to terminate utility * RLM007 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM007 MSG ID: RLM007 RLM007 MFIMS SUPERVISOR USER STATUS COMMIT FAILURE. RC=%3%/%3% RLM007 RLM007 With Worbench version 2.5, the COMMIT to initialize the MFIMS RLM007 Supervisor User Status file failed. RLM007 RLM007 Press ENTER to terminate transaction and backout updates * RLM010 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM010 MSG ID: RLM010 RLM010 EXCEEDED MAXIMUM UPDATES ALLOWED BEFORE IMS SYNC POINT RLM010 RLM010 RLM010 Options: RLM010 R - Resume application without commit RLM010 T - Terminate the application and backout updates RLM010 RLM010 * RLM012 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM012 MSG ID: RLM012 RLM012 MFIMS DB SUPERVISOR REQUEST %8 FAILED WITH STATUS %5 RLM012 RLM012 The Fileshare IMS DB Supervisor had an unrecoverable error RLM012 processing a request for a database call. Check the Fileshare RLM012 session for more information. RLM012 RLM012 RLM012 Press ENTER to terminate transaction and backout updates * RLM013 MFIMS FILESHARE ACCESS MANAGER RLM013 MSG ID: RLM013 RLM013 "%8" ERROR OCCURRED - CONTINUATION MAY BE POSSIBLE RLM013 STATUS: %5 %40% RLM013 RLM013 Review IMSMTO.LOG file for additional error information RLM013 RLM013 Options: RLM013 C - Continue by returning error to application RLM013 T - Terminate the application * RLM014 MFIMS FILESHARE ACCESS MANAGER RLM014 MSG ID: RLM014 RLM014 "%8" ERROR OCCURRED - CONTINUATION NOT POSSIBLE RLM014 STATUS: %5 %40% RLM014 RLM014 Review IMSMTO.LOG file for additional error information RLM014 RLM014 Press ENTER to terminate transaction and backout updates * RLM015 MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER RLM015 MSG ID: RLM015 RLM015 RLM015 The Fileshare IMS Database Supervisor (IMSSUPER) detected is not RLM015 compatible with this product. IMSSUPER from MFIMS 3.1.53 or RLM015 later is required. RLM015 RLM015 RLM015 Press ENTER to terminate transaction and backout updates * *************** EXEC/DLI RUN-TIME MESSAGES | EXD001 MSG ID: EXD001 MFIMS EXEC DLI SERVICES EXD001 EXEC DLI ABEND DUE TO DL/I STATUS CODE OF: %10% EXD001 %76% EXD001 %60% EXD001 %60% EXD001 %60% EXD001 %60% EXD001 Options: C - Continue processing - ignore error EXD001 T - Terminate the application EXD001 * EXD002 MSG ID: EXD002 MFIMS EXEC DLI SERVICES EXD002 EXEC DLI ABEND DUE TO DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION FAILURE EXD002 EXD002 EXD002 Press ENTER to terminate application * EXD003 MSG ID: EXD003 MFIMS EXEC DLI SERVICES EXD003 EXEC DLI ABEND DUE TO (MFPM) POINTER CONVERSION ERROR EXD003 EXD003 EXD003 Press ENTER to terminate application * *************** MFIMS GENERAL ERROR MESSAGE PANEL | ERR001 MSG ID: ERR001 MFIMS SYSTEM ERROR ERR001 %76% ERR001 %76% ERR001 %76% ERR001 %76% ERR001 %76% ERR001 %76% ERR001 %76% ERR001 ERR001 Press ENTER to terminate the application * ERR002 MSG ID: ERR002 MFIMS SYSTEM ERROR ERR002 %76% ERR002 %76% ERR002 %76% ERR002 %76% ERR002 %76% ERR002 %76% ERR002 %76% ERR002 Options: C - Continue processing - ignore error ERR002 T - Terminate the application * ERR003 MSG ID: ERR003 MFIMS SYSTEM ERROR ERR003 %76% ERR003 %76% ERR003 %76% ERR003 %76% ERR003 %76% ERR003 %76% ERR003 %76% ERR003 Options: R - Retry processing which caused error ERR003 T - Terminate the application * ERR009 MSG ID: ERR009 MFIMS SYSTEM ERROR ERR009 CANNOT DISPLAY MFS MODEL 5 SCREEN WITH INSTALLED MONITOR ADAPTER ERR009 %76% ERR009 ERR009 You must set the TM/MFS System Configuration 'Monitor card for Model 5' ERR009 setting to indicate the video adapter installed in your machine. It ERR009 must be a suitable setting for the operating system, Workbench version, ERR009 and text or graphics environment you are running with. ERR009 ERR009 Press ENTER to terminate the application * ERR010 MSG ID: ERR010 MFIMS SYSTEM ERROR ERR010 ERROR DISPLAYING MFS MODEL 5 SCREEN USING 8514 ADAPTER INTERFACE ERR010 %76% ERR010 ERR010 Ref number : %4% Ret Code: %6% ERR010 Font status: %5% %40% ERR010 Font file : %55 ERR010 %76% ERR010 ERR010 Press ENTER to terminate the application * *************** WARNING MESSAGES | RMT401 NOT USED *************** SEVERE ERRORS RMT801 Requester received unrecognized packet from Server RMT801 Rmt IMS packet out-of-sequence or invalid packet format RMT802 Server received unrecognized packet from Requester RMT802 Rmt IMS packet out-of-sequence or invalid packet format RMT803 Remote Server rejected config info - Invalid version RMT804 Remote Server rejected config info - Invalid packet size RMT805 Remote Server rejected config info - Reason code: %2% RMT806 Local system rejected config info - Invalid version RMT807 Local system rejected config info - Max packet too large RMT808 Local system rejected config info - Max packet too small RMT809 Local system rejected config info - Invalid AIB flag RMT810 Local system received invalid system packet return code RMT811 Status code: %2% RMT812 Return/Reason code: %8%/%8% RMT813 Error code: %2% RMT814 Cannot send "AIBTDLI" calls to nno-AIB Server RMT814 AIBRSNM1: %8% RMT815 "PCB" "LEVEL" returned from %4% call was not 00-15 RMT815 PCB level returned: %2% RMT816 "PCB" "SEGNAME" returned from %4% call not defined in RMT816 local database. PCB SEGNAME returned: %8% RMT817 SSA"s for DL/I call too large for configured packet size. RMT817 Re-configure Requester and/or Server for larger size RMT818 Segment length descriptors for non-AIBTDLI call too large RMT818 for configured DL/I packet size. Descriptor type: %1 RMT818 Re-configure Requester and/or Server for larger size RMT819 REPL or DLET call followed unsuccessful get-hold call RMT820 Local system rejected config info - invalid PLU ID RMT821 Remote Server rejected config info - Buffer Size changes RMT821 implemented incorrectly - review Server customization RMT822 Remote system rejected config info - Mis-matched Server RMT822 software components - review Server installation RMT823 Remote system received invalid segment length descriptors RMT823 for processing of DL/I call which cannot use AIBTDLI RMT824 Remote system could not determine length of a segment RMT824 by using a DBD segment name descriptor table RMT825 Remote system could not determine length of an I/O area RMT825 by using a segment level descriptor table RMT826 Local system could not determine length of a segment with RMT826 the maximum segment length descriptor for: %8 RMT827 Local system rejected Server config info RMT827 Server returned invalid heuristic sync point setting RMT828 The AIB for an AIBTDLI call does not fit in the current RMT828 packet size. Correct the AIBLEN value of %5% or configure RMT828 the Requester and/or Server to allow a larger size. RMT829 Cannot send Schedule-PSB to Server for an ACB/PSB which was RMT829 dynamically generated using the Dynamic Database Attach RMT829 call interface RMT830 Cannot send DL/I call to Server for a PCB which was RMT830 dynamically generated/added to a previously scheduled PSB RMT830 using the Dynamic Database Attach call interface (DDBA) RMT831 Remote system did not have PCB defined for scheduled PSB RMT831 (using CBLTDLI and Server PCB address was "NULL") RMT832 Server"s DL/I packet size too small for returned data. RMT832 See Remote IMS manual for limits or review your Server RMT832 configuration. RMT833 Unsupported DL/I call function RMT833 PCB number: %4% DL/I call: %4% RMT834 PCB key feedback returned from Server was larger than RMT834 the space reserved for "KEYLEN" in the local PSBGEN RMT834 PCB KEYLEN: %4% Length returned: %4% RMT835 This DL/I update call requires packet size of %5%. RMT835 Re-configure Requester and/or Server for larger size RMT836 Error accessing "UseridFile" defined in RMTIMS.INI. RMT836 Status: %5 %40% RMT836 File : %60 RMT837 Error updating "UseridFile" defined in RMTIMS.INI. RMT837 Status: %5 %40% RMT837 File : %60 RMT838 Logical database references a DBD which has not been RMT838 Genned or an invalid SEGM name in that DBD. DBD and RMT838 SEGM of %8/%8 was not found in DBDGENs. RMT839 A physical database contains a logical child segment RMT839 whose logical parent database was not Genned or its SEGM RMT839 name is invalid. DBD and SEGM %8/%8 not found. RMT840 I/O Error accessing DBDGEN file. Status: %2% RMT840 See MFIMS System Log for more information. RMT841 Unexpected response from CCITCP. RC=%4%. RMT841 %60% RMT841 %60% RMT841 %60% RMT842 Unexpected response from Mainframe Manager. RMT842 RC=%3% - %40% RMT842 %60% RMT843 Received zero length packet from CCI. RMT843 Remote IMS terminating. RMT844 Mainframe Manager version handshake failure. Remote RMT844 IMS terminating. Version/Release/Modification: %5. *************** HINTS FOR Communications PROBLEMS RMTH01 Likely cause: Comm Mgr has not been started. Or try RMTH01 deactivating unused TP Programs using SNA Subsys Mgmt. RMTH01 See Remote IMS manual for complete information. RMTH02 Likely causes: CPI-C Side File name %8 is not defined RMTH02 or some parameter within side file entry is invalid. RMTH02 See Remote IMS manual for complete information. RMTH03 There is no outgoing APPC LU available on the SNA Server RMTH03 machine. Or, the CPIC Side File name %8 is not defined RMTH03 or a parameter in the side file definition is invalid. RMTH04 The communications product rejected the initialization RMTH04 request for CPI-C Side File %8. See its error log RMTH04 for more information or see the Remote IMS manual. RMTH05 Possible cause: Server trancode is stopped on IMS/ESA RMTH06 The LU 6.2 session could not be activated. Possible causes RMTH06 are: RMTH06 1) The LINK to the remote system is not available RMTH06 2) APPC/MVS is not available or not started RMTH07 The LU 6.2 session could not be activated. This error code RMTH07 may be caused by IMS/ESA's IMS/APPC subsystem not being RMTH07 available or not