Micro Focus COBOL Library File 11/09/21 23:58:11:05 Igѱ &&z E?6 ASLMF.LNG @?5 ANIMSERV.LNG `?5 COBCLI.LNG ?5 COBOL.LNG ʸ?5CP.LNG +A?5 LITERAL.LNG $?5 MFINFO.LNG ¾0?5 SQLECM.LNG  2,?5DFCV.LNG @7 ?5 HTMLPP.LNG `X ?5 PREXML.LNG y k?5 COBFFND.MSG Q|?5 H2CPY.LNG H|?5 SPLIT78.LNG  ?6 WKSHPUTL.LNG 츯?5 MFRH0000.LNG  ?5 MFJAVA.MSG @8?5 SQLASS.LNG `Ҽ?5 OOCOBOL.LNG 7}.?5 ODBCECM.LNG l˸?5 MFOLE.MSG p'ʽ?5 ONLINE.LNG  )?5GEN.LNG %g?5RTS.ERR  " ?5 MFRH9000.LNG @6&ەu8y XDBECM.LNG `Ӿ,?5 COBSQL.LNG #?5TCOV.LNG 4`?5 IMTKMAKE.LNG 6`?5 MFJAR.LNG c?5 XMLMSGCAT.LNG2 ?5 EXTFH.LNG  ;H?5FS.LNG @@?5 FTTEXT.LNG `OR?5 MFJSORT.LNG ?5 MFJTOOL.LNG +?6REMOTEDEBUG.LNG i?5NCG.LNG MF message file 0A EGbp v64  "  B/ S; $ (    . B X p y : < M  g    0 1 % KM p $  %  ; T h # . > /IN01K!Ol$%9Rh.y>IM;\;6:ABB #=H01x?2"6,Fr, /*@H Pp  !22"d1   #@Uj p |   K/JMK*I AU00AG]s&%6%K$p(77.F)t)DE2w //2 2?q  -:Hf>CD 9 I3 3  '!'!-!TK!k!;!" " "+!"K<"l""F";##K6#_8##I#&$&$L@$\$$+$"$ $ %% % %'%2%C%U%X%k%y% %%%0%%9%0&7 &g2&r &&#&&1''9O'A2'1'0'(#$(@,(d4(!(((G)O)G)))))**"&*=,*c** *****.*'++ +RB+\3++++, ,. ,:",E",g",",",",--%2->.-p"-"-3-&.&.;..a0.).<.)/$</M5/A/8/80780o;0031314 1g 1.1.12'2!62H12~I22$3 ?3.M3mE3M3M4L444455/5M5k5555666=6[6y666677-7KM7i97$788*89 8U8`8f88/88"89 9/:9O9<994::5 :P4:[::::;%;! ;F$;f%;';;;$<$<,&.>lB>>>D>?B*?Z????,?@/@&@C(@i1@@H@@AAX6AlEA<A"B#*BEEBoHBBGCC^ClC;CDCDCD,%Do$D&D5D8E,EKEwReady to change/set passwordEnter current passwordEnter 6 characters to set new password, or Press Return for no change(6 spaces removes password)Enter password******Please re-enter the new password<<<<<<<< The 2 passwords entered do not match >>>>>>>><<<<<<<< The password will remain unchanged >>>>>>>>Password removedNew password setUnable to open message textfile %sPassword mismatchServer License Administration System - AppTrack-----------------------------------------------------------Server license database is read-onlyYou cannot install or uninstall licenses1. License List2. License Summary3. License Install4. License Uninstall5. Change/Set Password9. QuitEnter the Menu Selection%s Server licenses:----------------------------------------------------------%s Summary of AS Licenses Installed, In System and In Use:----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installed Sys In Use --------- --- ------ - - -%s %s %s %s %s %sReady to install licenseEnter the Serial Number part of the License Key:Enter the License Number part of the License Key:This is a Development System license!You are trying to install this license on a machine for which it is not validThis is an invalid license keyThe license key entered is not validUnable to open PRODFILEProduct/version not found in PRODFILEUnknown error in asappkeyLicense installed okLicense already on databaseCannot reinstall this LicenseLicense has expired - not installedNo Application Server license database exists.You must rerun this utility and install a license as root userto create the license database.Subsequent license installs/uninstalls do NOT require you to run as root.unknown failureReady to Uninstall licenseEnter the Serial Number part of the License Key:Enter the License Number part of the License Key:This is a Development System license and cannot be installed for deploymentYou are trying to uninstall this license on a machine for which it is not validThis is an invalid license keyThe license key entered is not validUnable to open PRODFILEProduct/version not found in PRODFILEUnknown error in asappkeyLicense uninstalled okLicense not foundNo Application Server license database exists.You must rerun this utility and install a license as root userto create the license database.Subsequent license installs/uninstalls do NOT require you to run as root.unknown failureApplication Server License Administration System - AppTrack-----------------------------------------------------------You have no access permissions to the license databaseThe Application Server license database cannot be created.You must run the utility 'initaslm' as root, before trying again.You cannot have standard & transaction licenses installed togetherTransactionLicense database security violationMachine Reboot required before Licensing Activity can proceedThe License database is corrupt due to copying, restoration or tamperingYou can restore the database from the last backup(The corrupt database has been saved in /var/mfaslmf/MFASDBBAD)Do you want to want to restore the database? (y/n)Restored**AS Developer UsageVersion %s of %sLicense units: %s **AS Developer UsageLicense units: %sDuration: %s days %sDuration: %s %s--------------------------------------------More... (Esc to Quit)Continue...You must be running as root to use this featureEnter response string:RejectedAcceptedunable to open message textfile 6. Reinitialize Licensing - - -BATCHSUPPORTyYWeb Server SiteSiteTransactionUnlimitedSeatTunePrevCurrHardSoftInvalid Interval - 60 substitutedInvalid Repeats - 1 substitutedYou must set an access password, before proceedingEnter 6 characters as the passwordAverages over %s snapshots at %s second intervals%sDuration: %s days %s **LapsedDuration: %s %s **Lapsed7. Current Users%s Current Users:----------------------------------- PID UID tty --- --- ---ServerMax ChildrenInstall RatioLic TimeoutOdraft %Odraft PeriodOdraft LevelType: %s Value: %s **TunableIf you install this 64-bit license it will disable existing 32-bit licensesthat are installed for this Application Server.64-bit licenses can run both 64-bit and 32-bit applications. Please ensurethat you have sufficient 64-bit licenses to run all of the applications youhave for use with this Application Server.(If all 64-bit licenses for this Application Server are uninstalled, thenpreviously disabled 32-bit licenses are automatically reenabled).Do you wish to continue with this install? (y/n)<<< Disabled >>>%s Summary of AS Licenses Installed and in use:----------------------------------------------------------------- Installed In use --------- ------ - -%s %s %s %s %s - - - -CPUs:3. License Install4. License Uninstall5. Change/Set Password2. Current Concurrent License Usage Redundant - reuse!!!Application Server warnings disabled.Application Server warnings enabled.Serial no: %sLicense no: %sDuration: %s days Remaining: %s daysRun $COBDIR/aslmf/aslmdbrecover to recover the databaseNote that the license database cannot be moved, copied,or restored without reloading the license keysLicense units: %s **ES Developer Usage**ES Developer UsageLicense units: %s **MM Developer Usage**MM Developer UsageYou cannot have Model 1 and Model 2 license types installed togetherYou cannot install a reissue license until you uninstall the originalUser AuthorizedServer ConcurrServer CPULicense users: %s**AS Developer Usage for 32-bit Model 1 systems**AS Developer Usage for 64-bit Model 1 systems**AS Developer Usage for 32/64-bit Model 1 systems**AS Developer Usage for 32/64-bit Model 2 systemsServer Express 32/64-bit6. StatisticsAppTrack - Statistics---------------------1. Peak License Usage2. Display Statistics3. Print Statistics to File4. Begin New Statistics Period5. Settings9. Exit MenuAppTrack - Statistics Settings------------------------------1. Display/Set path for user (printable) copy of stats files2. Enable/Disable automatic user copy of activelog file *Enabled*2. Enable/Disable automatic user copy of activelog file *Disabled*3. Display/Set user defined statistics collection timesApptrack - User Defined Statistics Collection Times---------------------------------------------------1. Display entries by number2. Modify an existing entry by number3. Delete an existing entry by number4. Create a new entryNo user entries exist - system will default to daily collection at midnightTotal no of entries: Entry Time Weekday numbers (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)Press a key to continue...End of ListPress a key to return to menu...User collection times table full!No new entries can be added without deleting an existing oneCreating new entryEnter new valuesEnter number of entry to modify (blank will exit with no modification)Entry Time Weekday numbers (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)Enter amended valuesHours? (0 - 23) Leaving blank terminates the amendmentMinutes? (0 - 59) Leaving blank terminates the amendmentWeekday numbers?Enter single string of day numbers - eg. 1256) (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)Leaving blank terminates the amendmentWeekday numbers?Enter number of entry to delete (blank will exit with no delete)Entry deletedInvalid entry number - enter a value up to Total no of Applications Launched:Type: HeaderType: StartType: TerminateType: Boot Version: Location: Local Location: Remote ? Last flush date: Start Date: ID: Term Date: Boot date: INVALID RECORD TYPENo path yet set upPath for location of user copy of activelog fileCurrent path = Press Enter to change this path, or Esc to return to menuEnter Full Path for user copy of activelog file:Empty path!Press Enter to try again, or Esc to return to menuPath too longUnbalanced enclosing quotesPath must be directory, not a file!Directory does not exist!Press Enter if this is ok, else press ESC to quitAccepted------------------------------------------------------------------------------- << Start of File >> << End of File >>PageUp PageDown CursorUp CursorDown Home End EscFailure to open userstatsfilecorrupt user copy of activelog file failure to open user copy of activelog file System Rebooted Record No:Current Concurrent License Usage: Days Elapsed Type/Ver Local Remote All Launched/Running/Peak Launched/Running/Peak Launched/Running/PeakFull activelog:Current activelog:Drive letter missing!Error accessing statsfile Error creating activelogfile Error writing to activelogfile Error writing to statsfile Error opening temporary activelogfile Error accessing user copy of activelog file Error reading user copy of activelog file Elapsed Record No:Local:Remote:All:Peak License Usage:*** This exceeds the licensed users quota! ****** You are currently licensed only for users ***: Overdraft day %d in use (you have %d overdraft days remaining). %d overdraft instances with %d licenses peak usage;installed total %d for : Overdraft LOCKED for : Overdraft UNLOCKED for : Overdraft RESET for Computer: Program: Server Express 32-bit (Model 1)Server Express 64-bit (Model 1)Server Express 32/64-bit (Model 1)Server Express 32-bit (Model 2)Server Express 64-bit (Model 2)Server Express 32/64-bit (Model 2)OCDS 4.1.40 or laterObject COBOL for UNIX 4.1Directory/File permissions preventing file access.No such directory, or no space on file system.8. License Sharing Configuration%s License Sharing Configuration:---------------------------------------------------This COBDIR contains Model 1 licenses.This COBDIR contains Model 2 licenses.There are no licenses installed on the system.There are no licenses installed for this COBDIR.Only Model 1 COBDIRs exist on the system.This COBDIR is set to share the licenses of Model 1 COBDIRs.Only Model 2 COBDIRs exist on the system.This COBDIR is set to share the licenses of Model 2 COBDIRs.Both Model 1 and Model 2 COBDIRs exist on the system.To change this setting, Apptrack must be run with root privilege.There are no licenses installed for this COBDIR. You mayautomatically use licenses from one of the other COBDIRslisted below, if you indicate your preference. (You willalso be automatically sharing with all other listed COBDIRshaving the same license Model).This COBDIR is currently set to share with Model 2.This COBDIR is currently set to share with Model 1.Model 1 license sharing selectedModel 2 license sharing selectedThe following COBDIR contains Model 1 licensesThe following COBDIR contains Model 2 licensesPress '1' to select this entryPress '9' to quit the selection processPress any other key to continue displaying the COBDIRsOnly superuser (root) can set/change the passwordYou are trying to install a license to a COBDIR for which it is not valid2. Current usageUnable to connect to License ManagerCheck that Micro Focus License Manager Service has been started-----------------------------------------------------------------------------License | Type |Units|Installed| In Use | | | |Licensed| In Excess-----------------+-----------------------+-----+---------+--------+----------Server for COBOL Developer :Server for COBOL (M1) NAMED :Server for COBOL (M1) STD :Server for COBOL (M1) TRANS :Server for COBOL (M1) CPU :Server for COBOL (M2) AUTH :Server for COBOL (M2) CONC :Server for COBOL (M2) CPU :Server for SOA Developer :Server for SOA (M1) NAMED :Server for SOA (M1) STD :Server for SOA (M1) TRANS :Server for SOA (M1) CPU :Server for SOA (M2) AUTH :Server for SOA (M2) STD :Server for SOA (M2) CPU :Server for EE Developer :Server for EE (M1) NAMED :Server for EE (M1) STD :Server for EE (M1) TRANS :Server for EE (M1) CPU :Server for EE (M2) AUTH :Server for EE (M2) STD :Server for EE (M2) CPU : ---------+---------- TOTALS - Micro Focus Server license usage:Database location used:Closing down...Error %s validating licensesContinue...Usage: -i Install as a service -s Start the service -u Remove as a service -v Report on the install state of the service -x Stop the serviceThe service is currently installedThe service is not installedThe service is already installedMicro Focus License Manager service installed successfullyUnable to install the serviceMicro Focus License Manager service uninstalled successfullyUnable to uninstall the serviceMicro Focus License Manager service has been startedUnable to start the serviceResult = %sMicro Focus License Manager service has been stoppedUnable to stop the serviceServer for .Net Developer :Server for .Net (M2) AUTH :Server for .Net (M2) CONC :Server for .Net (M2) CPU :ASLM: License database does not existASLM: No license database headerASLM: Error opening License databaseASLM: License database has been movedASLM: License database checksum failureASLM: Unable to create pvc shmASLM: shm index fullASLM: shm index header checksum failASLM: shm index record checksum failASLM: sysfile open failASLM: Bad sysfileASLM: This boot time already recordedshm (index) missingASLM: You need to rerun as rootASLM: Can't create index shmASLM: shm index attach failASLM: shm open failASLM: shm attach failASLM: shm (pvc) attach failASLM: shm (pvc) content failASLM: shm control failNo App Server License available for CGI: %d installed %d in useNo Application Server License available: %d installed %d in useAll %d Application Server Licenses are in useYou should order additional Application Server licenses if you requiremore users to be able to run this application.You may continue for a temporary period to allow you time to orderadditional licenses.Please wait...ASLM: Environment variable COBDIR not set, or inadequate permissionsASLM: cwd not detectableASLM: Security failure checking ASSIG fileContent-type: text/htmlCGI Application Server status

CGI Application Server status