being started. RMTH08 The LU 6.2 session could not be activated. Check that the RMTH08 Partner LU, TP name, Mode and security values in the Side RMTH08 File %8 are valid and match your host system. RMTH09 The LU 6.2 session could not be activated - see your RMTH09 communication product's log for more information. Or, use RMTH09 its trace facility to determine the SNA sense data. RMTH10 The Windows CPI-C startup call failed. Review your CPI-C RMTH10 installation and its log files. Check that your APPC CPI-C RMTH10 product is supported by Remote IMS. RMTH11 The Windows CPI-C startup failed - subsystem not active. RMTH11 Start your underlying network and/or SNA subsystems. RMTH12 Your UseridFile may be damaged. Try deleting it and retry. RMTH12 %60% RMTH12 Ensure its directory is not shared by any other user. RMTH13 The memory area which contains the stored userid/password RMTH13 has been modified. Issue a "close mfdaemon" command or RMTH13 shutdown your system and retry the connection. RMTH14 SNA Server rejected initialization for CPI-C Side File RMTH14 name %8. See NT Event Viewer or use Windows 95/3.x RMTH14 SNA Client Tracing for detailed error messages. See Remote RMTH14 IMS manual for general assistance. RMTH15 The LU 6.2 session could not be established. This is often RMTH15 caused by an error in the communications configuration. See RMTH15 your communication product's log for more information. Or, RMTH15 use its trace facility to determine the SNA sense data. RMTH16 Likely cause: Your APPCLLU environment variable setting is RMTH16 invalid or Comm Mgr has not been started. See the Remote RMTH16 IMS manual for complete information. RMTH17 This can be caused by an incorrect APPC LUNAME setting in RMTH17 Mainframe Manager configuration. RMTH18 This can be caused by an incorrect APPC MODENAME setting RMTH18 in Mainframe Manager configuration. RMTH19 This can be caused by IMS/ESA not started. *************** HINTS FOR APSB PROBLEMS | RMTA01 IMS/ESA PSB name: %8 RMTA02 IMS/ESA PSB %8 is not Genned RMTA03 IMS/ESA PSB %8 authorization failure RMTA04 IMS/ESA PSB %8 is marked permanently bad RMTA05 IMS/ESA PSB %8 has stopped/locked database RMTA06 IMS/ESA PSB %8 already scheduled, check its SCHDTYP RMTA07 IMS/ESA PSB %8 is stopped or locked RMTA08 IMS/ESA PSB %8 - PSBW or DLDP pool too small RMTA51 Remote MFIMS system failed to initialize. PSB: %8 RMTA52 Remote MFIMS system installed incorrectly RMTA53 Remote MFIMS system has IMSCFG set wrong RMTA54 Remote MFIMS system I/O error for DBDGEN file RMTA55 Remote MFIMS system I/O error for PSBGEN file RMTA56 PSB %8 not Genned on Remote MFIMS system RMTA57 PSB %8 on Remote MFIMS system contains no DB PCBs *************** HINTS FOR DLI/AIB CALL PROBLEMS | RMTD01 I/O area in AIBTDLI call on Server too small RMTD02 AIBTDLI "PCBNAME" genned on MFIMS not on IMS/ESA RMTD03 Output area length for AIBTDLI call invalid *************** HINT FOR SRRCMIT/BACK PROBLEMS | RMTS01 Server SRRCMIT failed - check IMS/ESA install and Server RMTS02 Server SRRBACK failed - check IMS/ESA install and Server *************** EXCEEDED LIMITS OR MFIMS PROBLEMS RMTL01 DL/I packet size required exceeds MFIMS limit of 32000 RMTL03 Dynamic storage allocation failed - likely out of memory RMTL03 Return code: %4% Amount: %5% RMTL04 Free for dynamic storage failed. Return Code: %4% RMTL05 Dynamic storage allocation failed - "OFFSET" too large RMTL05 Amount: %5% 64K page offset: %6% RMTL05 Check "COBSW" memory management setting (suballoc > 8K) RMTL06 Error processing RMTIMS.INI file - Reason code: %2% RMTL06 %60% RMTL06 %60% RMTL07 RMTIMS.INI file contains invalid keyword: %30 RMTL08 Requester V%10 "INI" keyword has invalid value. RMTL08 Keyword : %20 RMTL08 Value is: %30% RMTL08 It must be: %50% RMTL09 Error managing Database Catalog Profile configurations. RMTL09 Exceeded maximum number of %4% active profiles. RMTL10 RMTIMS.INI FILE CONTAINS LINE WITH INVALID SYNTAX RMTL10 Line : %60% RMTL10 Error: %60% RMTL11 Missing required RMTIMS.INI file. This configuration file RMTL11 must be in either the Installation Settings or User Settings RMTL11 configuration directory. RMTL12 Section not found - BaseConfiguration RMTL12 This section is required in the RMTIMS.INI file. RMTL13 The RMTIMS.INI file's "BaseConfiguration" is missing the RMTL13 required "ServerName" keyword. The ServerName determines RMTL13 which Remote IMS Server you connect to. RMTL14 Section not found - Server:%14 RMTL14 The Server definition section named by "ServerName" was RMTL14 not found in the RMTIMS.INI file. RMTL15 "CpicSideFile" keyword missing from Server:%14. RMTL15 This keyword names the CPI-C side file which is defined RMTL15 in your communications product. RMTL16 The "ServerName" value cannot be "*Profiles". This value RMTL16 is reserved for future use. Or, your RMTIMS.INI file is RMTL16 not supported by this version of the Requester. RMTL17 Could not load a required communications product DLL. RMTL17 DLL: %60 RMTL17 Check its installation and setup - your LIBPATH may be RMTL17 wrong or support for APPC and/or CPI-C is missing. RMTL18 Could not load a required communications product DLL. RMTL18 DLL: %60 RMTL18 Check its installation and setup - your PATH statement may RMTL18 be wrong or support for APPC and/or CPI-C is missing. RMTL19 Could not load MS SNA DLL %24. Check RMTL19 your SNA client installation - your PATH may be wrong RMTL19 or the client is not from SNA Server V2.1 or later. RMTL20 Micro Focus Workbench needs upgrade to version 4.0 or later RMTL21 The Micro Focus OSX component (for IMS Production Option) RMTL21 needs upgrading to version 4.0 or later. RMTL22 Could not load RMTIMS1O.DLL file. Check that it is in your RMTL22 IMSDIR directory and that IMSDIR is listed in your LIBPATH. RMTL23 The RMTIMS.INI file is missing a required keyword and value. RMTL23 With CommsProduct=GENERIC, the CommsDLLname is required. RMTL24 Windows CPI-C cleanup failure can occur when your program or RMTL24 another product is using CPI-C and it made a WinCPICCleanup RMTL24 call before the Requester terminated. For these cases, you RMTL24 must set "WhenStopTP=Never" in the Requester configuration. RMTL25 WhenStopTP must be "Never" for CommsProduct=Generic. TP RMTL25 management is only provided in product-specific interfaces. RMTL26 WhenStopTP cannot be "Never" for CommsProduct=CM2. Use RMTL26 "Idle" or "Region". See Remote IMS manual for details. RMTL27 WhenStopTP cannot be "Never" for CommsProduct=CM2V2. Use RMTL27 "Idle" or "Region". See Remote IMS manual for details. RMTL28 WhenStopTP must be "Never" for CommsProduct=MSSNA on OS/2. RMTL28 MSSNA only provides this capability on Windows systems. RMTL29 Error loading DLL for CommsProduct=%12. RC=%5% RMTL29 Missing: %50% RMTL29 Check your LIBPATH and communications installation RMTL30 "Query" error %5% for DLL: %30 RMTL30 DLL is missing CPI-C function %14. This is a RMTL30 required function provided by CommsProduct=%12. RMTL30 Check your CommsProduct value and your LIBPATH. RMTL31 Error loading required communications DLL. RMTL31 DLL: %60 RMTL31 This DLL contains 16-bit CPI-C functions but your INI RMTL31 CommsProduct indicates a 32-bit comms product. RMTL32 Error loading required communications DLL. RMTL32 DLL: %60 RMTL32 This DLL contains 32-bit CPI-C functions but your INI RMTL32 CommsProduct indicates a 16-bit comms product. RMTL33 Must specify "MFMServerName" keyword or both "MFMNode" RMTL33 and "MFMPort" keywords when using CommsProduct CCITCP. RMTL33 These keywords identify the Mainframe Manager Server. RMTL34 The "MFMIMSID" keyword is missing. This specifies the RMTL34 logical name assigned to IMS/ESA in Mainframe Manager's RMTL34 Server configuration. RMTL35 Required Userid/Password missing. RMTL36 Userid and/or Password invalid. * RMTL89 PROTOCOL VIOLATION - Contact technical support. RMTL89 Cleanup call(s) required before continuing DL/I calls. RMTL90 PROTOCOL VIOLATION - Requester called with invalid sequence RMTL90 of functions. Expecting rollback - received %8. RMTL90 Contact technical support. RMTL91 REQUESTER CALLED WITH UNKNOWN FUNCTION. Record entire RMTL91 contents of this message and contact technical support. RMTL92 Cannot run MFRMTTST program once DL/I call made to Remote RMTL92 IMS database in ApplRgn. Test request ignored. RMTL93 SEVERE ERROR - CANNOT PERFORM COMMUNICATION CLEANUP. RMTL93 Previously acquired storage is no longer accessible. RMTL93 Contact technical support. RMTL94 UNKNOWN OPERATING SYSTEM - O/S code %3%. RMTL94 Check that you are running Remote IMS on supported platform. RMTL95 ERROR REGISTERING WITH MFIMS SYNC POINT COORDINATOR RMTL96 PRODUCT MIS-MATCH - Remote IMS Requester for IMS Production RMTL96 Option cannot be used with the IMS Option product. IMSDIR RMTL96 does not name a directory containing IMS Production Option. RMTL97 The MFIMS system is not at the minimum level required for RMTL97 Remote IMS. The minimum MFIMS version is 3.1.01. RMTL98 ASCII-EBCDIC product mis-match. The character set of the RMTL98 MFIMS system must be EBCDIC. RMTL99 UNRECOVERABLE SYSTEM ERROR - Reason code: %4% RMTL99 Contact technical support. *************** POP-UP WINDOW ERRORS (64 BYTES MAXIMUM) | * RMT001 MSG ID: RMT001 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT001 Warning: Exceeded your configured limit of updates between sync points RMT001 RMT001 If you continue, issuing %4% more update call(s) before a sync point RMT001 re-displays this warning. Change the Update Limit value shown below RMT001 to change this limit. A value of 9999 disables this warning. RMT001 RMT001 C - Continue running application RMT001 T - Terminate the application and backout updates RMT001 * LOG001 Remote IMS - Exceeded maximum number of updates before a LOG001 sync point. Change your Requester configuration to allow LOG001 more than %4 update calls, if needed. * RMT003 MSG ID: RMT003 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT003 FAILURE MANAGING SHARED MEMORY BUFFERS FOR CPI-C CALLS RMT003 Function code: %4% Reason code: %5% RMT003 RMT003 The Requester cannot re-use some shared memory. 40Kb of additional RMT003 memory will be allocated for buffers and will not be released RMT003 until you return to the operating system. RMT003 RMT003 C - Continue application - ignore extra memory usage RMT003 T - Terminate the application * LOG003 REMOTE IMS ERROR MANAGING MEMORY BUFFERS FOR CPI-C CALLS LOG003 Function code: %4% Reason code: %5% LOG003 The Requester cannot re-use some shared memory. 40Kb of LOG003 additional memory will be allocated for buffers and will LOG003 not be released until you return to the operating system. * LOGT03 REMOTE IMS ERROR MANAGING MEMORY BUFFERS FOR CPI-C CALLS LOGT03 Function code: %4% Reason code: %5% LOGT03 The Requester test program cannot re-use the shared memory LOGT03 buffers. This error does not prevent applications from LOGT03 making DL/I calls to Remote Databases. The first DL/I call LOGT03 issues a popup warning message from which you can continue. * RMT004 MSG ID: RMT004 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT004 ** PLEASE WAIT ** RMT004 RMT004 RMT004 Connecting to Remote IMS Server: %14 RMT004 * RMT005 MSG ID: RMT005 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT005 CONVERSATION PENDING TO REMOTE IMS SERVER - EXCEEDED CONNECT TIMEOUT RMT005 RMT005 A conversation is in the process of being established. You have been RMT005 waiting longer than your configured timeout period. The IMS/ESA regions RMT005 may not be active or the maximum number may be in use. RMT005 RMT005 C - Continue waiting for conversation RMT005 T - Terminate the application * LOG005 Remote IMS Requester could not establish a conversation LOG005 to %14 within %4% seconds. Your Connect Timeout LOG005 value may be too small or the remote system is not LOG005 available or is at capacity. * RMT006 MSG ID: RMT006 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT006 SERVER HAS NOT RESPONDED TO A DL/I CALL REQUEST - EXCEEDED DLI TIMEOUT RMT006 RMT006 A DL/I call has been sent to the Server but no response has been received. RMT006 You have been waiting longer than the configured wait time. A segment in RMT006 database %8 is probably locked by another user. RMT006 RMT006 C - Continue waiting RMT006 T - Terminate the application * LOG006 Remote IMS Requester has not received DL/I call response LOG006 from %14 within %4% seconds. A segment in LOG006 database %8 is probably locked by another user. LOG006 Increase the DLI Timeout value for a longer wait period. * * 007 IS FOR INI FILE/SETTING ERRORS RMT007 MSG ID: RMT007 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT007 %60% RMT007 RMT007 %60% RMT007 %60% RMT007 %60% RMT007 RMT007 C - Continue - ignore value and use default instead RMT007 T - Terminate the application RMT007 * RMT008 MSG ID: RMT008 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT008 Update calls are not allowed to databases using Server %14 RMT008 RMT008 Your Requester configuration does not allow update calls. A DL/I %4 RMT008 call for database %8 was attempted with PSB %8. RMT008 RMT008 Contact your system administrator if you need update authorization. RMT008 RMT008 RMT008 Press ENTER to terminate the application * LOG008 RMT IMS - Update calls not allowed to Server %14. LOG008 A DL/I %4 call was issued for database %8. LOG008 Contact your system administrator for update authorization. * RMT009 MSG ID: RMT009 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT009 HEURISTIC ROLLBACK SUCCESSFUL - CANNOT CONTINUE SERVER CONVERSATION RMT009 Local Program Type: %8 Server PSB: %8% RMT009 A communications error occurred and cleanup was needed. The rollback was RMT009 successful - all updates were backed out or are pending backout. If you RMT009 continue, the next Remote Database call will start a new conversation. RMT009 Note: If the IMS/ESA PSB defined exclusive locks with PROCOPT=E, they are no RMT009 longer owned by the local program. A new conversation will re-acquire them. RMT009 C - Continue, allow new conversation RMT009 T - Terminate application * RMT010 MSG ID: RMT010 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT010 HEURISTIC COMMIT SUCCESSFUL - CANNOT CONTINUE SERVER CONVERSATION RMT010 Local Program Type: %8 Server PSB: %8% RMT010 A communications error occurred and cleanup was needed. The commit was RMT010 successful - no database updates had been made. If you continue, the next RMT010 Remote Database call will start a new conversation. RMT010 Note: If the IMS/ESA PSB defined exclusive locks with PROCOPT=E, they are no RMT010 longer owned by the local program. A new conversation will re-acquire them. RMT010 C - Continue, allow new conversation RMT010 T - Terminate application * RMT011 MSG ID: RMT011 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT011 HEURISTIC ROLLBACK SUCCESSFUL - SERVER CONVERSATION LOST RMT011 RMT011 A communications error occurred and cleanup was needed. The rollback was RMT011 successful - all updates were backed out or are pending backout. See the RMT011 IMSMTO.LOG file for a description of the failure(s). RMT011 RMT011 RMT011 Press ENTER to complete cleanup RMT011 * RMT012 MSG ID: RMT012 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT012 HEURISTIC ROLLBACK SUCCESSFUL - SERVER CONVERSATION NO LONGER AVAILABLE RMT012 RMT012 A previous Remote Database call failed or was interrupted while in progress. RMT012 The rollback which followed was successful - all updates were backed out or RMT012 are pending backout. RMT012 RMT012 RMT012 Press ENTER to complete cleanup RMT012 * RMT014 MSG ID: RMT014 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT014 SERVER HAS NOT RESPONDED TO PSB SCHEDULE REQUEST - EXCEEDED DLI TIMEOUT RMT014 RMT014 There has been no response from the Server to perform an APSB call to RMT014 schedule PSB %8. You have been waiting longer than your configured RMT014 wait time. The PSB may require an exclusive lock for a DB which is in use. RMT014 Note: If your Server performs PSB name mapping, its PSB name is different. RMT014 RMT014 C - Continue waiting RMT014 T - Terminate the application * RMT015 MSG ID: RMT015 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMT015 IDLE CLIENT TIMEOUT CAUSED REMOTE IMS SERVER DISCONNECTION RMT015 RMT015 The TCP/IP connection to Mainframe Manager has expired due to idle client RMT015 timeout. The Remote IMS Server session was disconnected and the server RMT015 rolled back. All updates were backed out or are pending backout. RMT015 RMT015 Press ENTER to complete cleanup * LOG014 Remote IMS Requester has not received APSB call response LOG014 from %14 within %4% seconds. PSB %8 may LOG014 be requesting an exclusive lock for a DB which is in use. LOG014 Increase the DLI Timeout value for a longer wait period. * * THE EXX POPUPS CONTAIN SAME DATA EXCEPT FOR THE ENDING PROMPT * RMTE01 MSG ID: RMTERR REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 %64% RMTE01 Press ENTER to terminate * RMTE02 MSG ID: RMTERR REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 %64% RMTE02 Press ENTER to terminate application * RMTE03 MSG ID: RMTERR REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 %64% RMTE03 Press ENTER to cleanup communications for continued use * RMTE04 MSG ID: RMTERR REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 %64% RMTE04 Press ENTER to continue with communications cleanup * RMTE05 MSG ID: RMTERR REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 %64% RMTE05 Press ENTER to continue * * C0X ARE COMMS CLEANUP POPUPS, CLX ARE CLEANUP LOG MSGS * POPUP CAN BE 76 CHARACTERS, LOG MSGS 62 (60 IF POSSIBLE) * RMTC01 MSG ID: RMTC01 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTC01 MANUAL DEACTIVATION OF CONVERSATION MAY BE REQUIRED RMTC01 RMTC01 The conversation to the Server could not be terminated. Use your RMTC01 communication operator services to check for a conversation. If one RMTC01 exists, deactivate your LU and/or LINK to free the Server from occupying RMTC01 an IMS/ESA region. The IMSMTO.LOG file contains detailed failure messages. RMTC01 RMTC01 %76% RMTC01 Press ENTER to continue * RMTCQ1 MSG ID: RMTCQ3 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTCQ1 MANUAL DEACTIVATION OF CONVERSATION MAY BE REQUIRED RMTCQ1 RMTCQ1 A conversation startup could not be cancelled and may have completed. Use RMTCQ1 your communication operator services to check for a conversation. If one RMTCQ1 exists, deactivate your LU and/or LINK to free the Server from occupying RMTCQ1 an IMS/ESA region. The IMSMTO.LOG file contains detailed failure messages. RMTCQ1 RMTCQ1 Press ENTER to continue * RMTC02 MSG ID: RMTC02 REMOTE IMS REQUESTER RMTC02 ERROR PERFORMING COMMUNICATIONS CLEANUP - MESSAGE(S) LOGGED RMTC02 RMTC02 One or more errors occurred resetting communications. The conversation RMTC02 to the Server has been deallocated or is pending deactivation. Operator RMTC02 intervention is not required to free the IMS/ESA region. Messages in RMTC02 the IMSMTO.LOG file describe the reason(s) for the cleanup failure. RMTC02 RMTC02 %76% RMTC02 Press ENTER to continue * RMTCL1 MANUAL DEACTIVATION OF CONVERSATION MAY BE REQUIRED. Use RMTCL1 communication operator services to check for a conversation. RMTCL1 If one exists, deactivate your LU and/or LINK to free the RMTCL1 Remote IMS Server from occupying an IMS/ESA region. * RMTCL2 RMT IMS Cleanup completed with errors. The conversation to RMTCL2 the Server has been deallocated or is pending deactivation. RMTCL2 Operator action is not required to free the IMS/ESA region. * * REMEMBER: ALSO USED FOR DB2 STUFF SECRMT MSG ID: RMTSEC REMOTE IMS REQUESTER SECRMT Security invalid. Remote system requires