ASLM: COBOL execution would cause infinite loopASLM: Semaphore failure. Rerun as rootNo Application Server License available:%d system and %d user license installed %d in useASLM: Errno %dASLM: A shared memory area used by Apptrack licensing has been corruptedor deleted, and your system will need to be rebooted before thisapplication can run. A lapsed time-limited developer license is installed.To reactivate this license, first uninstall it, then reinstall again.Error - No license key detected. Application Server requiresa license key in order to execute.Please refer to your application supplier.Net Express Application Server will require a license key to run from2nd December 2002. If your application is not enabled with a key by thisdate, it will cease to run.Run Apptrack to suppress this message until closer to 2nd December 200230 Day WarningUrgent - 10 Day WarningATTENTION - %d day WarningNo Application Server License available at COBDIR location:A summary of all installed licenses can be found by running ApptrackOverdraft ErrorESLM: 0001 Client holds more licenses that exist on the license db.ESLM: 0002 Unable to read license db.ESLM: 0003 License security failure.ESLM: 0010 License Server not located.ESLM: 0011 License server comms message send failure.ESLM: 0012 License Server comms message receive failure.ESLM: 0013 License security failure level 2.@(#)mfaslm (aslmf.01) rev 1.35 MF message file )%83#R&uA*Rc|!l,&&(5 #Adx.!+*A2k.1Nc'!Waiting for connection, using port %sWaiting for connection, using dynamically-allocated portInvalid command lineMultiple SINGLE / MULTI optionsPort option must be greater than %sPort option must be no greater than %sPort option must be numericCurrent options are: single - run single-threaded mode multi - run multi-threaded mode port=nnnn or port(nnnn) where nnnn > %sIllegal option %sFailure to start communications - error %sYou may already have started animserv with this port number, or it may be in use by another serviceCommunications startedCommunications started on port %sClosing communicationsCurrent options are: auto - run as dynamic animator server port=nnnn or port(nnnn) where nnnn > %sFailure writing to server pipe - dbgpcUnexpected message from server - dbgpcFailure reading from server pipe - dbgpcError starting Remote Transaction PC Listener - dbgpcCOBOL environment not set up - dbgsCOBDIR path too longFailure to launch dbgpc - dbgsFailure opening pipe - dbgsFailure writing to environment variable - dbgsUnknown failure - dbgsFailure reading dbgpc port - dbgsInvalid message reading dbgpc portno - dbgsRemote Transaction Animserv Server startedWaiting for new connection request on port %s ....Serious poll error - dbgsAnimation of %s terminatedPoll list full - dbgs returning animserv port %s Request denied - ID already being animated Request failed - error %sHeap open fail - dbgs Request from %s for user %s Request from %s for default user %sStopped communications on port %sPort %s is not a router MF message file "*"/J`y,D[w /F$c* Starting code generation* Checking complete with no errors* Checking complete with no serious errors* Checking complete - errors found* Checking terminated - starting code generation* Failed to load CHECK* Failed to load GENERATE* Failed to load ANIMATOR* Invalid filenameProgram Filename: Source file-name [.%s]: Object file-name [NUL]: Object file-name [%s]: Source listing [NUL]: Source listing [%s]: Object listing [NUL]: Object listing [%s]: Unable to open response fileCannot nest response files* Error - Cannot find library %s* Link step complete* Error - linker not found.* Scheduler step complete* Error - scheduler not found.Intel COBOL Optimizer (Early Release Scheduler)Copyright (C) Intel 1994-1995* Error - Cannot find precompiler %s* Invalid command-line MF message file )^/  8 #) [     # $!"!8!Z!r0!!!!!" 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Inform Technical SupportIllegal format : LiteralIllegal characterUser-name %1$s not unique$ Specified in column 7 of otherwise blank lineUnknown COPY file %1$s specified'.' missingWord starts or is continued in wrong area of source lineReserved word missing or incorrectly usedOperand %1$s is not declaredUser-name requiredInvalid operandProcedure division too largeData space too largeIncorrect use of reserved word %1$sPreprocessor error on initializationBASIS line number sequencing errorNumeric literal expectedToo many qualifiersSKIP1/2/3, EJECT and TITLE must be alone on lineNon-numeric literal expectedIllegal qualifierQualification not permittedLiteral too longNumber too largeData item too longNot a data nameShould be a groupShould be elementaryShould be unitaryShould be procedure nameOperand %1$s should be numericInteger requiredShould be alphanumericShould have USAGE DISPLAYParagraph or phrase repeated illegallyToo many COPY ... REPLACING statementsMissing or illegal file nameMust be non-zeroLiteral or figurative constant expectedLiteral expectedOperand %1$s has wrong sizeAlphabet name requiredNumeric literal or ZERO expectedMissing or extra right parenthesisIllegal use of Index-name or Index Data-itemIllegal use of POINTER data-item, ADDRESS OF or NULLNot a report nameOnly allowed with SEQUENTIAL filesDirective %1$s invalid or not allowed hereClass name requiredIndex-name set to value greater than table sizeCOPY is recursiveNot a report groupNot a report name or a report groupCannot GENERATE this report nameNot a detail groupPseudo text incorrectly specifiedCannot have COPY REPLACING within REPLACE or vice versaCannot be used in nested programIf file is EXTERNAL, then PADDING CHARACTER must be alsoUnsigned integer requiredData item must have fixed locationPlease recompile using a larger value for the LINKCOUNT directiveInvalid argumentPROCEDURE DIVISION missing or unknown statementInvalid FUNCTION name %1$sMissing left parenthesisNumeric argument expectedAlphanumeric argument expectedIllegal combination of argument typesUnexpected end of source within EXECNumeric function not allowedArgument must have length 1Prompt character incompatible for ACCEPTPlease recompile using a larger value for LOCALTEMPS directiveCOBOL Division or Section header encountered in incorrect orderReserved word missing - %1$s expected.Constant-name %1$s same as reserved word.SIZE must be a positive integer.Too many errorsSyntax not compatible with FILETYPE(11)Redefinition causes ambiguity in location of sliding data itemUser-name not unique. Assumed qualified by current 01 level record.Name is not a COBOL wordLiteral used as COPY nameLower case used (future occurrences not flagged)Both single and double quotes used (future occurrences not flagged)Single quotes (apostrophe) used (future occurrences not flagged)Nested COPY fileSequence number out of orderAssignment-name is data-nameRELATIVE KEY clause should immediately follow ACCESS clauseRECORD missingIDENTIFICATION missingPROGRAM-ID missingPROGRAM-ID has illegal formatSecond status areaOPTIONAL not permitted on non-sequential fileParagraphs or phrases in non-standard order or repeatedENVIRONMENT missingCONFIGURATION missingSOURCE-COMPUTER missingSPECIAL-NAMES clause errorOBJECT-COMPUTER missingOBJECT-COMPUTER clause not recognizedCharacter specified twice in alphabetSWITCH clause error or system name/mnemonic name errorCOMMA expectedCRT expectedIllegal currency symbolCannot specify DYNAMIC or EXTERNAL with literal file-nameCannot use Double Byte characters in alphabet or class definitionI-O-CONTROL missingINPUT-OUTPUT missingFILE-CONTROL missingASSIGN missing[LINE] SEQUENTIAL, RELATIVE or INDEXED missingACCESS missing on indexed/relative fileToo many keys or key componentsIllegal ORGANIZATION/ACCESS/KEY combinationUnrecognized phrase in SELECT clauseRepeated 'condition-name TO TRUE/FALSE' in SET statement.SAME AREA clause syntax errorFILE SECTION missingDATA DIVISION missingIllegal use of phrase for National Language operationProgram collating sequence not defined'EXCLUSIVE', 'AUTOMATIC' or 'MANUAL' missingIllegal LOCK MODE / file type combinationFor indexed file, PASSWORD phrase must follow KEYFile name appears in more than one SAME clause of same typeCan only be used in nested programUnknown IDENTIFICATION DIVISION paragraphOCCURS DEPENDING subsidiary to OCCURS only allowed with ODOSLIDE'SET condition-name TO' syntax used.Condition-name set to FALSE.Data item must be unsigned.Status condition missingNo SQL directives have been setCOPY REPLACING nested within COPYNumeric item should be an integer and without a 'P' in its picture clausePeriod found in wrong area of source lineCan only be used within a ParagraphCan only be used within a SectionDISPLAY ... UPON SYSERR can only have one operandMore than 250 USE statementsNEXT SENTENCE followed by non-executable imperative/conditional statementsSource and target lengths do not match (%1$s <> %2$s)WRITE ... ADVANCING and POSITIONING syntax used on same fileDEPENDING ON item in RECORD VARYING clause not in WORKING-STORAGE/LINKAGEInvalid argument in %1$s Qualifying name %1$s not unique. Discarded.Space invalid here.A RECORDING MODE of 'S' was assumed for the above fileA VALUE clause was specified for a sliding item.'RENAMES' object %1$s is an 01 level item'RENAMES' object %1$s is not present in the preceding recordDEPENDING missing. Fixed length assumed.Number of subscripts in VALUE clause does not match table dimensionOne or more subscripts in VALUE clause out of rangeFROM subscript in VALUE clause must not be greater than TO subscriptLimit exceeded - too many literals in VALUE clauseVALUE clause would result in initialization of elements beyond end of tableIn-line commentEND-EXEC missing, or unexpected EXEC.EXEC too large or END-EXEC missing/misspelled.Program is nested in a program defined with the "RECURSIVE" attributeDirectives file %1$s not foundZero is an invalid value for an index-name. 1 assumed.OCCURS DEPENDING ON phrase bisected by additional clause.CALL parameter is group at level other than 01.Use of Z literalsCALL ASCENDING/DESCENDING KEY clause must appear before INDEXED BY clauseRedefinition of item containing an 'OCCURS DEPENDING ON' clauseQualification refers to invalid REDEFINES item - qualification ignoredLINE clause also specified in containing groupEmpty paragraphSort file cannot have ACCESS or ORGANIZATION clausesToo many levels of OCCURSCODE must be specified for all reports or no reportREDEFINES on incorrect fieldRECORD missing or has zero size01 or 77 level requiredFD, CD or SD qualification syntax errorWORKING-STORAGE missingPROCEDURE DIVISION missing or unknown statementUnrecognized data description qualifier or '.' missingPICTURE clause not compatible with qualifiersIllegal data item used with BLANK clauseItem is longer than USAGE allows or contains too many numeric positionsVALUE too long for data item or has too many decimal positionsVALUE in error or illegal for PICTURE typeNon-elementary item has JUSTIFIED or BLANK clausePreceding item at this level has zero lengthIllegal arithmetic operatorIllegal level numberLiteral type does not match data typeData description qualifier inappropriate or repeatedREDEFINES data-name not declaredUnknown USAGESIGN must be LEADING or TRAILINGLevel hierarchy wrongVariable length group not unitaryZERO missingGroup VALUE truncatedIncompatible qualifiersPICTURE string has illegal precedence or illegal characterINDEXED data-name missing or already declaredEdited PICTURE string is too largeUnknown data description qualifier %1$sDEPENDING missingRecord size (%1$s) < minimum size given in FD statement (%2$s)Record > maximum size given in FD statementCannot have more than one initial CDRENAMES missingFirst data name does not precede secondOnly allowed at 01 levelOnly allowed in WORKING-STORAGE sectionOnly allowed in WORKING-STORAGE and FILE sectionsVALUE of group item must be non-numeric or figurative constantFD missing for file %1$sDEPENDING ON item %1$s missing or illegalKEY %1$s missing or illegalIndex-name has been declared explicitlyISAM key %1$s too longAlternate keys have same referenceSTATUS field %1$s missing or illegalCURSOR field %1$s missing or illegalPASSWORD field %1$s missing or illegalLABEL RECORD or DATA RECORD %1$s missing or illegal'VALUE OF' field %1$s missing or illegalUser name %1$s same as special registerPreceding record has zero lengthKEY data-name missing or already declaredASSIGN data-name %1$s illegalIllegal report-name or bad RD clauseInconsistent page specificationOnly allowed in REPORT SECTIONNot a CONTROL for this reportNot allowed when PAGE not specified in RDOnly one report group with this TYPE allowed per RDNot allowed with this TYPENo TYPE specifiedLINE specification missing or inconsistentREPORT specified in more than one FDDuplicate CONTROL fieldCOLUMN specification overlapping or not left to rightOnly allowed with DETAIL groupsOnly allowed with CONTROL FOOTING groupsNon-elementary item has invalid qualifier, or PICTURE missingGROUP INDICATE without COLUMNNEXT GROUP not allowed with this group TYPENEXT GROUP NEXT PAGE not allowed with this group TYPELINE NEXT PAGE not allowed with this group TYPERESET item is lower CONTROL level than groupReport line too longTHRU phrase not allowed with DBCS fieldIllegal use of DBCS fieldNumber of BLL cells incorrectAn EXTERNAL file cannot be subject of SAME RECORD AREA clauseNot allowed in REPORT SECTIONFirst LINE NUMBER clause in PAGE FOOTING group is relativeNot specified in CONTROL clause of RDData record specified for Report fileSYNC with USAGE IS INDEXSYNC at group levelIndex key %1$s not alphanumericGroup FILLERSIGN different from that at group levelSYNC on non-01 level groupVALUE clause in FILE or LINKAGE SECTION. Clause processed as comment.BLANK WHEN ZERO with zero suppressionOCCURS .. DEPENDING clause without "integer TO". "1 TO" assumed.OCCURS at level 01 or 77FILLER omittedLABEL RECORDS clause omittedUnrecognized verbIF....ELSE or scope-delimiter mismatchOperand has wrong data-typeProcedure name %1$s not uniqueProcedure name %1$s same as data-nameEntry name not uniqueWrong combination of data-typesConditional statement not allowed in this contextMalformed subscriptACCEPT/DISPLAY syntax incorrectIllegal syntax used with I-O verbInvalid arithmetic statementToo many subscriptsIllegal keyInvalid conditional expressionToo many AFTERs in PERFORM statementIncorrect structure of PROCEDURE DIVISIONFile must have ACCESS SEQUENTIALOnly index-names allowed with this formatToo many operands in one statementRepeated INDEXED BY phraseCannot reference DEBUG-ITEM outside declarativesMore than one USE procedure on same fileMore than one USE procedure for same open modeIllegal combination of debugging proceduresLiteral cannot be receiving fieldIndex item not permittedNot allowed with OPTIONAL fileWHEN phrase missing from SEARCH statementNot a record nameProgram is nested - must compile with NESTCALL directiveAFTER phrase specified with in-line performNot an alterable paragraphCannot follow WHEN OTHERSelection object does