userid and password. SECRMT SECRMT ---reserved internal for userid field--- %10 SECRMT ---reserved internal for password field--- %10 SECRMT SECRMT Enter userid, password, and select option: SECRMT C - Connect with these values SECRMT T - Terminate application SECRMT ---reserved for option S description--- * SEC001 MSG ID: SEC001 MFIMS SECURITY SEC001 PASSWORD REQUIRED FOR USER ID %8% SEC001 SEC001 Your system is configured to access secured resources. Enter your SEC001 password in the field below. SEC001 * * * New FORMAT - eventually all will convert to this * * 1st record is control info in the format: aannnn IMSRTnnnnl t mmmm ppp * * aa = calling system * DL - COBOLDLI * L3 - IMS86L3P * IO - IMS86IOM * MF - MFEXEC, IMS86EP * DX - IMS86DCX * CC - IMS86CC * DC - IMS3270, IMS3286, IMSTNSRV, MFEXEC (DC0040-41), MFIMSCIC * nnnn = Message number (unique) * l = message level * I - Information * E - Error * S - Severe * W - Warning * t = Abend Type * U - User abend * S - System abend * N - None * mmmm = Abend code (for Abend type U and S) * ppp - User prompt type * YNI - Yes to ignore, No to terminate * YNR - Yes to retry, No to terminate * YNC - Yes to continue, No to terminate * OKT - OK to terminate * OKC - OK to continue * YNN - Yes/No, prompt text in message - No terminates * YN - Yes/No, prompt text in message - No continue * * line 2 Title, * /C in 1 for continuation, /T in 1 for Tab character * MF0001 IMSRT0001E S 0422 OKT MF0001 IMSRT0001E MFIMS Error Code: 0001 MF0001 Valid software license not present. MF0001 Reason code: %4 * MF0002 IMSRT0002E S 0422 OKT MF0002 IMSRT0002E MFIMS Error Code: 0002 MF0002 An invalid return code was received during memory allocation. MF0002 /TReturn code: %4 MF0002 /TReason code: %4 * MF0004 IMSRT0004E S 0422 OKT MF0004 IMSRT0004E MFIMS Error Code: SYNC04 MF0004 Resource failed registration to Sync Point Coordinator. MF0004 A resource attempted to register with the MFIMS Sync Point MF0004 /CCoordinator but the registration failed. MF0004 See the IMS System log to identify the MF0004 resource and the MF0004 /Creason for the failure. * | MF0005 IMSRT0005E S 0422 OKT MF0005 IMSRT0005E MFIMS Error Code: 0005 MF0005 A PL/I program terminated with ONCODE: %5, MF0005 /Cduring IMS transaction code: %8. * MF0006 IMSRT0006W S 0422 YNN MF0006 IMSRT0006W MFIMS Warning Code: 0006 MF0006 The system default MFS member DFHMO2.MFS is not genned. MF0006 This member must be genned prior to starting an application. MF0006 MFIMS can do this automatically. MF0006 MF0006 Yes, compile DFHMO2.MFS and continue processing. MF0006 No, terminate the application. * DC0007 IMSRT0007E N 0000 OKC DC0007 IMSRT0007E MFIMS Printer dataset error DC0007 DC0007 An unexpected file status was returned to a DC0007 %8 operation for the printer dataset. DC0007 Printer DSN: %60% DC0007 File status: %5 - %40% * | MF0008 IMSRT0008E S 0422 OKT MF0008 IMSRT0008E MFIMS Error Code: 0008 MF0008 Trancode %8 not defined. * MF0009 IMSRT0009E U 0009 OKT MF0009 IMSRT0009E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0009 MF0009 Initialization terminated due to dataset OPEN failure. MF0009 File status %5 - %40% MF0009 DSN: %50% * IO0010 IMSRT0010E N 0000 YN IO0010 IMSRT0010E MFIMS detected a corrupt index for database %8. IO0010 Possible causes of this condition are: IO0010 /TPower failure while database open. IO0010 /TImproper database definition modification. IO0010 /TDamaged .idx file component. IO0010 Would you like to attempt a rebuild of the index? IO0010 IO0010 Yes, rebuild the index file. IO0010 No, terminate the call. * IO0011 IMSRT0011E S 0422 YNN IO0011 IMSRT0011E Index rebuild failed for database %8. IO0011 Rebuild return code: %4% IO0011 File status: %5% - %40% IO0011 IO0011 Would you like to continue processing? IO0011 IO0011 Yes, terminate call and continue processing. IO0011 No, terminate the application. * IO0012 IMSRT0012I N 0000 OKC IO0012 IMSRT0012I Index rebuild successful for database %8. IO0012 IO0012 Databases recovered using REBUILD may not perform as well as before IO0012 /Cand may consume more disk space. Reorganize the database to restore IO0012 /Cperformance and reclaim disk space. * IO0013 IMSRT0013E S 0013 OKT IO0013 IMSRT0013E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0013 IO0013 IO0013 Error processing dynamic update call log. An unexpected IO0013 status code %8 resulted during a heap %8 operation. * IO0014 IMSRT0014E S 0014 OKT IO0014 IMSRT0014E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0014 IO0014 IO0014 Error processing dynamic update call log backout. IO0014 An unexpected file status resulted during a %8 operation. IO0014 File status: %5 - %40% * MF0015 IMSRT0015E U 0015 OKT MF0015 IMSRT0015E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0015 MF0015 Initialization terminated due to dataset access failure. MF0015 File status %5 - %40% * RE0016 IMSRT0016E S 0422 OKT RE0016 IMSRT0016E MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator Abend. RE0016 A resource attempted to register with the MFIMS Sync Point RE0016 Coordinator but the registration failed. See the IMS System log RE0016 to identify the resource and the reason for the failure. * CC0017 IMSRT0017E S 0422 OKT CC0017 IMSRT0017E MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator Abend Code: SYNC03 CC0017 The MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator received an invalid request or CC0017 was not in the proper program 'state' to process request. CC0017 /TFailing request: %8% CC0017 /TReason code: %8% * CC0018 IMSRT0018E N 0000 OKC CC0018 IMSRT0018E MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator message: SYNC01 CC0018 CC0018 COMMIT failed, MFIMS managed resources backed out successfully. CC0018 /CA resource requested BACKOUT by giving a negative response to CC0018 /Cthe first step of commit process. CC0018 /CReview IMS system log for the resource(s) requesting backout. * CC0019 IMSRT0019E N 0000 OKC CC0019 IMSRT0019E MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator message: SYNC02 CC0019 %8 failure - Return code: %8% Reason code: %8% CC0019 CC0019 Mixed outcome may compromise resource integrity. CC0019 /CReview IMS System log for sync point status report and CC0019 /Cperform corrective action for affected resource(s). * CC0020 IMSRT0020E N 0000 OKC CC0020 IMSRT0020E MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator message: SYNC02 CC0020 %8 failure - Return code: %8% Reason code: %8% CC0020 CC0020 PREPARE succeeded but COMMIT failed. CC0020 /CMixed outcome may compromise resource integrity. CC0020 /CReview IMS System log for sync point status report and CC0020 /Cperform corrective action for affected resource(s). * CC0021 IMSRT0021E N 0000 OKC CC0021 IMSRT0021E MFIMS Sync Point Coordinator message: SYNC02 CC0021 %8 failure - Return code: %8% Reason code: %8% CC0021 CC0021 PREPARE requested ROLLBACK but ROLLBACK failed. CC0021 /CMixed outcome may compromise resource integrity. CC0021 /CReview IMS System log for sync point status report and CC0021 /Cperform corrective action for affected resource(s). * L30022 IMSRT0022W W 0004 OKC L30022 IMSRT0022W - MFIMS detected an invalid database data file for L30022 /Cdatabase %8. This can occur when the database structure or L30022 /Cproperties defined in the DBD don't match that of the L30022 /Cdatabase data file. The database must be reloaded to L30022 /Ccorrect this condition. * MF0023 IMSRT0023E S 0008 OKT MF0023 IMSRT0023E MFIMS MSGEXIT program %8 return code %5. * MF0024 IMSRT0024E S 0008 OKT MF0024 IMSRT0024E MFIMS MSGEXIT program %8 returned invalid MF0024 /Cversion %5. * IT0025 IMSRT0025E S 0008 OKT IT0025 IMSRT0025E MFIMS IMS Connect received an unexpected return IT0025 /Ccode from CCI. RC=%5. %80% * BP0026 IMSRT0026E S 0806 OKT BP0026 IMSRT0026E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0806 BP0026 MFIMS Bypass MFS Physical Terminal Edit routine BP0026 /C%8 not found. * BP0027 IMSRT0027E S 0260 OKT BP0027 IMSRT0027E - MFIMS System Abend Code: 0104 BP0027 BP0027 Dynamic memory allocation (GETMAIN) failure. BP0027 Return code: %8% Reason code: %8% * BP0028 IMSRT0028E S 0806 OKT BP0028 IMSRT0028E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0806 BP0028 MFIMS MF370 interface program "IMS2ASM" not BP0028 /Cfound for Bypass MFS Terminal Edit routine. * BP0029 IMSRT0029E S 0008 OKT BP0029 IMSRT0029E MFIMS Support for Bypass MFS physical terminal BP0029 /Cedit routine requires IMS2ASM version 4 or later. BP0029 /CFound IMS2ASM version %1. * MF0030 IMSRT0030E S 0008 OKT MF0030 IMSRT0030E MFIMS MSGEXIT program %8 not found in Project MF0030 /CLoad Library. * MQ0031 IMSRT0031E S 0008 OKT MQ0031 IMSRT0031E MFIMS failed to connect to MQSeries Queue Manager MQ0031 /C%48. CC=%9 RC=%9 * MQ0032 IMSRT0032E S 0008 OKT MQ0032 IMSRT0032E MFIMS failed to open MQSeries queue MQ0032 /C%48. CC=%9 RC=%9 * MQ0033 IMSRT0033E S 0008 OKT MQ0033 IMSRT0033E Unexpected error from MQSeries %8 call. MQ0033 Condition code=%9 Reason code=%9 * DC0034 IMSRT0034E S 0008 YNI DC0034 IMSRT0034E MFS display model error DC0034 The display model of the output message does not match that DC0034 /Cof the TN3270 emulator. The output message requires MODEL-%1%, DC0034 /Cthe TN3270 emulator indicates MODEL-%1%. In order to view the DC0034 /Centire MFS screen, the TN3270 emulator must configured to support DC0034 /Cthis model. * DC0035 IMSRT0035E S 0008 OKT DC0035 IMSRT0035E Input message larger than maximum defined DC0035 An input message from MSGEXIT program %8 is larger than the DC0035 /Cmaximum message size. DC0035 The maximum message size is defined in IMS System properties. DC0035 Message size=%5 Maximum message queue size=%5 * IT0036 IMSRT0036E S 0008 OKT IT0036 IMSRT0036E MFIMS IMS Connect received an input message with an IT0036 /Cinvalid length code. LL=%8% * DC0037 IMSRT0037W W 0000 OKC