not match selection subjectVariable length group not allowedCannot repeat same categoryREPORT not specified in an FDNot allowed with SEQUENTIAL filesNot allowed with RANDOM ACCESS filesNot allowed with LINE SEQUENTIAL filesNot allowed with LINAGE filesCan only be used within in-line PERFORMShould be level 01 or 77USING parameter used twice in parameter listOnly one WHEN phrase allowed with SEARCH ALLMERGE needs at least two USING filesProcedure name %1$s undeclared, line %2$s (first usage)'LOCK' clause expectedIllegal use of 'NO LOCK''LOCK' clause specified for 'EXCLUSIVE' file'KEPT' specified for file with single record lockingCannot reference a report section item that is not a sum-counterMultiple receiving fields in MOVE CORRESPONDINGOnly '=' and 'NOT =' allowed for pointer data-itemsNot allowed with REPORT filesScreen is display-onlyMissing commaMismatch of table dimensionsFile must have ACCESS DYNAMICOperation exceeds COMP subset%1$s not declared for file or wrong type for CODE-SET%1$s not in same record as first item in CODE-SET clause%1$s overlaps another item in CODE-SET clauseVariable size table not last in group or subsidiary to OCCURSVariable length delimiter not allowedDescription of operand does not contain the INDEXED BY clauseException phrase inappropriateOPEN EXTEND on file with LINAGE clauseOperand must be a tableData size is too largeIllegal use of SORT filePICTURE string contains more than 18 numeric positionsIllegal use of floating-point itemLiteral includes repeated charactersTable superordinate to operand is not indexedSORT table does not support complex OCCURS DEPENDING ON tablesMore than seven AFTER phrasesNon-DISPLAY numeric data cannot be compared with alphanumeric dataParameter count in CALL different from that in PROCEDURE DIVISION headerTALLYING option has ALL etc. distributed over multiple identifiersOnly one Procedure-name in GO TO ... DEPENDINGMissing ALSO or WHENNEXT SENTENCE does not follow ON, IF, ELSE, or SEARCH WHENOrder of initialization changedNo section or paragraph at start of PROCEDURE DIVISIONAFTER and BEFORE options used togetherKey is right hand side of conditionEXIT not in separate paragraphOPEN EXTEND on non-sequential fileMF format Accept/DisplayMore than two AFTER phrasesIn-line PERFORMNo section header after END DECLARATIVESFROM literalNo suitable conditional phrase and no applicable declarativeNo preceding sectionOffset only allowed with Index-namesIndex-name belongs to different tableCannot use index data-item as subscriptLimit exceeded - number of source statements > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of files > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of pairs of REPLACING operands > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of file/copy/library name > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of SELECT filenames > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of SAME RECORD AREA clauses > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of MULTIPLE FILE filenames > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clauses in a file > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of RECORD KEY > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of DATA DIVISION > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of data SECTION > %1$sLimit exceeded - BLOCK size > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - RECORD length > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - number of FD filenames > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of SD filenames > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of 01 & 77 items in LINKAGE SECTION > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of FILE SECTION group item > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of group item > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of data item > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of edited item > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of variable length table > %1$s charactersTotal length of VALUE literals > %1$s - possible problem on mainframeLimit exceeded - length of PICTURE string > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of PICTURE replication > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of sort record > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of table > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - length of table element > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - number of ASC/DESC KEY clauses > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of ASC/DESC KEYs > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - number of INDEXED BY clauses > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of paragraph labels > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of PERFORMs > %1$sLimit exceeded - OCCURS nesting > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of GO TO DEPENDING ON names > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of IF nesting levels > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of CALL parameters > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of SORT/MERGE input files > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of SORT/MERGE keys > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of conditions in a SEARCH ALL > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of UNSTRING delimiters > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of operands in INSPECT TALLYING/REPLACING > %1$sLimit exceeded - length of SORT/MERGE keys > %1$s charactersLimit exceeded - number of PROCEDURE DIVISION USING parameters > %1$sLimit exceeded - number of ENTRY USING parameters > %1$sPrevious item crosses 64K boundary. Segment checking code produced.Table crosses 64K boundary. Segment checking code produced.Parameter crosses 64K boundary. Use NOSMALLDD when compiling subprogram.Parameter to call-by-number routine not contained in first 64K of WSFile section exceeds 64K. Re-compile with CALLFH directive.KEY-YY not supported; assumed KEYOverlapping data-itemsNo valid data for xml generation%1$s must be a NATIONAL data-itemNo next sentence found for NEXT SENTENCE statement.ASSIGN name %1$s in THREAD-LOCAL, but no THREAD-LOCAL clause on FDNo CICS directives have been setSORT key not within the first %1$s bytes of the file record.A duplicate "RECORD" clause was found in an "FD" or "SD" entry.A FUNCTION cannot be the subject of an INSPECT REPLACING statementProcedure name %1$s undeclared, line %2$sDISPLAY ALL figurative constant syntax used.DISPLAY ALL literal syntax used.Feature is part of an optional module - %1$sThis entire section is part of an optional module - %1$sUSAGE COMP used at other than 01 levelORGANIZATION clause in SELECT statement of sort fileVALUE OF clause in SD or CDREDEFINES does not immediately follow data-nameNumeric literal VALUE on edited itemNEXT used in READ of sequential fileSET operation on non-index data itemZEROS or ZEROES in BLANK WHEN clause. Treated as ZEROFILE STATUS %1$s is not alphanumericData name is qualifiedFlag refers to entire section"CHANGED" and/or "NAMED" missingPhrases repeatedOnly 1 file specified in SAME AREA clauseJump out of inline PERFORM> or < followed by THAN or THEN, or = followed by TOMore than 5 levels of qualification"INVALID KEY" phrase used with sequential fileUSING literal/LENGTH OF identifier. (BY CONTENT implied for this item)BY CONTENT literal/LENGTH OF identifierDECLARATIVE SECTION without USE statementALPHABET IS ASCIIEOP or END-OF-PAGE used on file which has no LINAGEPhrases are not in the correct orderREDEFINES at 01 in FILE SECTIONData-name %1$s in ASC/DESC key clause is not uniquely identifiedClause treated as documentaryData item used as index file key is not alphanumericToo many subscriptsINTO data-name is group itemSTART ... LESS/NOT GREATER THAN ...Entry treated as documentaryALPHABET IS EBCDICCICS LINKAGE items generatedPicture string is continuedThis item is obsolete in 1985 standardSource field is editedComparison between edited field and COMP fieldVALUE clause on group COMPVALUE clause on variable length groupVALUE clause with OCCURS or subsidiary to group OCCURSALTERNATE RECORD KEY is not in SAAPICTURE symbol P not allowed in RELATIVE KEYEND-IF used with NEXT SENTENCEProgram is nestedUSING identifier must not be a redefinitionPseudo-text consists entirely of a separator comma or semicolonSecond status field does not comply with VSC2/BS2000 specificationsComment lines precede IDENTIFICATION DIVISION"%1$s" : non-conforming standard ANS85Syntax is non-conforming non-standard ANS85"%1$s" : marked as obsolete in the ANS85 standardMultiple program sourceMultiple GIVING filesComparison between index-name and arithmetic expressionStatement cannot be reachedAlphabet declared without ALPHABET keywordA "NOT" phrase did not have a matching verb and was discarded.An "ELSE" phrase did not have a matching IF and was discarded.A "WHEN" phrase did not have a matching verb and was discarded.A scope-delimiter did not have a matching verb and was discarded.RECORDING MODE used with INDEXED or RELATIVE fileThis release does not support floating point in this context.USAGE DISPLAY-1 missing.Sign condition in EVALUATE statementData-item does not have fixed locationInsufficient space in area B for SO/SI insertionMixed literal is continuedINITIALIZE operand does not have fixed locationMore than one REPLACING phraseConditional statement not terminated by its scope-delimiterZero suppression follows floating insertionPreceding statement is not imperativeGroup level USAGE does not match PICTURE type - USAGE ignoredPROGRAM-ID specified as literalPROGRAM-ID is DBCS nameUser-defined word as DBCS nameEND-SEARCH used with NEXT SENTENCERedefined item has OCCURS phraseEXIT PROGRAM within GLOBAL declarativeIn-line PERFORM statement not terminated by END-PERFORMImperative statement missing.Smallest record size (%1$s) > minimum in RECORD clause (%2$s)Largest record size (%1$s) < maximum in RECORD clause (%2$s)Operand does not have USAGE DISPLAYPROCEDURE DIVISION does not finish with complete sentenceUSING/GIVING file does not have ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIALUSING/GIVING file has ACCESS RANDOMUSING/GIVING file has ACCESS DYNAMICSequence number contains non-numeric charactersVariable length group is operand of INITIALIZE statementSORT file has FILE STATUS clause01 level record in REPORT SECTION is elementaryObject of SUM clause belongs to different reportAssignment-name is alphanumeric literalLiteral form of CODE phrase (mnemonic-name required for OSVS)Name is implicitly qualifiedUSE BEFORE REPORTING on DETAIL groupNeither LINE nor LINES specifiedSIGN phrase in REPORT SECTIONGLOBAL specified for entry without data-nameMore than one SUM for single itemProgram does not contain PROCEDURE DIVISIONPROCEDURE DIVISION header missingPseudo-text delimiter preceded / followed by illegal characterApostrophe found with QUOTE directive (future occurrences not flagged)Quote found with APOST directive (future occurrences not flagged)Line: %1$s Column: %2$sEXIT PROGRAM not in separate paragraphInvalid program namePrevious LINE clause specified same numberFloating point data itemData item is defined at level 66Data item is not declared in LINKAGE SECTIONUser-name mixes single-byte and double-byte charactersDBCS user-name exceeds 14 characters in lengthDBCS user-name begin with DBCS equivalent of SBCS '-' characterDBCS name contains illegal characterDBCS name contains only DBCS characters equivalent to SBCS charactersBelongs to LINKAGE record not specified in PROCEDURE DIVISION headerAlphabetic edited item treated as alphabeticEdited field not allowedSECTION header not followed by paragraph name or other SECTION headerUse of symbolic literal defined in level 78 or CONSTANT directiveUse of signed or non-integer numeric literalINTO not legal for this fileGLOBAL specified in LINKAGE SECTIONA FUNCTION cannot be a receiving itemREPORT HEADING extends beyond first detail. NEXT GROUP NEXT PAGE assumed.Feature not supported in selected dialectVALUE specified for external floating point data itemLevel 88 defined on external floating point data itemACCEPT references internal floating point data itemFloating point data illegal in DIVIDE with REMAINDER clauseReserved word OR missingFloating point data item used in SEARCH ALL statement'.' missing following procedure name declaration, or unrecognized verbSource and target start at same locationSource and target overlap, and source is at higher address than targetSignificand has more than 16 numeric positionsFloating-point value out of rangeCURSOR/CRT STATUS data item may not be in LOCAL-STORAGE/LINKAGEIllegal use of LOCAL-STORAGE itemRecord length exceeds system limitNo matching $IF - ignoredSORT key cannot have, or be subsidiary to item with, OCCURS clauseBY CONTENT numeric literalNEXT GROUP specified for group with no LINE NUMBER clauseNEXT GROUP NEXT PAGE specified for report without PAGE descriptionSource and target overlap, and source is at lower address than targetShould be declared in LINKAGE SECTIONNUMERIC class test on ALPHABETIC itemScreen name mandatory at 01 level in SCREEN SECTION.Positive signed integer used in relative subscriptingSuperfluous TO found in MOVE statement. Ignored.Figurative constant or ALL not allowed hereLENGTH function in non-standard contextINPUT-OUTPUT SECTION precedes CONFIGURATION SECTIONCommunications syntax incorrectReserved word used as data name or unknown data description qualifierODO object %1$s must have fixed locationJUSTIFIED specified on edited fieldEVALUATE statement using partial conditional expressionsSelection object does not correspond to selection subjectPERFORM UNTIL EXITCOPY nested within COPY REPLACINGIncompatible options specifiedSubscripting and indexing used for the same identifierNumeric FUNCTION used as source of MOVE statementTHEN used instead of THANValue of previous expression may not be the same under OSVS / VSC2Too many CONTROLs specified for reportQUOTE character must be double within an N literalN" format literalFunction argument must be positiveFunction argument must be positive or zeroFunction argument must be non-zeroFunction argument must be between -1 and +1Function argument must be greater than -1Function argument must be between 1 and collating sequence lengthUse of PROCEDURE-POINTER data itemUse of 'C' or 'R' as currency signCondition-name cannot be set to FALSE (no FALSE value specified)Illegal use of floating point literalSimple COPY and qualified COPY both used within the same programREPORT specified in more than two FDsCannot be an EXTERNAL itemIdentifier is reference-modifiedEXTERNAL programData-name must be specified with TYPEDEFData item is redefinition of KEY, rather than the key itself.Use of positive literal in AFTER ADVANCING phraseADVANCING PAGE and END-OF-PAGE used in the same WRITE statementFunction argument is wrong formatAlphabet-name must be preceded by ALPHABET.Alphabetic