DC0037 IMSRT0037W TN3270 Emulator not detected DC0037 A TN3270 emulator is not detected. Start your TN3270 DC0037 emulator and press OK. * DC0038 IMSRT0038E S 0008 OKT DC0038 IMSRT0038E IMS TM terminating due to file access failure DC0038 /Cresulting from %8 operation. DC0038 File status %5 - %40% * DC0039 IMSRT0039E S 0008 OKT DC0039 IMSRT0039E Dynamic ACBGEN failure for %8. DC0039 %60% * DC0040 IMSRT0040E S 0008 DC0040 IMSRT0040E PSB Authorization failure for %8. DC0041 IMSRT0041E S 0008 DC0041 IMSRT0041E No ACEE available. Function %4 can't test authorization DC0041 of %8 DC0042 IMSRT0042E S 0008 DC0042 IMSRT0042E Error initializing MFIMS - IMS terminating. DC0042 %12% not found or incorrect version DC0043 IMSRT0043E S 0008 DC0043 IMSRT0043E Error initializing MFIMS - IMS terminating. DC0043 Error opening/reading IMSCONFG file. DC0043 File Status: %6 Description: %40% DC0044 IMSRT0044E S 0008 DC0044 IMSRT0044E Error initializing MFIMS - IMS terminating. DC0044 Error opening %6 files. DC0044 File Status: %6 Description: %40% DC0045 IMSRT0045E S 0008 DC0045 IMSRT0045E Error initializing MFIMS - IMS terminating. DC0045 Failure reason code: %4 * DC0046 IMSRT0046E S 0008 OKT DC0046 IMSRT0046E ACB %8 load failure. Reason: %24% * WT0052 IMSRT0052I N WT0052 IMSRT0052I The following POP-UP was suppressed during shutdown WT0053 IMSRT0053I N WT0053 IMSRT0053I The following POP-UP was suppressed by system request WT0054 IMSRT0054I N WT0054 IMSRT0054I Suppression resulted in automatic termination WT0055 IMSRT0055I N WT0055 IMSRT0055I End of message WT0056 IMSRT0056I N WT0056 IMSRT0056I OPTION VALUE MUST BE "C" OR "T" WT0057 IMSRT0057I N WT0057 IMSRT0057I OPTION VALUE MUST BE "Y" OR "N" WT0058 IMSRT0058I N WT0058 IMSRT0058I OPTION VALUE MUST BE "R" OR "T" WT0059 IMSRT0059I N WT0059 IMSRT0059I INVALID KEY PRESSED WT0060 IMSRT0060I N WT0060 IMSRT0060I ONLY 4 DIGITS ARE ALLOWED WT0061 IMSRT0061I N WT0061 IMSRT0061I LIMIT VALUE NOT NUMERIC WT0062 IMSRT0062I N WT0062 IMSRT0062I STATUS CODE MUST BE TWO BYTE VALUE OR BLANK WT0063 IMSRT0063I N WT0063 IMSRT0063I OPTION MUST BE "C", "T", OR "S" WT0064 IMSRT0064I N WT0064 IMSRT0064I SAVE OPTION ONLY AVAILABLE ON WINDOWS NT WT0065 IMSRT0065I N WT0065 IMSRT0065I USERID IS A REQUIRED FIELD WT0066 IMSRT0066I N WT0066 IMSRT0066I PASSWORD IS A REQUIRED FIELD * WT0068 IMSRT0068I N WT0068 IMSRT0068I MFIMS SYSTEM WINDOW ERROR WT0069 IMSRT0069I N WT0069 IMSRT0069I CONTACT TECHNICAL SUPPORT WT0070 IMSRT0070I N WT0070 IMSRT0070I PRESS ENTER TO TERMINATE * AC0080 IMSRT0080E N AC0080 IMSRT0080E Error allocating memory for ACB DBD field blocks AC0080 REF1: %4 REF2: %5 * AC0081 IMSRT0081E N AC0081 IMSRT0081E ACB create/modify failure: Too many DBD fields AC0081 Total DBD fields required for this PSB exceeds: %6 * AC0082 IMSRT0082E N AC0082 IMSRT0082E ACB create/modify failure: Caching SENSEG/SENFLD AC0082 SENSEG/SENFLD cache exceeded reserved memory * AC0083 IMSRT0083E N AC0083 IMSRT0083E Error allocating memory for ACB PCB SENFLD blocks AC0083 REF1: %4 REF2: %5 * AC0084 IMSRT0084E N AC0084 IMSRT0084E ACB create/modify failure: Too many SENFLD statements AC0084 More than 10,000 SENFLDs in this PSB * MF0085 IMSRT0085E S 0032 OKT MF0085 IMSRT0085E %50% * MF0086 IMSRT0086E S 0032 OKT MF0086 IMSRT0086E DSNMTV01: DSNALI %12 - Return: %8 Reason: %8 * DL0087 IMSRT0087E S 0087 DL0087 IMSRT0087E Unrecoverable System Software Abend %4 DL0087 %76% DL0087 * EX0088 IMSRT0088E S 0088 EX0088 IMSRT0088E EXEC DLI service ABEND due to DL/I status code: %10% EX0088 %76% EX0088 %76% EX0088 * EX0089 IMSRT0089E S 0089 EX0089 IMSRT0089E EXEC DLI service ABEND due to memory allocation failure * DL0099 IMSRT0099I I 0000 DL0099 IMSRT0099I %48% * DL0100 IMSRT0100E E 0100 DL0100 IMSRT0100E %48% DL0100 %76% * IO0104 IMSRT0104E S 0260 OKT IO0104 IMSRT0104E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0104 IO0104 IO0104 Dynamic memory allocation (GETMAIN) failure. IO0104 Return code: %8% Reason code: %8% * DC0193 IMSRT0193E S 0193 YNI DC0193 IMSRT0193E MFIMS System Abend Code: S0C1 DC0193 DC0193 The data area in the application program is shorter than the DC0193 /Clength of the MFS MOD or the 'LL' field for alternate PCB DC0193 /Cmessages. The output message will be truncated to the size DC0193 /Cof the data area if you ignore and continue. Use the DL/I DC0193 /Ccall trace to identify the failing insert call. * IO0205 IMSRT0205E S 0517 OKT IO0205 IMSRT0205E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0205 IO0205 IO0205 Dynamic memory release (FREEMAIN) failure. IO0205 Return code: %8% Reason code: %8% * DL0260 IMSRT0260E U 0260 YNI DL0260 IMSRT0260E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0260 DL0260 Invalid call function or invalid parameter count. DL0260 Parm count: X'%8' * DL0261 IMSRT0261E U 0261 YNI DL0261 IMSRT0261E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0261 DL0261 Parameter count larger than number of parameters passed. DL0261 Parm count: X'%8' * DL0262 IMSRT0262E U 0260 YNI DL0262 IMSRT0262E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0260 DL0262 AIBTDLI interface missing required AIB parameter. * GS0273 IMSRT0273E U 0273 YNI GS0273 IMSRT0273E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0273 GS0273 An error was detected while repositioning a GSAM data set. * DL0459 IMSRT0459E U 0459 YNI DL0459 IMSRT0459E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0476 DL0459 PCB passed was not in program's ACB list. DL0459 DL/I function: %4 * DL0476 IMSRT0476E U 0476 YNI DL0476 IMSRT0476E MFIMS User Abend Code: 0476 DL0476 Invalid PCB address or PCB not provided. DL0476 DL/I function: %4 * DL0778 IMSRT0778I U 0778 DL0778 IMSRT0778I Program %8% issued '%4%' which resulted in U0778 ABEND; DL0778 /Crollback successful * MF0806 IMSRT0806E S 2054 OKT MF0806 IMSRT0806E MFIMS System Abend Code: 0806 MF0806 Application program %8 could not be loaded. MF0806 The most probable cause is that the program was not found in MF0806 executable form in any of the project load libraries. * LM1011 IMSRT1011E S 0008 OKT LM1011 IMSRT1011E MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER LM1011 LM1011 Unrecoverable I/O error %5 processing database %8 LM1011 LM1011 An invalid status code was encountered while processing a LM1011 /C%5 request for a database call. This database is part of LM1011 /Ca shared database transaction. * LM1012 IMSRT1012E S 0008 OKT LM1012 IMSRT1012E MFIMS DATABASE SHARING MANAGER LM1012 LM1012 A database record is in use by %12%. LM1012 Database: %8 LM1012 Root Key: %50% * DL3303 IMSRT3303I U 3303 DL3303 IMSRT3303I Program %8% issued '%4%' which resulted in U3303 ABEND; DL3303 /Crollback successful * DX3314 IMSRT3314E U 3314 OKT DX3314 IMSRT3314E Data Capture Exit Routine User Abend Code: 3314 DX3314 DX3314 Data capture exit routine %8 requested abnormal termination. DX3314 Return code %3% Reason code %3% *************** WARNING MESSAGES **********************************| *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 MFS401 MSG %8 has invalid OPT=%1, defaulting to OPT=1. MFS402 Cannot specify FILL on input MSG, FILL ignored. MFS403 Cannot specify PAGE on input MSG, PAGE ignored. MFS405 MFLD LTH operand missing, defaulting to LTH=0001. MFS405 MFLD: %50% MFS406 EXIT ignored, only input MFLDs can use field exits. MFS406 MFLD: %50% MFS407 MFLD literals cannot specify ATTR=YES, ATTR=NO assumed. MFS407 MFLD literal: %45% MFS408 EXIT ignored, MFLD literals cannot use field exits. MFS408 MFLD literal: %45% MFS409 ATTR=YES only valid when MFLD names DFLD, ATTR=NO assumed. MFS410 MSG(%8), SEG GRAPHIC not YES or NO, assumed YES. MFS411 MSG(%8), EXIT ignored, only input messages can use MFS411 segment exits. MFS412 MOD LPAGE's COND operand missing, MFS412 assuming last LPAGE of set. MFS413 MSG(%8), MSGEND statement missing, assumed present. MFS414 No STACK is on to issue STACK OFF. MFS415 MFLD's DFLD name in DO truncated to 6 characters. MFS416 Initial cursor position defaulting to row 1, column 2. MFS417 LABEL ignored, labeled DFLDs should not have PASSWORD. MFS418 DFLD label in DO truncated to 6 characters. MFS419 Recommended END statement missing, assumed present. MFS420 ENDDO statement missing, assumed present. MFS421 FMTEND statement missing, assumed present. MFS422 MFLD JUST operand invalid with system literal %8. MFS422 JUST operand ignored for MFLD %19. MFS423 MFLD ATTR operand invalid with system literal %8. MFS423 ATTR operand ignored for MFLD %19. MFS424 MFLD LTH operand invalid with system literal %8. MFS424 LTH operand ignored for MFLD %19. MFS425 OPCTL operand ignored, not valid with literal DFLDs. MFS426 MOD(%8), LPAGE(%3%) contains no MFLDs, MFS426 this MOD/LPAGE bypassed. MFS427 MOD(%8), MID(%8), DPAGE(%8), could not MFS427 find MID for MOD/LPAGE selected or MID contains no MFLDs or MFS427 all MIDs specified LPAGE and no SOR stated this DPAGE. MFS428 FMT name %8 greater than 6 characters, truncated to 6 MFS428 possibly causing duplicates. MFS429 EGCS "G" literal missing an SO or SI character. MFS429 Literal assumed to contain valid SO/SI pair. MFS429 Card: %50% MFS430 EGCS "G" literal contains odd number of bytes, MFS430 literal accepted as specified. MFS430 Card: %50% MFS431 Invalid DFLD ATTR value "%8" ignored. MFS432 SYSMSG parameter not valid MFS433 Message %8 has no format or is assigned to another MFS433 format outside this MFS source MFS434 Format %6 has no messages *************** SEVERE SYNTAX MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 MFS801 MSG(%8) has TYPE=%6, must be INPUT or OUTPUT. MFS802 MSG(%8) missing required SOR operand. MFS803 MFLD indicates no DFLD, literal or LTH. MFS804 MFLD JUST must be R or L. MFS805 MFLD EXIT number %5% exceeds maximum value of 127. MFS805 MFLD: %50% MFS806 MFLD EXIT vector %5% exceeds maximum value of 255. MFS806 MFLD: %50% MFS807 MSG(%8), SEG EXIT number %5% exceeds maximum of 127. MFS808 MSG(%8), SEG EXIT vector %5% exceeds maximum of 255. MFS809 MSG(%8), LPAGE missing required SOR operand. MFS810 MSG(%8), COND operand has %3% parameters, requires 3. MFS811 MSG(%8), LPAGE COND operand missing, only last LPAGE MFS811 in MOD may omit COND. MFS812 LPAGE COND label %8 not an MFLD label in MOD %8. MFS813 DO COUNT is not numeric. MFS814 DO/ENDDO pair mismatch. MFS815 First STACK parameter must be blank, ON, or OFF. MFS816 Cannot start STACK before ending previous STACK. MFS817 UNSTACK cannot appear within a STACK. MFS818 UNSTACK requested unknown stack name %8. MFS819 COPY statement missing required NAME parameter. MFS820 COPY member %8 not found. MFS821 DPAGE CURSOR column specification "%8" not numeric. MFS821 Valid forms are CURSOR=name or CURSOR=(rrr,ccc,name). MFS822 DFLD %8 not preceded by DEV statement. MFS823 DFLD literals cannot have a label starting in column 1. MFS824 DFLD literals must be bound by single quotes. MFS825 DFLD requires non-zero POS row and column. MFS826 3270 DFLD cannot start in row 1, column 1. MFS827 DFLD %8, POS column value %3% exceeds MFS827 DEV width value %4%. MFS828 DFLD %8, POS column value %4% exceeds 3270 model 1 MFS828 maximum value of 40. MFS829 DFLD %8, POS column value %4% exceeds 3270 MFS829 models 2,3,4 maximum value of 80. MFS830 DFLD %8, POS column value %4% exceeds 3270 model 5 MFS830 maximum value of 132. MFS831 DFLD requires a literal, PASSWORD, or LTH. MFS832 Duplicate DFLD label %8. MFS832 Labels must be unique within DPAGE and physical page. MFS833 FMT %6 contains no DFLDs. Verify that STACK and MODEL MFS833 directives are properly set, or correct the format. MFS834 Attribute for DFLD at row %2, col %3% overlaps prior field. MFS835 DFLD at row %2, col %3% overlaps prior field. MFS836 FMT %6, DPAGE %8, PPAGE %4 contains no DFLDs. MFS837 DFLD %8 row value %4% exceeds 3270 model %1% MFS837 maximum value of %2%. MFS838 LPAGE COND relational operator "%2" invalid. MFS839 DFLD %8 not preceded by DEV statement. MFS840 MOD %8, FMT %8, DPAGE %8, could not find MFS840 FMT or DPAGE for MOD/LPAGE selected or FMT or DPAGE contains MFS840 no DFLD statements. MFS841 MFLD LTH %5% is not larger than attribute bytes %5%. MFS841 MFLD: %50% MFS842 DFLD PASSWORD cannot have a label starting in column 1. MFS843 Required label missing for MSG statement. MFS844 MFLD ATTR value "%14" not YES, NO, or number of MFS844 extended attributes. MFS845 DFLD ATTR value "%14" not YES, NO, or number of MFS845 extended attributes. *************** IMS OPTION SPECIFIC WARNING MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 MFSW01 MFLD LTHs of form LTH=(pp,nn) are not supported by MFIMS. MFSW01 The starting position is assumed to be 1 (pp=1). MFSW01 MFLD: %50% ***W02 "FILL=NULL" IGNORED FOR MFLD: %30% ***W02 MFIMS MAXIMUM "NULL" LENGTH IS 80 BYTES MFSW03 STACK processing disabled by use of STACKOFF directive. MFSW04 STACK processing disabled by use of STACKAUTO directive. MFSW04 STACK follows DEV, assumed to be for multi-devices. MFSW05 Exceeded maximum of %4% STACK statements suppressed by MFSW05 STACKAUTO directive. All subsequent UNSTACKs ignored. MFSW06 UNSTACK suppressed by STACKAUTO directive. MFSW07 Only two levels of nested copy statements are supported by MFSW07 MFIMS. Further nested COPYs ignored. MFSW07 Card: %50% MFSW08 Removing MFLD for PASSWORD, not supported by MFIMS. MFSW09 ALPHA statement not required for MFIMS. Further occurrences MFSW09 not indicated. MFSW10 DEV macro TYPE operand missing, only 3270 devices supported MFSW10 by MFIMS. MFSW11 MFIMS statement continuation overflow, extras ignored. MFSW11 Maximum number of lines per statement is %2%. MFSW12 %8 macro or statement not supported by MFIMS, ignored. MFSW13 MFLD %8, FILL=NULL changed to FILL=C' '. MFIMS only MFSW13 supports NULL for PF key field with physical paging. MFSW14 MID, MFLD %8 not defined in DFLDs so will always MFSW14 contain default literal or FILL value. MFSW15 MID, MFLD %8 not defined in DFLDs so will always be MFSW15 compressed from MID due to FILL=NULL. MFSW16 MOD, MFLD %8 not defined in DFLDs or listed more than MFSW16 once in MOD. Processed as MFLD LTH=%4%. MFSW17 DFLD PASSWORD not supported by MFIMS, ignored. ***W18 "FILL=NULL" IGNORED FOR PF KEY MFLD %8 - MFIMS ***W18 SUPPORTS "FILL=NULL" ONLY FOR ONE PF KEY OCCURRENCE AND ***W18 ONLY WHEN IT IS IN THE FIRST MESSAGE SEGMENT MFSW19 Unknown statement "%8" ignored, unsupported by MFIMS. MFSW20 Unknown keyword "%8" for "%8" ignored, MFSW20 unsupported by MFIMS. MFSW21 ALPHA statement enables entry of lower case characters when MFSW21 the input message SEG statement specifies GRAPHIC=NO MFSW22 Out-of-place DFLD statement %8 ignored MFSW23 NXT= references %8 - undefined MID or not in this FMT *************** IMS OPTION SPECIFIC SEVERE MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 MFSL01 Exceeded MFIMS limit of %4% MFLD statements which name a MFSL01 DFLD in any one MSG/LPAGE. MFSL02 Maximum MFIMS MFLD LTH is 4095 bytes. MFSL04 Maximum number of extended ATTR bytes in MFIMS is 10. MFSL04 MFLD: %50% MFSL05 Exceeded maximum MFIMS MFLD literal length of 94, including MFSL05 outermost quotes and imbedded single quotes. MFSL07 Maximum MFIMS DFLD LTH is 4095 bytes. MFSL08 Exceeded MFIMS limit of %4% labeled DFLD statements per MFSL08 DPAGE. MFSL09 MFIMS maximum DFLD literal length is %3% bytes. MFSL10 MFS preprocessor requested MFSGEN termination due to: MFSL11 MFS preprocessor error, invalid return code: %5% MFSL12 MFS preprocessor not found. Preprocessor: MFSL12 %60% *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 MFSL13 MFIMS limit of %3% physical pages per device page exceeded. MFSL14 LPAGE COND literal value length %3% exceeds MFIMS limit of MFSL14 42 bytes. Literal: %40% MFSL15 No FMT statements found in source input, MFIMS requires MID, MFSL15 MOD and FMT to be in same source input. MFSL16 PF key length %4% exceeds MFIMS maximum of %3%. MFSL17 The resultant control block for this format is %6% bytes MFSL17 and exceeds the MFIMS limit of %5%. MFSL18 Exceeded MFIMS DFLD literal pool limit of %5%. MFSL19 Exceeded MFIMS MOD literal pool limit of %5%. MFSL20 Exceeded MFIMS MID default literal pool limit of %5%. MFSL21 Exceeded MFIMS MID static literal pool limit of %5%. MFSL22 Exceeded MFIMS limit of %3% SEG statements per MSG. MFSL23 Exceeded MFIMS MFLD temporary table limit of %5% and MFSL23 possibly exceeded MFIMS limit of 500 MFLDs per SEG. MFSL24 Exceeded MFIMS printer DPAGE literal pool limit of %5%. MFSL25 Exceeded internal "DFLD" literal work buffer. MFSL25 Maximum work size is 160 bytes MFSL91 %5% DFLD records exceeds MFIMS maximum of %4% allowed. MFSL92 %5% MID records exceeds MFIMS maximum of %4% allowed. MFSL93 %5% MOD records exceeds MFIMS maximum of %4% allowed. MFSL99 Valid software license not present. Reason code (%4%). *************** Utility failure messages - UNRECOVERABLE *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 MFSU01 File status %A5 opening MFSU01 file %C60. MFSU01 %B40% MFSU02 File status %A5 issuing close for MFSU02 file %C60. MFSU02 %B40% MFSU04 File status %5 issuing set/date for MFSPEF file. MFSU04 %40% MFSU05 File status %5 reading MFSGEN LPAGE control record. MFSU05 %40% MFSU06 File status %5 updating MFSGEN LPAGE control record. MFSU06 %40% MFSU07 File status %A5 writing %C8 to IMSVSFMT file. MFSU07 %B40% MFSU08 File status %5 writing MOD LPAGE to MFSPEF file. MFSU08 %40% MFSU09 File status %5 issuing delete for MFSPEF file. MFSU09 %40% MFSU10 File status %5 chaining LPAGE for MOD in MFSPEF file. MFSU10 %40% MFSU11 File status %5 issuing write for MFSPEF file. MFSU11 %40% MFSU12 File status %5 repositioning MOD LPAGE in MFSPEF file. MFSU12 %40% MFSU13 File status %5 writing MOD PPAGE to MFSPEF file. MFSU13 %40% MFSU14 File status %A5 issuing write for MFSU14 file %C60 MFSU14 %B40% MFSU15 File status %A5 issuing delete for MFSU15 file %C60 MFSU15 %B40% MFSU16 File status %5 reading MFSGEN PPAGE control record. MFSU16 %40% MFSU17 File status %5 updating MFSGEN PPAGE control record. MFSU17 %40% MFSU18 File status %5 chaining PPAGE for MOD in MFSPEF file. MFSU18 %40% MFSU19 File status %5 repositioning MOD PPAGE in MFSPEF file. MFSU19 %40% MFSU20 File status %A5 issuing create for MFSU20 file %C60 MFSU20 %40% MFSU35 File not found %C60. *************** WARNING MESSAGES ****** ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 PSB401 More than one PSBGEN macro, all but the first ignored. PSB402 PCB #%3% %8, TYPE=%8 invalid, assumed TYPE=DB. PSB403 Invalid PCB PROCOPT "%6", assumed PROCOPT "%4". PSB404 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 PROCOPT operand ignored. PSB404 SENSEG PROCOPT must be omitted when PCB PROCOPT is %4. PSB405 Unknown keyword %8 for %8 ignored. PSB406 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 PROCOPT=%4 invalid. PSB407 PCBNAME or label %8 is not unique. This parameter has PSB407 been ignored for PCB #%3% in PSB %8. *************** SEVERE SYNTAX MESSAGES ****** ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 PSB801 PSBGEN macro missing required PSBNAME operand. PSB802 Required PSBGEN macro statement missing. PSB803 PCB #%3%, %4 PCB missing required NAME/DBDNAME operand. PSB804 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG statement invalid for GSAM PCB. PSB805 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG(%3%) missing required NAME operand. PSB806 PCB #%3% %8, senseg %8 missing required PARENT PSB806 operand or more than one SENSEG in PCB indicates PARENT=0. PSB807 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, parent segment %8 PSB807 not previously defined in this PCB. PSB808 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 not unique. PSB809 PCB #%3% %8, at least one SENSEG statement is required PSB809 for a DB PCB. PSB810 COPY statement