class expanded to include lower-case letters.ON OVERFLOW will execute under more conditions.Comparison between scaled integer and non-numeric is different.':' will be treated as a separator.Non-COBOL character '%1$s' found. Results may be different.An implicit EXIT PROGRAM will be executed at end of program.PICTURE consists of A's and B's. Treated as alphanumeric-edited.Order of initialization different for PERFORM...VARYING...AFTERThe maximum length of receiver %1$s will be used.RECORD CONTAINS with one integer is supported differently.The file status values are different.Subscripting and ODO for UNSTRING evaluated at start of statement.Non-space characters following '.' are ignored.EXIT not followed by '.'EXIT PROGRAM not followed by '.'Shift out character not followed by valid DBCS characterShift out character not matched with shift in, or vice versaI-O-CONTROL paragraph contains multiple sentencesSEQUENTIAL file used as CALL parameterNon-SEQUENTIAL file used as CALL parameterData-item too small (must be at least 16 characters long)USE...GIVING optionPeriod follows SKIP1/2/3 or EJECTFunction argument invalid, year must be greater than 1600.Function argument invalid, month must be an integer between 1 and 12.Function argument invalid, day must be an integer between 1 and 31.Function argument invalid, day must be an integer between 1 and 366.OO: %1$s not specified in USINGOO: Definition too longOO: Syntax matches multiple signatures of %1$s - first assumedOO: Signature of %1$s does not match or data-name %2$s not declaredOO: FUNCTION not permitted - no RETURNING/GIVING phraseOO: FUNCTION cannot use RETURNING/GIVING as a parameter %1$sOO: Invalid verb/function signature %1$sOO: CLASS %1$s not declaredOO: Object types do not conform (%1$s, %2$s)OO: Signature must contain or exactly onceOO: Signature includes IN, OF or "(" after parameter. May be ambiguous.OO: Sorry, too many signatures of %1$s to considerOO: Only allowed within an instance methodOO: Implicit use of SELF only allowed within a METHODBY VALUE not allowed in nested programsEND DECLARATIVES missingWHEN OTHER must follow other WHEN phraseObject of SUM...UPON phrase is not a detail group for this reportIndex name set to negative valueIndex name set to 0Index name augmented by 0Complex arithmetic expression used as subscriptOR phrase in INSPECT BEFORE/AFTERNegative integer not allowedSpecial register used with ACCEPT/DISPLAY/EXHIBIT or CALL statementTYPEDEF name missingPOINTER name requiredPOINTER item has incorrect typeIllegal use of logical operatorINITIALIZE TO VALUE statementDELIMITED BY SIZE omittedMust be a typed pointerRETURNING phrase cannot be used on an ENTRY statementENTRY statement in a program with a PROCEDURE DIVISION RETURNING phraseOO: Signature includes IN, OF or "(" after parameter.OO: Required or Optional word must not be a verb.Illegal combination of ALLOW clausesCLASS clause cannot be used with numeric itemCOBOL word contains 31 characters.Data item too small - must have at least 4 digits.Partial word replacement.Only one word allowed with partial word replacement.Additional messages suppressedThe intermediate code may not be portable at the intlevel set.01 Group item must have the EXTERNAL-FORM clause.Call by number routine x"%1$s" does not exist.Pre-compiled header %1$s is incompatible with this compilerOO: Invalid method name.Pre-compiled header %1$s not found.MOVE used with pointer item.No PICTURE specified for elementary alphanumeric item.KEY specification uses SOURCE syntax.END PROGRAM %1$s missing.SYNC would cause re-alignment of redefined group - not allowedNon-COBOL character '%1$s' found.COLUMN clause requires a SOURCE/SUM/VALUE clause also.Bad task request from External Compiler ModuleExternal Compiler Module messageData name defined using SQL syntax too long to modifyIntegrated preprocessor messageSource limit of %1$s lines exceededBad directive or option in $IFToo many items in CODE-SET FOR clauseVALUE clause requires a table declaration.Maximum number of data items exceeded.Pseudo-text delimiter missing.Reserved word missing - OF expected.Number of WHEN phrases > %1$sUSAGE NATIONAL - need to compile with NSYMBOL(NATIONAL) directive.Feature not yet supported when compiling for .NETFeature not supportedCannot have an abstract method in a non-abstract classCUSTOM-ATTRIBUTE must derive from System.Attribute classException-name must derive from System.Exception classInterface name '%1$s' not foundInterface member '%1$s' or one of its overloads not implemented or not publicClass '%1$s' not found or is not a delegate classClass does not implement GetEnumerator methodEnumerator does not implement get_Current methodEnumerator does not implement MoveNext methodRAISE must specify exception object when not in CATCH blockCannot inherit from FINAL class '%1$s'Illegal parameter to delegate constructorMethod has different signature from delegateIllegal cast or test - object types do not conform (%1$s, %2$s)Could not find method '%1$s' with this signatureAttribute class does not have constructor with this signatureIllegal specification of named parameterAttribute class does not have property '%1$s'Invalid value for property '%1$s'Property can not be a sending itemProperty can not be a receiving itemMethod in interface definition must be publicProcedural code not allowed hereSystem limit - Data Division too large > 256Mbytes.System limit - Procedure Division too large. > 16Mbytes.RETURNING item is incompatible with method return typeRETURNING item requires implicit castMethod '%1$s' has multiple definitions with same signatureSET PROPERTY must have USING parameter and no RETURNINGGET PROPERTY must have a RETURNING parameterUnknown class '%1$s'Invalid use of ANY LENGTH clauseOBJECT REFERENCE can only have OCCURS at 01 levelCan only be used on native data item with OCCURS at 01 levelToo many types specified for generic classToo many constraints specified for generic typeMethods cannot be nested - END METHOD missingSystem error - unexpected error while generating IL codeSystem error - evaluation stack mismatchSystem error - evaluation stack negativeSystem error - evaluation stack exceeded limitSystem error - evaluation stack non-emptySystem error - failure during ILASM phaseNo static methods found - cannot be a main programSystem error - peverify has determined that this program is not verifiableObject references must be specified at 01 levelObject references must not be redefinedObject references must not have REDEFINES clauseOperand must be an ENUMAll operands in an ENUM expression must be of the same typeFailed to find system program '%1$s'Illegal combination of visibility attributesCannot jump out of a FINALLY blockInherited class '%1$s' not foundCannot create an instance of abstract class '%1$s'ABSTRACT method cannot be PRIVATEABSTRACT class or method cannot be FINALABSTRACT method cannot be staticProgram or method name missingInterface methods cannot be FINALProperty '%1$s' not implemented or not publicOnly one field may be declared in ENUMENUM field must be a numeric field of native .NET typeENUM literal must a numeric integerENUM literals must follow ENUM fieldVALUETYPE programs cannot inheritOCCURS format can only be used with native .NET types at 01 levelOnly one visibility attribute allowedAttribute repeatedCannot use ADDRESS OF operator on .NET native typeVisibility attributes can only be used with native .NET types at 01 levelEVENT can only be specified with objects of delegate typeClass '%1$s' has multiple definitionsIllegal comparison for this typeIllegal operatorOperator already defined'=' operator is defined without matching '<>' operator'<>' operator is defined without matching '=' operator'>' operator is defined without matching '<' operator'<' operator is defined without matching '>' operator'>=' operator is defined without matching '<=' operator'<=' operator is defined without matching '>=' operatorCannot specify reference modification on an object referenceAmbiguous match for method '%1$s' with this signatureClass constructors cannot have parametersInternal error - Stack overflow. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Enlarge Memory overflow. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Restore String invalid. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Dictionary corruption. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Stack underflow. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Invalid tree node. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Subscript count overflow. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Debug info buffer overflow. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Verb processing error. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Bad numeric descriptor. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Int code buffer overflow. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Dictionary heap failure %1$s Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Dictionary invalid r/w %1$s Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Dictionary open/close failure. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Dictionary literal size error. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Error during repository processing. Inform Technical Support.Internal error - Error opening cdi2 handle.Internal error - CTF failed.Comparison operator must return a condition-valueComparison operator must have two parameters that belong to current classConversion operator must have one parameter and one return typeEither the parameter or the return type must belong to current classReferenced non-managed module '%1$s' not foundArray initializer has non-uniform structure.Table dimensions are different from original declaration.Must be interface implemented by current class.Operator must have one parametersOperator must have two parametersOperator must have one or two parametersAt least one parameter must be of current classOperator is not defined for operands of this typeOnly native .NET types are allowed in Valuetype instancesOperator parameters must be passed BY VALUENumber of operands does not match dimensions of tableCUSTOM-ATTRIBUTE %1$s not allowed in this contextOnly native .NET types are allowed to have custom attributesCUSTOM-ATTRIBUTE %1$s is only allowed oncePROPERTY and EVENT must be specified before CUSTOM-ATTRIBUTESource file %1$s not foundReferenced assembly '%1$s' not found%1$s is not the name of a generic parameterGeneric class '%1$s' has wrong number of type argumentsOne or more of the type arguments for '%1$s' violates constraintsClass, method, property or field is marked as obsoleteANY LENGTH item cannot be RETURNING item when compiling for .NETInvalid type nameCannot use PROPERTY on an item that is subject to an OCCURS clauseToo many generic argumentsSystem limit - number of multiple inheritance > 10.Method '%1$s' must have the REDEFINE clause.Method '%1$s' must have the OVERRIDE or REDEFINE clause.Method '%1$s' cannot OVERRIDE a non-virtual method in inherited class.Method '%1$s' cannot OVERRIDE a FINAL method in inherited class.Method '%1$s' not found in inherited class - must not have the OVERRIDE or REDEFINE clause.Explicit interface implementations cannot have visibility attributes.Property '%1$s' has multiple definitionsInvalid $line directive.Too many $line directives.Overriding method '%1$s' must have visibility 'PRIVATE'.Overriding method '%1$s' must have visibility 'INTERNAL'.Overriding method '%1$s' must have visibility 'PROTECTED'.Overriding method '%1$s' must have visibility 'PROTECTED INTERNAL'.Overriding method '%1$s' must have visibility 'PUBLIC'.Either all or no dimensions must be specified using ANY.Class '%1$s' inherits from itself (directly or indirectly).Collection element has incompatible typeCannot access object data from a static methodClass '%1$s' inherits from more than one base classEXTERNAL not allowed with instance dataLinkage item '%1$s' is referenced but has no addressability.Must specify at least one CATCH or FINALLY clause.Inherited class does not have a default constructor.An anonymous method can only be used as a parameter to a delegate constructor.SET CONTENT syntax cannot be used with jagged arrays.Anonymous method signature does not match that of delegate.Anonymous method returning item does not match that of delegate.Anonymous method parameter must be new item specified with AS clause.YIELDING phrase can only be used in the context of an iterator.YIELDING phrase must be used in the context of an iterator.Statement can only be used in the context of an iterator.Cannot initialize MicroFocus.COBOL.Compiler.dll.Could not find suitable '%1$s' method.Attribute class has multiple constructors with equally valid signatureA method invoke cannot be a receiving itemCould not find method '%1$s' with this signature - will generate dynamic callOperand must be BooleanGROUP-USAGE must be NATIONAL or BITNo period following EXEC SQL INCLUDE END-EXEC. DB2 coprocessor will failA readonly field cannot be a receiving itemProgram requires setting of INTLEVEL(4)Number of parameters in CALL (%1$s) different from number in target method (%2$s)Illegal function argumentIterator parameters must be passed BY VALUEA class can only be PUBLIC or INTERNALFeature not yet supported when compiling for .NET - statement ignoredCan only be PUBLIC or INTERNALPROFILE directive ignored for nested programsOpen fail : %1$sCharacter other than *, D, /, -, or $ found in column 7. Blank assumed.Continuation character invalid at this point. Blank assumed.First character of a continued literal not a quote. Quote assumed.Continuation character expected. End of literal assumed.Name ends in hyphen. Processed as written.COBOL word contains more than %1$s characters. Word truncated.VALUE literal size %1$s > data item size %2$s. Literal truncated.DBCS literal must contain an even number of characters. Literal truncated.Closing delimiter for DBCS literal not found. Delimiter assumed.Nonnumeric literal has length of zero. One SPACE assumed.DBCS literal has length of zero. Length of one DBCS character assumed.DIVISION missing or misspelled. DIVISION assumed.SECTION missing or misspelled. SECTION assumed.Period missing. Period assumed.OCCURS integer-1 exceeds OCCURS integer-2. Zero is assumed for integer-1.Expected SEPARATE before CHARACTER in SIGN clause. SEPARATE assumed.REDEFINES ignored for 01 level item in FILE or COMMUNICATION SECTION.VALUE clause not allowed here. Clause processed as comment.Unsigned numeric literal expected. Sign ignored.Unsigned numeric field. Sign in VALUE clause ignored.Slack bytes added in conversion of COMP-6 to COMP.Table item not subscripted or indexed. First occurrence assumed.WORKING-STORAGE SECTION expected. Start of WORKING-STORAGE assumed.VALUE clause literal does not conform to PICTURE. Changed to blanks.MOVE edited field to edited field - treated as alphanumeric moveSource literal is non-numeric - substituting zeroLiteral is numeric - treated as non-numericStatement should not reference an alphabetic data itemA non-integer is being moved to an alphanumeric data itemCannot SORT or MERGE USING or GIVING two files with SAME AREASORT file appears in more than one SAME SORT(-MERGE) AREA clauseFile-names illegally specified in same SAME RECORD AREA clauseFile-names illegally specified in same SAME SORT(-MERGE) AREA clauseSource item is ALPHABETIC or ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED - treated as alphanumericKey is not wholly contained within minimum record lengthEntry name illegalData-name must be specified for an EXTERNAL record - EXTERNAL ignoredRECORD key or ALTERNATE key has same starting position as another key.Error in structure information. No structure diagram created.ALL not allowed here - ALL ignoredData item has zero size, or group not yet completed. Value of 0 assumed.A numeric item is being moved to an ALPHABETIC data item.PERFORM may be recursiveLoad failure on SLOAD - STRUCT ignored.Capacity of POINTER may be exceededHost variable name length may cause problems.Phrase ignored - unsuccessful chain will cause program termination.DBCS literal includes invalid data.KEY clause not allowed with sequential READ - clause ignored.Invalid condition in $IFValue evaluated left to right, differs from normal arithmetic precedence.ALL specified more than once - repeated occurrences ignored.Multiple 01 level EXTERNAL records with same name - treated as same recordVariable length group redefines or is redefined.CALL-CONVENTION does not match that specified in prototypeREFERENCE/CONTENT/VALUE phrase does not match that specified in prototypeNumber of parameters is greater than in prototypeParameter is not consistent with that defined in prototypeCan only use DELIMITED with alphanumeric itemsNumber of parameters is less than in prototypeNot allowed in EXTERNAL programEXTERNAL not allowed with nested, INITIAL or COMMON programs - ignoredIllegal use of literal%1$s space characters truncated from VALUE literal.Can only be used with indexed files OO: RETURNING phrase not allowed in METHODOO: Class name %1$s missing in SPECIAL-NAMES - assumed.Identifier in area A assumed procedure name. Period missing before it.OO: Incorrect structure of CLASS programOO: Missing OBJECT-STORAGE SECTION, required for inheritance.Program name same as reserved word. Invalid combination of RECORD and RECORDING MODE clauses.Reference modified length should not be > 8191 at run-time.Host variable name longer than permitted by database engine - truncated.Setting of directives inline / conditional compilationExpected positive integer, positive integer assumedOdd number of hexadecimal digitsMore than 255 BLL CellsSource line is too longRECORDING MODE IS F specified for a variable length record structure Created subordinate data item %1$sClause should be part of the File DescriptionCannot use both INITIAL and RECURSIVE clauses in PROGRAM-ID.Cannot pass an arithmetic expression BY REFERENCE.Net Express .NET license expired or not present.Literal contains SBCS Katakana characters.Literal contains DBCS or SBCS Katakana characters.SBCS Katakana character usage in source is not portable.RECORDING MODE clause found in an SD entry. The clause was ignored.No COBOL statement between periods.Blank continuation source line. Line ignored.Sequence number out of order or missing.77 level item in FILE SECTION. Processed as 01 level.No CORRESPONDING items were found. Statement has no effect.ZERO value for BY operand. Statement processed as written.Statement exceeds COMP subset.Signed numeric compared with group. Processed as alphanumeric compare.WITH DEBUGGING MODE not specified. Section ignored.First literal is greater than second. Processed as written.Boundary violation. Processed as written.Compatibility directive forcing non standard behaviour.Imperative statement missing - CONTINUE assumed.Clause treated as documentary.SAME AREA treated as SAME RECORD AREAAccept qualifier used with display-only field - qualifier ignoredZero suppression follows floating insertion - treated as floating insertionIndex-name belongs to different table - unexpected behaviour may occurRecord size (%1$s) < minimum size given in FD statement (%2$s)Record size (%1$s) > maximum size given in FD statement (%2$s)VALUE in FILE, LINKAGE, or LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION - processed as comment.Period must be followed by a spaceNeither NAMED nor CHANGED specified. Will be treated as formatted DISPLAY.CALL parameter is literal (or LENGTH OF). BY CONTENT assumedPunctuation character not followed by a space. Assume space.Punctuation character not preceded by a space. Assume space.Double-Byte character(s) may be corrupted by use of this move.No STOP RUN, GOBACK, or EXIT PROGRAM statements encountered in source.Statement cannot be reachedPrefix of filename treated as documentaryStatement generated no executable codeUnable to validate contents of DBCS literalsEntry name has been converted following OS/VS COBOL and VS COBOL II rulesNo OPEN statement was found for fileNo CLOSE statement was found for file'KEPT' omitted for file with multiple record lockingName truncated to %1$s charactersOperand %1$s does not have suitable data typeVALUE in FILE or LINKAGE SECTION - only used with INITIALIZE statement.Name longer than 8 charactersName includes characters that would be changed by OS/VS COBOL and VS COBOL IIName includes characters that would be illegal for OS/VS COBOL and VS COBOL IIDUPLICATES phrase with keys generates slower sort; remove if possible%1$s lies in more than 1 PERFORM THRU rangeEnd precedes start in PERFORM %1$s THRU %2$sSegmentation specified in nested program.Operand %1$s ambiguous in corresponding targetRedefinition of internal floating-point item. May not be portable.Forwards overlapping move may produce unpredictable results.Comparison involving floating point data may not be portableSome mainframe values for this data type cannot be handled on PCPC allows values for this data type that cannot be handled on mainframeBoth PANVALET and LIBRARIAN specified - not mainframe compatibleBLOCK or LABEL clause in SD not allowed. Ignored.JUSTIFIED specified on edited fieldCBL PROCESS *CBL or *CONTROL record encountered. Directives ignored.Portion of name following first '-' treated as documentaryChanges before first statement cannot be checked. Ignored.Paragraph/Section definition has changed. Ignored.Attempt to define %1$s as procedure. Ignored.Animator restriction - can't check this statement.Too many basic blocks for GNTANLZ(COUNT) to work, recompile with GNTANLZ(TICK)GIVING option treated as documentaryBLANK WHEN ZERO phrase ignored.Use of COMP-5 data typeCOMP-5 redefinition.Reference modification on a COMP-5 item.A non-integer numeric operand cannot be compared to a nonnumeric operand.Numeric class test on a group containing a signed numeric item.Improper BLL Cell List item.BLL Cell Addressability invalid.Comparison between numeric literal and a numeric literal.Synchronization non-optimal.Literal is greater in length than data item.Operand %1$s ambiguous in corresponding sourceNonnumeric literal has length of zero.Integer specified in the RESERVE clause was not in the range 1 to 255Use of COMP-5 in file record.Comparison between two ALL literals is not allowedEXAMINE TALLYING requires the TALLY special register.Zero suppression PICTURE string overrides the BLANK WHEN ZERO clause.Original item is larger than redefinition (%1$s > %2$s).LABEL clause processed as comment.BLOCK CONTAINS clause processed as comment.Previous paragraph or SECTION contains no statements.PROCEDURE DIVISION does not start with a SECTION.Original item is smaller than redefinition (%1$s < %2$s).USE clause omittedCOMP-5 is machine specific format. (future occurrences not indicated)COMP processed as DISPLAY (future occurrences not indicated)COMP-6 processed as COMP (future occurrences not indicated)COMP-1 processed as PIC S9(4) COMP (future occurrences not indicated)COMP-0 field exceeds S9(5), converted to USAGE DISPLAYCOMP-0 processed as PIC S9(4) COMP (future occurrences not indicated)UNIT phrase processed as comment.Literal exceeds 160 characters%1$s same as level 78 nameRERUN clause processed as commentNo REPLACE currently in effectCOMP-4 processed as PIC S9(9) COMP (future occurrences not indicated)COMP-4 field exceeds S9(10), converted to USAGE DISPLAYCOMP-3 unsigned, converted to signed COMP-3BLANK WHEN ZERO clause overrides the zero suppression PICTURE string.MEMORY SIZE clause processed as commentMULTIPLE FILE TAPE clause processed as commentCOMMON can only be used in nested program - processed as commentScope terminator %1$s generated implicitlyWord non-portable; reserved in OS/400Word non-portable; reserved in VSC2(3)Word non-portable; reserved in OS/2 COBOLSyntax is non-conforming SAAUse of early-release MF syntax%1$s directive or parameter is early-release%1$s is CORRESPONDING item in statementConflicting definition of level 78 item %1$sDuplicate, equivalent definition of level 78 %1$sFilehandling used with REENTRANT DirectiveConflict with REENTRANT Directive and user code or other DirectivesUSAGE must be DISPLAY for entries in a group with VALUE clauseNon-positive value changed to 1WITH NO ADVANCING phrase has no effect for CONSOLE deviceShould be in upper caseOne or more operands are missing and have taken a default value of 1Truncated MOVE. Source length (%1$s) exceeds target length (%2$s)Function argument invalid, date YYYYMMDD must be greater than 15821014.Function argument invalid, date YYYYDDD must be greater than 1582287.Use of intrinsic function module or function not in selected dialect.Results incompatible with BS2000 if src table length > dest table lengthRequires an abstract machine level of 4 or greaterTHRU not allowed with Boolean itemsJob variable name is too longLiteral exceeds 180 characters-INC name terminated by a periodReference modified item should be USAGE DISPLAYMust be declared in LINKAGE, WORKING-STORAGE or LOCAL-STORAGE SECTIONGO TO target outside current sectionFirst literal is equal to second. Processed as written.Conversion operator must have mutually incompatible parameter and return typeA method without a returning item cannot be a source operandPARAMS may only be specified for a single dimensional array as the last parameterExpected Interface name.Expected Class name.Expected Class or Interface name.PROPERTY clause only allowed in Object or Factory.Method not found in the repository.Universal Object Reference is not allowed.Redefinition of an Object Reference is illegal.Object Reference with REDEFINES clause is illegal.VALUE clause is illegal with Object Reference or Pointer.File related section or paragraph not allowed.Not allowed in a FACTORY or OBJECT definition.Not allowed in a METHOD definition.Not allowed in the outer level of a Class Definition.Not allowed in an INTERFACE definition.LOCK MODE clause must be specified in the File Control Entry.Illegal use of floating-point item %1$sNon-integer moved to alphanumeric item %1$sMethod '%1$s' not found in this class.Cannot resolve forward reference of method in an inline invoke.Clause from the REPOSITORY paragraph expected.HOSTNUMCOMPARE(1)\HOSTNUMMOVE(1) may be removed in future releasesCannot have REFERENCE to a value type - omit OBJECT REFERENCE.Cannot specify BEFORE or AFTER with TRAILING option.Cannot mix TRAILING option with other INSPECT phrases.Invalid HANDLE field.WHEN OTHER follows other WHEN clause.Level 78 literal too long.Cannot specify PROPERTY subssidiary to PROPERTY ALL.Illegal use of national item %1$sOO: Class '%1$s' can only appear once in the INHERITS clause.OO: Class '%1$s' can not inherit from itself.OO: Class '%1$s' directly or indirectly inherits class '%2$s'.OO: External name is illegal.OO: Repository information for externalised class name '%1$s' not found.OO: Externalised class name '%1$s' has FINAL clause and can not be inherited.OO: Class name '%1$s' is not defined in the REPSOITORY paragraph.OO: Interface name '%1$s' is not defined in the REPSOITORY paragraph.OO: Class or Interface name '%1$s' is not defined in the REPSOITORY paragraph.OO: EXPANDS phrase is illegal in a parameterised Class or Interface.OO: The number of Actual parameters and Formal paramters is not the same.OO: Expanded Class or Interface name '%1$s' is invalid.OO: Expanded Class or Interface parameter name '%1$s' is invalid.OO: Number of Expanded Class or Interface parameters do not match.OO: Class or Interface name expected.OO: Reserved word USING expected.OO: There must be USING parameters.OO: Method '%1$s' must not have the OVERRIDE clause.OO: Method '%1$s' must have the OVERRIDE clause.OO: Inherited method '%1$s' must not have the FINAL clause.OO: Parameters of method '%1$s' do not conform .OO: Parameters of Method '%1$s' do not conform to Repository.OO: Call Convention of '%1$s' does not match that in the Repository.OO: Number of parameters of '%1$s' does not match Repository entry.OO: The Prototype for Method '%1$s' was not found.OO: Duplicated Internal Method name '%1$s'.OO: Duplicated External Method name '%1$s'.OO: Method/Function '%1$s" does not have a RETURNING clause defined.OO: Method %1$s in interface %2$s not implemented.OO: Method %1$s does not conform to that in class/interface %2$sIllegal use of condition nameBoundary violation. Processed as maximum value (%1$s)Memory allocation failure - module: '%1$s'Insufficient memoryOpen fail : '%1$s'Read error: '%1$s'I-O error : %1$s %2$sI-O error : IDY fileChecker : pointer or index invalid - module: '%1$s'Illegal command lineUnknown XFD directive: '%1$s'Missing '=' in XFD directiveXFD value should be a name: %1$sXFD value should be numeric: %1$sXFD value should be a literal: %1$sGROUP expected after USEDate format missingMissing field name after WHENCondition value too long (%1$s max)Invalid date formatField %1$s causes duplicate data dataToo many AND conditions (10 max)Error - duplicate file nameError - when field not foundError - internal XFD error 23Internal error - occurs inconsistencyError - invalid directive combinationError - XSL information too longError - insufficient memoryInternal error - not enough attributes (NO LONGER USED)File %1$s : no matching field for condition %2$sWarning - directive word too long : %1$sFile %1$s : variable filename requires "File" directiveWarning - field %1$s causes duplicate database dataWarning - field %1$s causes duplicate dataWarning - %1$s not unique in first 30 charactersFile %1$s : data missing from key segment %2$sFile %1$s : bad picture for date field %2$sError - more than 65535 statements in a paragraph. Cannot produce debugging informationNULL value set on non-included field %1$sNULL value set on key field %1$s%1$s incompatible with flagging dialect MF message file $ L*(' C1c4/ )+&Tz9&($L+d;Reading main source file:Obtaining source from stacked preprocessorRAWLIST set - not writing version numberOutput:Tokens:*CP Accepted - %1$s*CP Rejected - %1$s*CP Invalid qualifier - %1$sPreprocessor support level: %1$sChecker / calling preprocessor support level %1$sUndefined internal error - contact Technical SupportIllegal command lineCompiler level set to 1; some features disabledOpen fail : %1$sOpen fail : %1$sCall to stacked preprocessor %1$s failedStacked preprocessor returned an errorUnable to open a heapInternal stack full - contact your support representativeFile error - contact Technical SupportCopybook %1$s not foundNested REPLACING is not allowedStatement begins in wrong area of sourceHTML splitter error %1$sBad format of COPY statement - COPY ignoredREPLACE results will not be sent to any other preprocessors MF message file l$Vtx|       " 1 F U' d    O K /I z> E !E fC 0  ' 7 F _ x     ?<6{$  (D8Z88:0j2222,2^2222&2X(& 5 DQf9~:!&+Q-l1.GWg<;;K%cA. >,]      %=R` n x      1;O]n       ) 09I\ mx       +:Ncu      &8IQ _j x      9IP^e       ( 7@F KWe k v  , 1=O eqy     $ 5 B Y n {      !!! !2!8!G!U!]!k!!!!!! ! !!!!!!" " " ""'"*"2 "8 "D "P"] "e"oY"~;"<#i#NU#A$ .$M${!$$ $ $$ $ %%%%%%%% %& %1 %= %F%S%b%j%j%o %u%% %% % %%%%%%&&&&5 &O&Y&n&& && &&&&'' '. '9 'C 'M'V'g'~''''''(((.(D(X(l((((((() ) )4)H)\)p ) )) ) )) ) ) ))) ** * * ***J*^*v***** * *N*+=Enter further options:* Accepted - %1$s* Rejected - %1$s* Invalid qualifier - %1$s* Built %1$s* Build failure* No options selected* Options: %1$s* Setting: %1$s* Errors in directives - Run Terminated* Ref.no.: %1$s* Directives File: %1$s* End Of Directives File: %1$s* Ignored - %1$sWARNING: Early Release features are enabled. Please see your release notes for more details, and do not rely on these features being supported in future products from Micro Focus. Please use and evaluate Early Release features and tell Micro Focus what you think.* Directives file %1$s not foundWARNING: Proposed ISO2000 COBOL features are enabled. Please refer to documentation for details, and do not rely on these features being supported in future products from Micro Focus due to changes in the proposed COBOL standard. * Compiling %1$s* Checking %1$s* Compiling console input* Checking console input* Compiling root* Checking root* Compiling segment %1$s* Checking segment %1$s* FD address resolution:* Generating cross reference* End of cross reference listing* Writing object-storage to:%1$s* Syntax check complete - starting intermediate code generation* Errors resulting from references to external classes* Generating %1$sFILESCDDATAPROCSJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecPagePge* URN %1$s* REF* Last message on page: %1$s* Last message on page: %1$s* Total Messages: %1$s* Unrecoverable : %1$s Severe : %2$s* Errors : %1$s Warnings: %2$s* Informational : %1$s Flags : %2$s* Data: %1$s Code: %2$s* Preprocessor :* Class Data: %1$s Instance Data: %2$s Methods: %3$s* Source Lines : %1$s* Local-Storage : %1$s* Lines of Source %1$s Lines of Code %2$s* Comment lines %1$s Text comments %2$s* Comment percentage %1$s Statements %2$s* Sections %1$s Paragraphs %2$s* Files %1$s Data-items %2$s* Condition %1$s Screen Name %2$s* Report %1$s Level 78 %2$s* Call (by number) %1$s Call (by name) %2$s* Call (data-item) %1$s Linkage 01's %2$s* Maximum Nesting %1$s Overlap. prfms %2$s* Source Lines : %1$s Int file : %2$s* Errors* -Line- Col Code/severity Description* Code output to file* Data reference table* Control block* Procedure reference table* Segment table* Entry table* External call table* FD Address Resolution:* Ref Hash Moth Xref Line Sz Type... Name* Moving %1$s bytes from %2$s to %3$s Highest PC: %4$s* -line- -Address --size-- Name* Data Segment: %1s %2sCompilation not successfully completedErrors during preprocessingChecker : alloc_mem or heap failure - module:Checker : INSUFFICIENT MEMORYOKUNRECOVERABLE ERROR - press any key to continuePlease input new path nameProgram does not existProgram does not exist or has not been checkedOpen fail : %1$sREAD ERROR: %1$sI-O ERROR : %1$s/%2$s %3$s I-O ERROR : OBJECT FILECONTINUE COMPILING PROGRAM ? &~Yes&~No&~Zoom-all&~zoom-ThisCONTINUE CHECKING PROGRAM ? &~Yes&~No&~Zoom-all&~zoom-ThisFILE BELOW NOT FOUND - &~Stop&~Retry&~Continue&~Alter-pathCannot be run separatelyI-O ERROR : IDY FILE I2-STATUS = %1$sI-O ERROR : CSI FILECONTINUE CHECKING PROGRAM ? &~Yes&~No&~Zoom-all&~zoom-This&~HelpI-O ERROR : IDY file renamed to .$dy extensionI-O ERROR : SBR file(message applies to code produced by External Compiler Module)Checker : pointer or index invalid - module:Line sequential fileSequential fileIndexed fileRelative fileSort fileOutput CCDInput CCDScreen elementParagraphSectionUndeclared procedure nameParagraph called from another sectionSwitch condition nameCondition nameCondition nameClass nameGroup lengthReport nameReport groupReport elementScreen nameNumeric DISPLAYNumeric COMPNumeric COMP-3Numeric COMP-XPOINTERBooleanBoolean justifiedIndexAlphanumericAlphanumeric justifiedAlphabeticAlphabetic justifiedNumeric editedAlphabetic editedAlphanumeric editedKanjiDBCSNumeric COMP-5Switch nameSplit key nameLevel 78 itemSymbolic characterMnemonic nameAlphabet nameKanji editedDBCS editedNumeric COMP-6Program nameCall PrototypeTYPEDEFUser VerbRecord Key entryAlternate Key EntryCodeset for EntryEntry pointPROCEDURE POINTERBit booleanBit boolean justifiedFUNCTION POINTERInterface nameProgram nameProperty nameFunction nameIntrinsic nameClass name* %s names listedsubscriptedSELECT OPTIONALORGANIZATION INDEXEDORGANIZATION RELATIVEACCESS MODE RANDOMACCESS MODE DYNAMICRECORD KEYALTERNATE KEYRESERVE AREAPADDING CHARACTERRECORD DELIMITERSTRINGOCCURSOCCURS TOOBJECT MEMORYSEGMENT-LIMITRERUNSAME RECORD AREASAME SORT(-MERGE) AREAMULTIPLE FILE TAPE(NOT) INVALID KEYUNSTRINGSD / CD HEADERCONTAINS TORECORD VARYINGLABEL RECORDSVALUE OFVALUE OF DATADATA RECORDSLINAGESEARCHSUBSCRIPTINGALTER GO TODISABLEENABLEWITH KEYRECEIVERECEIVE SEGMENTSENDWITH DATANAMEPURGECOPYOF / IN LIBRARYADD / SUBTRACT CORRESPONDINGDIVIDE REMAINDERCOMPUTECOPY REPLACINGREPLACESEGMENT NO ABOVE SEGMENT-LIMITSEGMENT NUMBEREVALUATENESTED PROGRAMMOVE CORRESPONDINGINITIALIZESET CONDITIONASCENDING KEYDESCENDING KEYINDEXED BYOPEN NO REWINDOPEN EXTENDOPEN REVERSEDCLOSE REMOVALCLOSE WITH LOCKREAD NEXTKEY ISSTARTDISPLAY UPONAT END-OF-PAGEDELETEACCEPT FROMNO ADVANCINGUSE FOR DEBUGGINGUSE ALL REFERENCESUSE DEBUG FILEUSE DEBUG CD NAMEARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONREFERENCE MODIFICATIONALL LITERAL TO NUMERICDE-EDIT MOVEPERFORM WITHPERFORM VARYINGALTERALTER SERIESINSPECT CONVERTINGCOMMUNICATIONS SECTIONIO-CD-INITALSYMBOLICDESTINATION TABLEMERGESORTRELEASERETURN88 LEVEL66 LEVELCONTINUATIONENTERSTOP LITERALALPHABET LITERALSYMBOLIC CHARACTERSNEGATED SIMPLE CONDITIONCONDITION NAMESIGN CONDITIONCOMPLEX CONDITIONQUALIFICATIONFIGURATIVE CONSTANT ALLID DIVISION PARAGRAPHDATE-COMPILEDDEBUG SPECIAL REGISTERADVANCING MNEMONICRENAMES CLAUSEIF CONDITIONAL STATEMENTEND PROGRAMINITIAL PROGRAMCOMMON PROGRAMEXTERNAL/GLOBALCALL IDENTIFIERREFERENCE/CONTENTEXCEPTION/OVERFLOWCANCELPARTIAL MESSAGEREPLACING LINEWITH ESIDEBUGGING MODENON-CONTIGUOUS SEGMENTMORE THAN 5 OPERANDSNESTED REDEFINESREPORT SECTIONRD LEVEL INDICATORTYPESOURCELINE NUMBERCOLUMN NUMBERPAGEREPORTCODECONTROLINITIATEGENERATETERMINATESUPPRESSNEXT GROUPSUMFUNCTIONAUTHORINSTALLATIONDATE-WRITTENDATE-COMPILEDSECURITYUSE GLOBALCLOSE NO REWINDSorry, changes have been made which prevents the source from being partially checked &~OkContinue partially checking program ?&~Yes&~No&^~Full-checkWarning: Procedure containing execution point has changed&OkWarning: Statement containing execution point has changed. Animator execution point may be inaccurate.&OkChanges made outside procedure division will be ignored. Continue checking ?&~Yes&~NoNot enough memory available to check changes. Cannot continue.&OkNo procedure code changes have been checked&OkCheck completed successfully&OkCheck completed with %s errors&OkLine:%1$s/%2$s PC:%3$s %4$sDummy SectionData-itemmods uses tests(recursive)(see above)GO TOlevel 78UnknownSwitch nameProgram nameSplit-keymnemonic nameCall ConventionalphabetCommsReportScreen NameTypedefSwitch CondConditionClass NameException PhrasesNo SubprogramsNo undeclared proceduresNo unused procedure namesAmbiguous name. synonyms are:-No data-items foundExecuted from:-Not executed from anywhereExecutes:-Related definitions:-No Related DefinitionsNo procedure namesNo matching level 78'sNo idea !PERFORM inlinePERFORM THRUGO TO DEPENDINGI-O %1$sProgram Exits %1$sArithmetic %1$sANSI'85 END-.. %1$sSubprogramsCopyFilesStatisticsDeaddataUnreferencedDataUnreferencedProceduresUndeclaredProceduresProcedureListAnalyzerLinesExecutes: no proceduresNo data-items referencedLines of Source %1$sLines of Code %1$sComment lines %1$sText comments %1$sComment ratio %1$s%%Statements %1$sSections %1$sParagraphs %1$sFiles %1$sData-items %1$sCondition %1$sScreen Name %1$sReport %1$sLevel 78 %1$sCall (by number)%1$sCall (by name) %1$sCall (data-item)%1$sEntry Point %1$sTotal Data %1$sINT code %1$sLinkage 01's %1$sVerb CountsLine Seq FileSequential FileIndexed FileRelative FileSectionParagraphUndeclaredFile SectionWorking-StorageLinkageLocal-StorageSpecial01/77-levelSubscriptedperform-level expansion completeExecuted by ANALYZERNot executed by ANALYZERMaximum Nesting %1$sOverlapping Performs%1$sProgram Volume %1$sThread-Local-StorageScreen SectionDataProcedureSubprogram Address Line No Address Line No Address Line No Address Line No%1$s MF message file "DF MF message file ~L0`,<.&*C5m##+EH )'.=1kH103Ex.6Cd$+1a'1<m*DB2 does not accept EBCDIC data. Ask your support representative for details of MF products which enable EBCDIC data with DB2.%s is badly defined.Program contains more than one definition of %s.Nested or multi-source programs not allowed.An error occurred whilst processing the internal dictionary.Required DB software: '%s' could not be found.Source file name is invalid. MF DB2 Connect program missing or invalid.MF DB2 Connect program reported error condition '%s'.DB2 rejected an unspecified option.No database name was specified.HCO must be selected and available.Statement is too long.Statement contains too many host variables.%s does not have a suitable definition to be used as a host variable.Bad SQL data declaration.Syntax error.Filename too long.File %s not found.%s is non-unique and should be qualified.%s is not a data item.Statement contains more than one SQLDA.%s is not a table of null indicator variables.%s should not be a defined with an OCCURS clause.%s should not be a subordinate to an item defined with an OCCURS clause.Statement only allowed in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.Statement not allowed in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.An error occurred whilst processing the trace file.Invalid format of compound SQL statement. This condition is non-recoverable; subsequent (valid) SQL statements may generate spurious errors.Mismatched DECLARE.Host variable name is too long.Internal error - dictionary handle is too big.Package name is too long, max=8 chars, use ACCESS directive to fix.Nested INCLUDE's not supported.A '(' is illegal in the INTO clause.SQLCA or SQLCODE not found.Indicator variable %s is not SMALLINT type.An internal error occurred. Create a trace file using the compiler directive CHKECM(TRACE) and contact your support representative.This error prevents SQL processing from continuing - further EXEC SQL statements will be ignored.Use of EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA END-EXEC.MF DB2 Connect program produced the warning '%s'.Statement is not in area B.Undefined error.INVALID SQL STATEMENT - statement ignored. MF message file  AR+,%"#1Tr5&DFC115 Batch mode call with no parameters - profile file requiredInput file not found - conversion abandonedMask conversion error - conversion abandonedConversion was completed successfullyRebuild was completed successfullynnnnnnnn : Source records processed nnnnn : Minimum record size nnnnn : Maximum record size nnnnn : Warning - Duplicate keyed records rejectedDFCnnn Error during conversionRebuilding File...Converting file - records processed - File Converter - MF message file 0-2@AX(+@&,(R1zC"8"H4j=,(C/'r10#C5-x(%)?:4y"52Q&o .ED (3 l* ? >  F& ^4     $ . J f !       # 4 E V k }        1 M g }      .I^q  ' 6CSaq Preprocess directive already used. Cannot be used again in $SET.Continuation line in string but no starting quote. Quote assumed.Invalid char encountered in hex literal:Invalid char encountered in binary literal.End of file encountered while parsing string. String terminated.Name is too long, extra chars ignored:String is too long, extra chars ignored:Numeric literal is too long, extra chars ignored:String not terminated and not continued. Terminated at end of line.EXTERNAL-FORM must be an 01 level:Invalid preprocessor option encountered on command line:Invalid preprocessor option value:Cannot find specified preprocessor for source input:Cannot find default preprocessor for source input (cp or CP).Cannot write to specified debug/output file:Cannot determine constant value of name:Mainframe code generation (MFG) requires IBMCOMP checker directive.IDENTIFIED BY data item is length zero:EOF reached before 'END-EXEC'. END-EXEC assumed.Program-id is malformed:Procedure division or entry statement malformed:End-program statement is malformed.Data description entry (and record) terminated by unexpected token.Program-id mismatch in END-PROGRAM statement.Period assumed in END-PROGRAM statement.Entry point USING clause is invalid: Period assumed in USING clause.Record name on USING clause is undefined:Only GIVING or RETURNING clause possible after REPEATED clause.REPEATED from count larger than to count - reversed. (possible missing period).Possible missing period - assumed.Identifier not found in LENGTH or START value clause:Unexpected or invalid token found in value clause.Level 78 identifier not found:Level 78 identifier has invalid value:XML SELECT Statement is invalid.XML XD Statement references invalid file name.In IDENTIFIED BY , must be directly contained in groupIn NAMESPACE IS , must be directly contained in groupKEY or INDEXED clause missing, invalid or ambiguousXML PARSE statement badly formed - ignoredPROCESSING-INSTRUCTION clause not allowed on identified by itemOCCURS DEPENDING ON invalid in XD when ODOSLIDE active. Item:Cannot read source file.Cannot fully parse picture string for Error reading DBCS character - no second byte found.Data startsProc startsEnd of fileUndefined tokenChars : Char : String : H String: B String: Name : Num : Compiler support level is : Compiler line length is : Checker says to stop preprocessFinishing preprocessData record token not understood:Drec size : Drec startsDrec endsItem size : Item offset : Item category : Item usage : Item digits : Item place loc : Item sign attr : Item definition for Environment startsSelect XML file : Select XML assign : Select XML DTD : Select XML status : Start SELECT StatementEnd SELECT StatementStart WORKING-STORAGE section.End WORKING-STORAGE section.Start LOCAL-STORAGE section.End LOCAL-STORAGE section.Start LINKAGE section.End LINKAGE section.Start FILE section.End FILE section.Start SCREEN section.End SCREEN section.Start THREAD-LOCAL section.End THREAD-LOCAL section.Start OBJECT-STORAGE section.End OBJECT-STORAGE section.Start REPORT section.End REPORT section.Start ACCEPT VerbEnd ACCEPT VerbStart DISPLAY VerbEnd DISPLAY VerbStart EXEC VerbEnd EXEC VerbStart Accept/Display Data BlockEnd Accept/Display Data BlockStart OPEN VerbEnd OPEN VerbStart READ VerbEnd READ VerbStart WRITE VerbEnd WRITE VerbStart CLOSE VerbEnd CLOSE VerbStart DELETEKEY VerbEnd DELETEKEY VerbStart REWRITEKEY VerbEnd REWRITEKEY VerbStart STARTKEY VerbEnd STARTKEY VerbStart CALL VerbEnd CALL Verb MF message file 0-2@AX(+@&,(R1zC"8"H4j=,(C/'r10#C5-x(%)?:4y"52Q&o .ED (3 l* ? >  F& ^4     $ . J f !       # 4 E V k }        1 M g }      .I^q  ' 6CSaq Preprocess directive already used. Cannot be used again in $SET.Continuation line in string but no starting quote. Quote assumed.Invalid char encountered in hex literal:Invalid char encountered in binary literal.End of file encountered while parsing string. String terminated.Name is too long, extra chars ignored:String is too long, extra chars ignored:Numeric literal is too long, extra chars ignored:String not terminated and not continued. Terminated at end of line.EXTERNAL-FORM must be an 01 level:Invalid preprocessor option encountered on command line:Invalid preprocessor option value:Cannot find specified preprocessor for source input:Cannot find default preprocessor for source input (cp or CP).Cannot write to specified debug/output file:Cannot determine constant value of name:Mainframe code generation (MFG) requires IBMCOMP checker directive.IDENTIFIED BY data item is length zero:EOF reached before 'END-EXEC'. END-EXEC assumed.Program-id is malformed:Procedure division or entry statement malformed:End-program statement is malformed.Data description entry (and record) terminated by unexpected token.Program-id mismatch in END-PROGRAM statement.Period assumed in END-PROGRAM statement.Entry point USING clause is invalid: Period assumed in USING clause.Record name on USING clause is undefined:Only GIVING or RETURNING clause possible after REPEATED clause.REPEATED from count larger than to count - reversed. (possible missing period).Possible missing period - assumed.Identifier not found in LENGTH or START value clause:Unexpected or invalid token found in value clause.Level 78 identifier not found:Level 78 identifier has invalid value:XML SELECT Statement is invalid.XML XD Statement references invalid file name.In IDENTIFIED BY , must be directly contained in groupIn NAMESPACE IS , must be directly contained in groupKEY or INDEXED clause missing, invalid or ambiguousXML PARSE statement badly formed - ignoredPROCESSING-INSTRUCTION clause not allowed on identified by itemOCCURS DEPENDING ON invalid in XD when ODOSLIDE active. Item:Cannot read source file.Cannot fully parse picture string for Error reading DBCS character - no second byte found.Data startsProc startsEnd of fileUndefined tokenChars : Char : String : H String: B String: Name : Num : Compiler support level is : Compiler line length is : Checker says to stop preprocessFinishing preprocessData record token not understood:Drec size : Drec startsDrec endsItem size : Item offset : Item category : Item usage : Item digits : Item place loc : Item sign attr : Item definition for Environment startsSelect XML file : Select XML assign : Select XML DTD : Select XML status : Start SELECT StatementEnd SELECT StatementStart WORKING-STORAGE section.End WORKING-STORAGE section.Start LOCAL-STORAGE section.End LOCAL-STORAGE section.Start LINKAGE section.End LINKAGE section.Start FILE section.End FILE section.Start SCREEN section.End SCREEN section.Start THREAD-LOCAL section.End THREAD-LOCAL section.Start OBJECT-STORAGE section.End OBJECT-STORAGE section.Start REPORT section.End REPORT section.Start ACCEPT VerbEnd ACCEPT VerbStart DISPLAY VerbEnd DISPLAY VerbStart EXEC VerbEnd EXEC VerbStart Accept/Display Data BlockEnd Accept/Display Data BlockStart OPEN VerbEnd OPEN VerbStart READ VerbEnd READ VerbStart WRITE VerbEnd WRITE VerbStart CLOSE VerbEnd CLOSE VerbStart DELETEKEY VerbEnd DELETEKEY VerbStart REWRITEKEY VerbEnd REWRITEKEY VerbStart STARTKEY VerbEnd STARTKEY VerbStart CALL VerbEnd CALL Verb MF message file s/#*<f!{:CY %H0GZ$j (&4B"Q5s-'2!.Omtz&3*,19Jbx0F]m      " ) . 4 7 = C G P Y- _     F C V? I 6 !/ W&          . H VUsage: cobffnd[_t] [options] pid1 [ pid2 ... ] ERROR: Process ID must be supplied ERROR: cobffnd caught signal %d - exiting ERROR: Out of memory Micro Focus FaultFinder AnalysisEnvironment Section Environment Variables RTS Error: %s Failing Thread ID: %d FaultFinder executed at: %sCommand line arguments: ERROR: FaultFinder information not present in process: %d ERROR: Single / multi thread incompatability. Execute "%s" instead Call Stack for thread: 0x%X Module: %s Processor: SP=0x%s FP=0x%s PC=0x%s COBOL: PROGID=0x%s INSTID=0x%s SPBASE=0x%s SPTOP=0x%s Entry Point: %s Argument %d of %d: %d bytes at 0x%s Local Storage: %d bytes at 0x%s INT PC: 0x%08X INT PC: 0x%08X in segment %d Machine Registers Loaded Programs Operation Traceback Live Programs Dead Programs Program %d: %s Working Storage: %d bytes at 0x%s Thread Local Storage for thread %d: %d bytes at 0x%s Dynamically Allocated Data: %d bytes at 0x%s Memory Allocation Start (%s): %d bytes Memory Allocation Complete (%s): %d bytes at 0x%s Memory De-Allocation Start: 0x%s Memory De-Allocation Complete UnknownSharedDynamicThreadUnknown File EventCLOSE File EventLinkage Item %d of %d: Starts at 0x%s Linkage item already processed as argument: %d Linkage Item %d of %d: No value assigned. StartCompleteCOMMIT File EventDELETE RECORD File EventDELETE FILE File EventOPEN File EventREAD File EventROLLBACK File EventSTART File EventSTEP File EventUNLOCK FILE File EventWRITE File EventFILE INFO File EventIDX CREATE File FileIDX NEXT RECORD File EventIDX ADD KEY File EventIDX RE-INDEX File EventFLUSH File EventUNLOCK RECORD File Event Status: %c/%c Status: %c/%d Filename: %s Record Size: %d bytes Line SequentialSequentialIndexedRelativeSort/MergeDefinedUndefinedSequentialRandomDynamicInputOutputI/OExtendClosedNoneExclusiveAutomaticManual Organization=%s Access=%s User Status=%s Open Mode=%s Lock Mode=%s None Active Files File %d of %d. FCD @ 0x%s Runtime System Settings Error: Bad process ID: %s Options: -f reportfile Output to reportfile - overwrite file if it exists. -F reportfile Output to reportfile - append data if it exists. If reportfile is a '-', then stdout is used. If reportfile contains a %%p, then this is expanded to the current process ID being dumped -m Memory usage summary report. Error: Could not attach to process %d Program NameWKSTHRDYNTotalLocal Storage for thread %d: No local storage found. Total COBOL memory usage: Signal %d event occured GNT PC: 0x%08X External Data Name: %s Size: %d MF message file x 83V<(L<97u-1*9[ ! -A!n56)+##Nq"; (JB&+<(1d4  ' 0! W x% , 1 . " C+ e/ ! % > %( c( . - & E 4+ y4 4  ( 3& ?( e. < # )/D%s)+E HN2+13$&W0}1+" 2+H]9522E,w+JH/`//*B*Y-9IFile ignored at your request ...Warning - { }; syntax expected following typedef struct.Warning - assigning a structure to a reserved word.Unexpected #define value detected during typedef processing.Warning - %1$s referenced but undefined.Warning - data-name omitted or reserved word used as data-name in a typedef.Warning - reserved word '%1$s' used as data-name in #define.Warning - macro definitions are not supported by H2CPY.Warning - Invalid string. Definition ignored.Warning - %1$s is undefined.Error reading fileError writing to %1$sStack overflowCannot open %1$s. Retry, Stop or Enter new name :Cannot open %1$s. Ignore, Retry, Stop or Enter new name :Enter new file name :Cannot open %1$sInvalid option : %1$sInvalid command line. * %1$s is not defined. * %1$s structure*>Bit field * %1$s cannot be converted. * %1$s redefined. Redefinition ignored. * Structure files created : * Structure Name File NameWarning - null string encountered. Definition ignored.Cannot define %1$s - its a reserved word.%1$s already defined. Redefinition ignored.Error, no input C header file givenError, too many input filenamesError, macro %1$s already defined.Error, exceeded max number of include directories, max=%1$sError, unknown C type: %1$sError, no C type alignment valueError, unknown option %1$sError, unknown environment (not 16, 32, LP32, ILP32, LLP64, LP64 or ILP64)Error, no C type size valueError, unknown option - %1$sError, type expected, found name: %1$sError, type expectedInternal error; What other declarator type?* Warning, struct/union > 4 (or 8) bytes and passed by value* cannot be directly accessed from COBOLError, typedef found at inner level; check brackets.Unexpected token %1$sError, type expectedError, type expected, found %1$sError, no unique typedef name.Internal error, wrong heap rec on: %1$sError, already declared this nameError, undeclared enum %1$s* Warning, already defined name: %1$sError, already defined struct/union as: %1$s* Warning, other return already defined for: %1$sError, other params already defined for : %1$sError, declaration buffer overflow* Warning, float has been evaluated as zero* Warning, expression buffer overflow - ignoredError, no unique declarator name.Error, no unique parameter name.Error, invalid C code (missing token)* Warning, too many digits - truncated to 4 or 8 bytes in %1$s* Warning, macro too long, ignored: %1$s* Warning, macro has too many parameters* Warning, macro parameters too long - ignoredError - ## not followed by correct token typeError, mismatched brackets in #if line* Warning, neither whitepace nor ( after #define. Ignoring the line.* Warning, redefinition ignored for #define* Internal error, entity index not in sequence: %1$s* Internal error, symbol index not in sequence: %1$sError, command line too long*> %1$s Bit*> %1$s BitsEnter additional command line options:Error, no call convention value providedTaking directives from the file[group] at %1$sError, invoking parameterized macro '%1$' with no parametersh2cpy {[filename] [option]} ... [&] Where option can be one of the following:-A disables ANSI/ISO where incompatible-C list C source within COBOL-D name declare macro name to set a value use -D name=val-E expand all structures and unions-F name=n set function calling convention value for: default, cdecl, pascal, fastcall, stdcall, system, optlink, cdecl16, pascal16-G name set group of options from the h2cpy.dir file under the header for [name]-I name include directory name to search first-J change default for char type to unsigned-M disables Microsoft keywords-K name declare a non-standard C keyword name-P preprocess the C, don't generate COBOL-O disables IBM's C keywords (OS/2)-R name add COBOL reserved word-S put COBOL for #defines in separate file-V do not generate variable numbers of CALL prototype parameters-X generate BY REFERENCE ANY for a call prototype parameter of a pointer to an unsigned char-a type=n set the alignment for C type where type is one of int, char, short, long, llong pointer, float, dfloat or dlfloat-c all names in COBOL in lower case-e n target environment where n is LP32, ILP32, LLP64, LP64 or ILP64 representing Int, Long and Pointer sizes for the environments-f pass #define float literals to COBOL-h convert hex #define value to decimal-o name name the generated COBOL output file-p do not generate CALL prototypes-q do not ask for user response if #include file not found-r remove COBOL reserved word list-s type=n set the size for C type where type is as for -a option-v toggle informational messages to screen on/off . <- a period in first column or line 130 ends the help message. MF message file ^s%+-+4_r@"+Invalid command line.split78 {input filename}Input file not found About to Split the input file: %1$s You should first ensure that your current directory only contains just this one '.78' file before continuing Press to continue, 'Q' to abortERROR opening: %1$sFiles written to : %1$s Fatal error - not a '78'WARNING: cannot produce output file with same name as input fileFile being produced: %1$s * Constants Copy file: %1$sUndefined error - inform technical support. MF message file Bz~ ">[t  ('=!WxI.CVGry. PH![ |VLD)bm'# Q/'0'44:OnLRebuild completeRebuild complete with errorsProject files need rebuildingCompiled files up to dateChecking dependenciesChecking dependencies forStarting rebuildDependent file not foundDependent file(Modified)Excluded from buildRebuildingCould not create build target directory:Failed to copy to fileCould not create LBT file Dependency generation complete...Analyzing Completed Found Could not locate configuration file VISPRJ.CFG needed to rebuild databaseGenerating system databaseGenerating classes...Generating popups...Generating actions...Generating types...Database Generation completeFailed to create database file. Check that existing file is not locked.Attempted to create file : This executable forms part of NetExpress and should not be run from the command line. Contact Technical Support if you received this message whilst using NetExpress.Missing COPY FileMicro Focus Net Express - Project Make Utility - Version Copyright (C) Micro Focus IP Development Limited 1984-2011. All rights reserved.Error: missing data in project file, project not initialized correctly ?Error: could not find build type Processing Error: unable to allocate memory in order to process environment settings for project.Error: inconsistent data in project concerning project environment settings.Error: unable to load support module RTEENV.DLL, check installation.Error: could not open SYSTEM.DAT, you cannot use ProjMake and the NetExpress IDE at the same time.Error: could not open Error: could not set working directory Error: unknown command-line option Usage: projmake { -H } | { [-BUILD | -BUILDALL] project-name.app [ target | * ] }Options: -BUILDALL rebuild all files -BUILD rebuild only changed files -H display this help project-name.app specifies the project filename target specific build type to process * apply build/buildall option to all build types in projectIf -build and -buildall options are omitted, 'build' is selected by default. MF message file a "     +# E$ h* + & % * ,# V) y' %  ! / ), X! &  %  /" H j / 0 + *E$c;1-- 6M! (1 Unable to allocate memory2 Supplied buffer is too small3 Undefined fatal error99 Internal error100 Invalid IDT version101 Invalid message type102 Service name not found in IDT103 By value mapping not supported150 Unable to initialise request handler151 Unable to initialise interface mapper250 Unable to initialise SOAP parser400 Invalid binary protocol version401 Unrecognised binary protocol message402 Program/entry-point not found450 Invalid namespace for SOAP envelope451 Invalid namespace for SOAP header452 Invalid