missing required NAME parameter. PSB811 COPY member %8 not found. PSB812 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG statement limit of %4% per PSB PSB812 exceeded. PSB813 PCB #%3% %8 SENFLD statement limit of %5% per PSB PSB813 exceeded. PSB814 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, SENFLD statement limit PSB814 of %4% per SENSEG exceeded. PSB815 SENFLD statement cannot precede PCB statement. PSB816 PCB #%3% SENFLD statement only valid with TYPE=DB PCB. PSB817 PCB #%3% SENFLD statement cannot precede SENSEG statement. PSB818 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, SENFLD statement missing PSB818 required NAME operand. PSB819 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, SENFLD %8 PSB819 statement missing required START operand. PSB820 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, SENFLD %8 PSB820 START value exceeds 32767. PSB821 PCB statement limit of %4% per PSB exceeded. PSB822 SENSEG statement limit of %4% per PCB exceeded. PSB823 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, DOS/VS VIRFLD statement PSB823 not valid for IMS/ESA (MVS) compatibility. PSB823 Use system config IBM DLI PLATFORM for DOS/VS syntax. PSB824 PCB #%3%, SENSEG %8, SENFLD %8's BYTES, TYPE, or PSB824 RTNAME keywords not valid for IMS/ESA (MVS) compatibility. PSB824 Use system config IBM DLI PLATFORM for DOS/VS syntax. PSB825 SENSEG statement cannot precede PCB statement. PSB826 PCB #%3%, SENSEG statement only valid with TYPE=DB PCB. PSB827 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, PROCOPT=%4 invalid. *************** IMS OPTION SPECIFIC WARNING MESSAGES ****** ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 PSBW01 MFIMS statement continuation overflow, extras ignored. PSBW01 Maximum number of lines per statement is %2%. PSBW02 Only one level of nested copy statements supported by MFIMS, PSBW02 further nested COPYs ignored. PSBW03 PCB #%3%, GSAM PCB %8 has MFIMS RECLEN of zero. PSBW04 PCB #%3%, GSAM PCB %8, PSBW04 RECLEN operand truncated to 32768. PSBW05 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, SSPTR operand ignored. PSBW05 MFIMS does not support the SSPTR operand for DEDBs. PSBW06 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, INDICES operand ignored, PSBW06 not supported by MFIMS. PSBW07 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, VIRFLD statement PSBW07 ignored, not supported by MFIMS. PSBW08 PCB #%3%, SENSEG %8, SENFLD %8, DOS/VS SENFLD PSBW08 keywords of BYTES, TYPE or RTNAME ignored, not supported PSBW08 by MFIMS. This message suppressed for other occurrences. PSBW09 PCB #%3%, ALTRESP=YES not supported by MFIMS, changed to PSBW09 ALTRESP=NO. PSBW10 PCB #%3%, VIEW=MSDB not supported by MFIMS, changed to PSBW10 VIEW=DEDB. PSBW11 Unknown statement "%8" ignored, unsupported by MFIMS. PSBW12 Comment line continuation has non-blanks in columns 1-15, PSBW12 assumed blank by MFIMS: %15% PSBW13 PCB #%3% %8, PROCSEQ=DSIV11 ignored, PSBW13 not supported by MFIMS. *************** IMS OPTION SPECIFIC SEVERE MESSAGES ****** ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 PSBL01 MFIMS PCB macro statement limit reached. PSBL01 Only %4% PCB macros per PSB with PSBGEN format 2 files. PSBL02 PCB #%3% %8, minimum RECLEN exceeds maximum RECLEN. PSBL03 PSBGEN format 2 SENSEG macro statement limit of %4% per PSB PSBL03 exceeded. PSBL99 Valid software license not present. Reason code (%4%). *************** Utility failure messages - UNRECOVERABLE ****** ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 PSBU01 File status %A5 opening PSBU01 file %C60. PSBU01 %B40% PSBU02 File status %A5 issuing close for PSBU02 file %C60. PSBU02 %B40% PSBU03 File status %A5 issuing read for PSBU03 file %C60. PSBU03 %B40% PSBU04 File status %5 issuing close for PSBGEN file. PSBU04 %40% PSBU05 File status %5 issuing close for PSBGEN SENFLD file. PSBU05 %40% PSBU06 File status %5 issuing create file for PSBGEN. PSBU06 %40% PSBU07 File status %5 converting PSBGEN file. PSBU07 %40% PSBU07 %60% PSBU08 File status %5 issuing delete for PSBGEN. PSBU08 %40% PSBU09 File status %5 issuing delete for PSBGEN field file. PSBU09 %40% PSBU10 File status %5 issuing read/rewrite for PSBGEN file. PSBU10 %40% PSBU11 File status %5 issuing write for PSBGEN file. PSBU11 %40% PSBU12 File status %5 issuing get lock for PSBGEN file. PSBU12 %40% PSBU13 File status %5 issuing set/date for PSBGEN. PSBU13 %40% PSBU35 File not found %C60. *************** VERIFY WARNING MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 VER451 PCB #%3% %8, an I/O PCB will not be created when this VER451 PSB is used in a CICS program or an IMS program defined as a VER451 type DLI. VER452 PCB #%3% %8, insert calls not allowed to INDEX DBD, VER452 ACBGEN will remove insert sensitivity. VER453 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 must have sensitivity to VER453 sequence field for inserts using field level sensitivity. *************** VERIFY WARNING MESSAGES - MFIMS SPECIFIC MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 VERW51 PCB #%3%, DBD %8 not Genned, access will result in VERW51 476 abend. VERW52 PCB #%3% %8, SENFLD statements not verified, physical VERW52 DBD not Genned with MFIMS version 2.5 or later. VERW53 PCB #%3% %8, KEYLEN operand value %3 is less than VERW53 concatenated key length %3. VERW54 PCB #%3% %8, logical parent database %8 not VERW54 Genned, access may produce unpredictable results. VERW55 No DBDs have been genned. *************** VERIFY SEVERE MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 VER851 PCB #%3% %8, DBD access %5 does not support VER851 alternate processing sequence %8. VER852 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 not in database. VER853 PCB #%3% %8, segment %8, SENSEG parent %8 VER853 is not same as database SEGM parent %8. VER854 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 does not have DBD LCHILD VER854 statement for alternate processing sequence %8. VER855 PCB #%3%, SENSEG %8 logical DBD %8 refers to VER855 physical DBD %8 which has not been Genned. VER856 PCB #%3%, index database %8 refers to physical VER856 database %8 which has not been Genned. VER857 PCB #%3% %8, dynamic ACBGEN failed, reason code %4%. VER858 PCB #%3% %8, ACBGEN lookup failed, reason code %4%. VER859 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, SENFLD %8 not VER859 defined as field in database. VER860 PCB #%3% %8, GSAM PCB references non-GSAM DBD, access VER860 will result in 476 abend. VER862 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 specifies incorrect VER862 logical child segment. VER863 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 specifies incorrect VER863 destination parent segment. VER864 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, invalid parentage VER864 structure. VER865 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 is a duplicate of VER865 senseg %8. VER866 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, logical parent segment VER866 %8 not found in source database %8. VER867 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, invalid parentage VER867 structure in source database %8 for logical parent VER867 segment %8. VER868 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 is not root segment and VER868 no PROCSEQ has been specified. VER869 PCB #%3% %8, ACB block failure, reason code %4%. VER870 PCB #%3% %8, paired logical child segment %8 VER870 intersection data length mismatch. VER871 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8, DBD field %8 VER871 referenced by PCB SENFLD %8, overlaps variable length VER871 segment length code (LL). VER872 PCB #%3% %8, ACB(L2) verify failure, reason code %4%. VER873 PCB #%3%, DBD %8 not Genned, ACB will not be generated. *************** VERIFY SEVERE MESSAGES - MFIMS SPECIFIC MESSAGES *******----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 VERL54 PCB (%3) %8, SENSEG %8, logical parent segment VERL54 %8 concatenated key not unique in database %8. VERL54 MFIMS requires that the LPCK is unique. VERL55 No DBDs have been genned, verify cannot complete. *************** Utility failure messages - UNRECOVERABLE VERU01 File status %A5 opening VERU01 file %C60. VERU01 %B40% VERU02 File status %A5 issuing close for VERU02 file %C60. VERU02 %B40% VERU54 File status %5 issuing read for PSBGEN. VERU54 %40% VERU55 File status %5 issuing read for PSBGEN field file. VERU55 %40% VERU56 File status %5 issuing read for DBDGEN field file. VERU56 %40% VERU57 PSB %8 not genned, PSB must be genned prior to VERU57 verification. VERU58 File status %5 issuing start/read for DBDGEN file. VERU58 %40% ED0401 EXEC DLI warning: Function not currently supported ED0801 Invalid statement - END-EXEC not found ED0802 Invalid statement - Following function is invalid: %12 ED0803 Invalid statement - Right paren missing ED0804 Invalid statement - PSB/SEGMENT literal invalid, length > 8 ED0805 Invalid statement - %15 buffer full ED0806 Invalid statement - Both WHERE/KEY clause coded for same SSA ED0807 Invalid statement - Following OSVS option missing: %12 ED0808 Invalid statement - Option invalid for this macro: %12 ED0809 Invalid statement - PSB/SEGMENT literal invalid, lth = 0 ED0810 Invalid statement - Malformed LOGICAL operator in WHERE clause ED0811 Invalid statement - Malformed WHERE clause, Invalid segment name ED0812 Invalid statement - literal in PSB/SEGMENT has unmatched quotes ED0813 Invalid statement - no segment specified in WHERE clause ED0814 Invalid statement - max one POS segment per call ED0815 Invalid statement - FIELDLENGTH missing or omitted ED0816 Invalid statement - INTO missing or omitted ED0817 DLI error - %15 error reading Copybook ED0818 Copybook %20 not found ED0819 Invalid statement - too many FIELDLENGTH's specified ED0820 Invalid statement - SEGLENGTH/length already specified ED0821 Invalid statement - FROM clause missing ED0822 Invalid statement - AREA clause required when TOKEN specified ED0823 Invalid statement - TOKEN clause required when AREA specified ED0824 Invalid statement - required option %15 missing or incorrect ED0825 Invalid statement - can specify one: %30 ED0826 Invalid statement - SEGMENT clause missing ED0827 Invalid statement - Malformed WHERE clause - multiple WHERE/seg ED0828 Internal error - Create a trace file using directive CHKECM(TRACE) ED0829 Statement uses an expression in table reference that ECM can not handle :TITLE1: W Help for IMSDBU Database Utility :TITLE2: C IMSDBU Database Utility Main Menu :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 3 :BOTMSG: c (more) :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F8=forward F3/Esc=exit help :HELP00: NEXT=01 c c This is an overview of the IMSDBU main menu. Pressing F1 from this help c screen will access the additional help for IMSDBU. c W Select a database function to be performed by entering its letter code. c The codes are: c X - Exit the IMSDBU Database Utility. c L - LOAD - Initializes and loads a database from an input file. c A - ADD - Adds segments to a database from an input file. c U - UNLOAD - Writes database segment data to a sequential output file. c Z - ZEROLOAD - Creates database data files and 'primes' them. c R - REORGANIZE - Reorganizes a database or set of logically related c databases. c P - PTRUPDATE - Validates and establishes the pointers which maintain c logical relationships. c S - USEQ - Unloads all sequential dependent segments (SDEPs) from a Fast c Path DEDB. c M - MAKELIST - Generates a RUNLIST command file containing the steps to c load a set of logically related databases. c N - RUNLIST - Executes IMSDBU functions listed in a RUNLIST command file. :TITLE2: C IMSDBU Main Menu overview (continued) :TOPMSG: W Page 2 of 3 :BOTMSG: c (more) :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F7=backward F8=forward F3/Esc=exit help :HELP01: NEXT=02 PREV=00 c W Enter a database name. c c - Enter the name of a genned physical database. This is required for all c functions except Runlist. c c - Press F2 to get a list of available databases. Databases are presented c alphabetically in a scrollable pop-up window. Type an 'S' next to the c database name to select it. c c The database name field on the main menu provides a starting point for this c list. For example, specifying 'DB' starts the list at the first database c name equal to or greater than 'DB'. c c Wildcards can be used to shorten the list. For example, entering 'D*' only c lists databases starting with the letter 'D'. Entering 'DE?????D' only c lists databases with a 'DE' in positions 1 and 2 and a 'D' in position 8. c :TITLE2: C IMSDBU Main Menu overview (continued) :TOPMSG: W Page 3 of 3 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F7=backward F3/Esc=exit help :HELP02: PREV=01 c W Press Enter to continue to the next screen. c c The next screen will be either a detail screen or confirmation screen for the c selected function. Confirmation is required before executing a function. c C Common Directives: c c These directives are shared by all the IMSDBU functions. They are prefilled c with their default values and are changed by overtyping them. Any changes c remain in effect until you exit this utility. The default values can be c changed in the INI file. c c Refer to the additional help, Common directives topic for more information. c :TITLE2: C ADD - Add segments to a database :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP05: c c This is an overview of the database ADD detail screen. c c This screen allows for specification of database ADD directives. It also c serves as a confirmation screen before starting the process. Pressing Enter c from this screen starts the database ADD function. Pressing F3 or the Esc c key returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the Add function. c c C ADD directives c c These directives are specific to the ADD function. They are prefilled with c their default values and are changed by overtyping them. Any changes remain c in effect until you exit this utility. The default values can be changed in c the INI file. c c Refer to the additional help, Add directives topic for more information. :TITLE2: C LOAD - Database initialization and load :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP10: c c This is an overview of the database LOAD detail screen. c c This screen allows for specification of database LOAD directives. It also c serves as a confirmation screen before starting the LOAD process. Pressing c Enter from this screen starts the database LOAD. Pressing F3 or the Esc key c returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the LOAD function. c c C LOAD directives c c These directives are specific to the LOAD function. They are prefilled with c their default values and are changed by overtyping them. Any changes remain c in effect until you exit this utility. The default values can be changed in c the INI file. c c Refer to the additional help, LOAD directives topic for more information. :TITLE2: C UNLOAD - Database unload :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP20: c c This is an overview of the database UNLOAD detail screen. c c This screen allows for specification of database UNLOAD directives. It also c serves as a confirmation screen before starting the UNLOAD process. Pressing c Enter from this screen starts the database UNLOAD. Pressing F3 or the Esc key c returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the UNLOAD function. c c C UNLOAD directives c c These directives are specific to the UNLOAD function. They are prefilled with c their default values and are changed by overtyping them. Any changes remain c in effect until you exit this utility. The default values can be changed in c the INI file. c c Refer to the additional help, UNLOAD directives topic for more information. :TITLE2: C ZEROLOAD - Database initialization :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP30: c c This is an overview of the database ZEROLOAD confirmation screen. c c This is the confirmation screen before executing the database ZEROLOAD. c Pressing Enter from this screen starts the database ZEROLOAD. Pressing F3 or c the Esc key returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the ZEROLOAD c function. c :TITLE2: C REORGANIZE - Database reorganization :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP40: c c This is an overview of the database REORGANIZE confirmation screen. c c This is the confirmation screen before starting the database Reorganization. c Pressing Enter from this screen starts the database Reorganization. Pressing c F3 or the Esc key returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the REORGANIZE c function. :TITLE2: C PTRUPDATE - Logical child segment pointer update :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP50: c c This is an overview of the database PTRUPDATE confirmation screen. c c This is the confirmation screen before starting the database PTRUPDATE c function. Pressing Enter from this screen starts PTRUPDATE. Pressing F3 or c the Esc key returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the PTRUPDATE c function. c :TITLE2: C USEQ - unload DEDB sequential dependents :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP60: c c This is an overview of the database USEQ detail screen. c c This screen allows for specification of USEQ directives. It also serves as a c confirmation screen before starting the USEQ process. Pressing Enter from c this screen starts USEQ. Pressing F3 or the Esc key returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this help screen displays the USEQ topic in the Programmer's c Guide. c C USEQ directives c c DSN is the only directive required by USEQ. It is prefilled with its default c value and changed by overtyping it. Any change remains in effect until you c exit this utility. The default value can be changed in the INI file. c c Refer to the additional help, USEQ directives topic for more information. :TITLE2: C MAKELIST - Logical database load generator :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP70: c c This is an overview of the MAKELIST detail screen. c c This screen allows for specification of MAKELIST directives. It also serves c as a confirmation screen before starting the MAKELIST process. Pressing Enter c from this screen starts MAKELIST. Pressing F3 or the Esc key returns to the c Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the MAKELIST c function. c C MAKELIST directives c c These directives are specific to the MAKELIST function. They are prefilled c with their default values and are changed by overtyping them. Any changes c remain in effect until you exit this utility. The default values can be c changed in the INI file. Refer to the additional help, MAKELIST directives c topic for more information. c :TITLE2: C RUNLIST - Command file execution :TOPMSG: W Page 1 of 1 :BOTMSG: c :LASTLN: W F1=additional help F3/Esc=exit help :HELP80: c c This is an overview of the RUNLIST detail screen. c c This screen allows for specification of RUNLIST directives. It also serves as c a confirmation screen before starting RUNLIST. Pressing Enter from this c screen starts RUNLIST. Pressing F3 or the Esc key returns to the Main Menu. c c Pressing F1 from this screen accesses additional help for the RUNLIST c function. c C RUNLIST directives c c MAKELISTDSN is the only directive required by RUNLIST. It is prefilled with c its default value and changed by overtyping it. Any change remains in effect c until you exit this utility. The default value can be changed in the INI c file. c c Refer to the additional help, RUNLIST directives topic for more c information.