namespace for SOAP body453 Invalid SOAP message454 No SOAP URI in SOAP message455 SOAPAction URI differs from SOAP Body URI456 Unable to resolve href in SOAP message457 Unrecognised encoding style458 Illegal character in SOAP string500 Parameter not found in IDT501 External data not located502 Invalid implementation language503 Unsupported mapping504 Expected mapping not defined505 Invalid ODO item506 Invalid structured mapping507 Insufficient subscripts for external item508 Subscript for external item does not exist509 Too many subscripts for external item510 Error in exit handler600 External field not found601 Unsupported external data type602 Expected parameter not supplied by external interface603 Expected external structure field not found604 Expected external array field not found605 Incorrect number of parameters supplied606 Incorrect number of fields in supplied structure607 External data type mismatch608 Unknown external data type609 Incorrect number of array elements MF message file **"Bdu%5%'%%LqUnable to load class: %sRuntime typing information missingUnknown Data TypeMethod not found: %sUnsupported return type: %s%sConstructor %s for class %s not foundError calling %s constructor for instance of class %sCan't create new instance of class %sMethod '%s' with signature %s not foundNot enough parameters for method '%s'Java exceptionJava runtime exceptionJava user exception MF message file n ~     &2C Xbw*> Q \ft   3H\ jv     )2 A LU [etData Source NameDriver NameDriver VersionFetch DirectionODBC API ConformanceODBC VersionRow UpdatesODBC SAG CLI ConformanceServer NameSearch Pattern EscapeODBC SQL ConformanceDBMS NameDBMS VersionAccessible TablesAccessible ProceduresProceduresData Source Read OnlyExpressions in OrderbyIdentifier Quote CharMax Column Name LengthMax Cursor Name LengthMax Owner Name LengthMax Procedure Name LengthMax Qualifier Name LengthMax Table Name LengthMultiple Result SetsMultiple Active TXNOuter JoinsOwner TermProcedure TermQualifier Name SeparatorQualifier TermScroll OptionsTable TermUser NameConvert FunctionsNumeric FunctionsColumn AliasGroup ByMax Columns in Group ByMax Columns in IndexMax Columns in Order ByMax Columns in SelectMax Columns in TableMax Index SizeMax Row SizeMax Statement LengthMax Tables in SelectMax User Name LengthMax Char Literal LengthDefaults allowed in CREATE TABLENOT NULL allowed in CREATE TABLEODBC call failed 0=None1=Level 12=Level 20=Not Compliant1=Compliant0=Minimum1=Core2=Extended0=Not Supported1=Group by = SELECT2=Group by Contains Select3=No relation MF message file <iHd  0*:KP4"1C"7e%'236Di&(A6Hw".=6W>E)69:o1  92 P " # %   $ D Y n          ( 9 J [ l }          ' 8 I Z k |  M H 4 D x 1   +%/$Tx 1FWh   /9&_v: /,+0W0?'# *3;AIORUX[^adksx} Elements cannot be added to an ArrayedCollectionSize requested for Collection is too largeSubscript out of rangeSize of the replacement collection does not match size indicated by indicesCannot remove elements from a SequenceableCollectionCollections are of differing sizesThis message should be implemented by my subclassExpecting a Callback as parameter to "register" in ExceptionHandlerReceived the message "new" with an unexpected parameterCollections are incompatibleCannot search for an empty collectionThe element searched for does not existThere is no element after the element searched forThere is no element before the element searched forRequired an instance of the class SequencedCollection as a parameterClass should not implement this methodParameters index out of rangeCannot create instances of NILToo many externals Current limit is 100Too many additional parameters specified for a Callback (max = 6)Too many actual parameters specified for a Callback Invocation (max = 9)Receiver is not indexedDid not create instanceObject does not understand messageInstances should not be created for this classMethod not yet implementedCannot invoke this method using the CALL-STATIC syntaxNo description for this exception (Incorrect exception number)No description for this exception (Message at exception number blank)Size specified for new class is too largePersistence store error (filename, file status code) :Collection cannot grow any larger, already at maximum sizeInvalid parameterCould not load moduleFeature not yet implementedCan only perform operation when object is createdOperating system not supportedCould not create cursorInternal limit reached. Cannot map anymore objectsInserting header item failedSetting text of header item failedSetting width of header item failedSetting bitmap for header item failedFailed to delete header itemFailed to find accelerator tableFailed to create fontFailed to find dialogFailed to find bitmapFailed to find iconFailed to find cursorCould not create windowUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionError can not complete this operation as the Event Manager is not initializedThis message should have been sent before initializing the Event ManagerCannot process request after object has been createdCannot finalize NilUnknown ExceptionMethod did not compile and class was not extendedCannot call extension fileCannot use becomes on classesThere are no fonts matching search criteriaCould not backup the persistence fileInvalid double byte character stringUnknown ExceptionInput socket undefinedOutput socket uninitializedOutput signal undefinedDuplicate output signalInternal ErrorDuplicate input signalResource not foundResource file errorTrace record too longUnknown ExceptionUnknown ExceptionCannot finalize classesCannot get Domain Objecta static instance of %san instance of %s...recursive reference to %s ...the class %sException %sException 23 not trapped. Instance not created.Exception 24 not trapped; %1$s (object reference: %2$s) Does not understand: %sException %s not trapped by %s.Description: "%s"Hit T to terminate program. Hit any other key to continue.nilContinue?>> Component: %s>> Component: %1$s undefined input socket: %2$s>> Component: %s output socket uninitialized>> Component: %1$s output signal undefined: %2$s>> Component: %1$s duplicate output signal: %2$s>> Component: %1$s duplicate input signal: %2$s on socket: %3$s>> Component: %1$s internal error: %2$sMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMonTueWedThuFriSatSunJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec MF message file ~H1\,<*..X%#+E.s )'.#1QH103+^q.`cp`QKlANlFRSWWha'1!RmDB2 does not accept EBCDIC data. Ask your support representative for details of MF products which enable EBCDIC data with DB2.%s is badly defined.Program contains more than one definition of %s .Nested or multi-source programs not allowed.An error occurred whilst processing the internal dictionary.No DB engine could be found.Source file name is invalid. MF DB2 Connect program missing or invalid.Connect program reported error condition '%s'.OESQL rejected an unspecified option.No database name was specified.HCO must be selected and available.Statement is too long.Statement contains too many host variables.%s does not have a suitable definition to be used as a host variable.Bad SQL data declaration.Syntax error.Filename too long.File %s not found.%s is non-unique and should be qualified.%s is not a data item.Statement contains more than one SQLDA.%s is not a table of null indicator variables.%s should not be a defined with an OCCURS clause.%s should not be a subordinate to an item defined with an OCCURS clause.Statement only allowed in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.Statement not allowed in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.An error occurred whilst processing the trace file.Mismatched DECLARE.Host variable name is too long.Internal error - dictionary handle is too big.ESQL SQL directive OPTION = %s SETTING = %s is invalid - all future SQL statements are ignored. Invalid object reference used as host variable - must specify class System.String or System.Byte[].Invalid ILTARGET - can not use ILTARGET(ANYCPU) - must specify ILTARGET(X86), ILTARGET(X64) or ILTARGET(ITANIUM)BEHAVIOR directive not valid unless TARGETDB directive of DB2, ORACLE, or MSSQLSERVER set first.BEHAVIOR directive not set.PREFETCH and BEHAVIOR directives are mutually exclusive - can not set both.Can not use PREFETCH directive with TARGETDB=ORACLEOCI directive.Can not set directive PF_RO_CURSOR > 1 if RO_CURSOR directive is set to IC_FH.Can not set directive PF_RO_CURSOR > 1 if RO_CURSOR directive is set to FORWARD and TARGETDB is MSSQLSERVER.Can not set directive PF_UPD_CURSOR > 1 if UPD_CURSOR directive is set to FORWARD.Can not set UPD_CURSOR directive to DYNAMIC if TARGETDB directive is set to ORACLE.Can not set UPD_CURSOR directive to STATIC if TARGETDB directive is set to MSSQLSERVER.%s does not have a suitable definition to be used as a host variable when compiled with BEHAVIOR=SQLCLR.An internal error occurred. Create a trace file using the compiler directive CHKECM(TRACE) and contact your support representative.This error prevents SQL processing from continuing - further EXEC SQL statements will be ignored.Use of EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA END-EXEC.MF DB2 Connect program produced the warning '%s'.Statement is not in area B.Undefined error. MF message file Vr !"*Cm/Server defined OLE exceptionOLE Parameter count mismatchOLE Type mismatch errorOLE Name not foundOut of memory for OLE operationName is a methodName is a propertyOLE Automation ErrorOLE Server unavailableThe OLE server threw an exceptionThe object does not support OLE AutomationOLE Type coercion errorCannot bind to server %sAutocreated class entry for Object COBOL class MF message file  f*> r  2(6^w-*/Y&p'/4/ 0O(<&& !/Pm#+3;Yx (08@H`| (08@HPX+`/ -&+(Qy'*"?ax') "*2:BJRZbjrz  &/49Q i r }       #.B FOW[ `mt ,  L& h    % ! !$!1!D!Z!s!!'!!!"","F"]("n%""!"!"#+#%M#P##$C$E$K $O$\$d$h $m $w$$ $$ $$$$ $ $$$$$$ % % %*%4%E%V%[%_ %e%n %|%%%%% %% %%%%&&&/ &3&@&W&o & &&&&&&&&&'' '1'='U'e'z''' 'Closes the current window or applicationTurns on text insert modeTurns off text insert modeTurns on caps lcckTurns off caps lockTurns on num lockTurns off num lockTurns on scroll lockTurns off scroll lockToggle display and position of the button barToggle display and position of the toolbarToggle display of menusAllows entry of command plus argumentsDisplays interface configuration windowToggles display and position of the status lineToggles display and position of the information lineAdds a list of open files to the specified menuAdds a list of open windowsto the specified menuReduces current window to iconized stateResets window to previous size from iconized/maximized stateEnlarges current window to fill screenToggles if and how hints are displayedSpecifies macro name and contentsDisplays the top of the topicDisplays the end of the topicScrolls up one lineScrolls down one lineScrolls left by one characterScrolls right by one characterScrolls up by one pageScrolls down by one page(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)Scrolls to the cursor positionScrolls to the selected hotspot(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)Selects the next hotspotSelects the previous hotspotQueries the selected hotspot(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)Displays the next topic in the browse chainDisplays the previous topic in the browse chainBacktracksDisplays the home topic(unused)Displays general help for the current subjectDisplays help about on-lineDisplays the index for help on on-lineDisplays Product Information for on-lineDisplays Keys help for on-lineInvokes the Print dialog(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)Exits from on-line help(unused)Displays the index for the current helpDisplays the contents for the current helpDisplays the list of viewed topicsInvokes the Find dialogInvokes the bookmark dialogDisplays the list of help filesCopies the marked text to the clipboardCopies the current topic to the clipboard(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)Invokes the Font dialog(unused)(unused)(unused)(unused)~File~Open...~Print...E~xit~EditCopy ~Block to Clipboard~Copy Topic to Clipboard~Navigate~Home topic~Next topic~Previous topic~Backtrack~Viewed topics~Index~Contents~Options~Configure interface...F~ont...~Find...~Bookmark...~HelpHelp ~indexHelp on ~keys~General help~Using help~Product informationHomeBacktrackPreviousNextIndexViewed topicsFind...hnfeng failure (obsolete)onlgui init failureNo help files foundCannot open Print filename (%s)Topic not foundFile (%s) not foundContext (%s) not foundKeyword (%s) not foundError attempting to query viewed topics itemCannot backtrack any furtherVersion of on-line.cfg is incompatableIllegal query - '%s'Help file is already loadedHelp file not foundCannot open help file.hnf file is corrupt or wrong versionThere is no help availableWrite failureEnd of browse chainHelp file has no indexHelp file has no contentsThere is no text to queryThere is no text to queryNo matches foundThe current help file cannot be removedText was written successfullyLoad failure on called programFailed to run commandFailed to open output fileShutdown event receivedNo keywords foundContext %1$s out of range in file (%2$s)Context %1$s undefined in file (%2$s)Text '%s' not foundNo matches found for query - '%s'Not supported in this environmentFailure on 'startexe'No cross-reference found at cursor positionFailed to invoke on-line in a separate thread - running in single-thread modeFailed to initialize panels2Sorry, the on-line help file is not available for this component - please refer to the hard-copy documentation supplied with your product.OkCancelHelpViewed topicsPreviousNextAbortHelp filesCurrent file:Add...RemoveNew help filePrintOutput to:FilePrinterMarked text onlyCurrent topicCurrent fileCopyAppendPrintPrint progressPrinting file:STOP printingOn-line text typesText type:Foreground color:Background color:StyleBoldItalicUnderlineChange font...Example textFindFind:Type of searchKeywordTextText optionsCase sensitiveWhole wordsScope of searchCurrent topic ('%1$s')Current help file ('%1$s')GlobalBuild fast-look-up table...FindList keywordsSearching hnf files....Searching word table....Scanning matching topics....Find '%1$s'BookmarksBookmark name:RestoreAddRenameDeleteProduct informationMatches for '%1$s'Matches for keyword - %1$sKeywords in topic '%1$s'Keywords in file '%1$s'All keywordsBuild fast-look-up tableCreate new tableUpdate existing tableBuildBuilding databaseReading help files:Creating database file....%1$s complete MF message file {H IR13"%,G%s454*S#}*<$?`CE1'>XH-5#8X(1      !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234>5s*:-> C W ? ; = -@ j< C E0601: %s not a recognised -gen option (only 'idl' and 'bind' are valid)E0602: %s not a recognised -type option (only 'som' and 'dais' are valid)E0603: %s is not a recognised command line optionE0604: Unbalanced delimiters on -%s parameter valueE0605: Syntax ErrorE0606: %s not foundE0607: -%s parameter value missingE0608: 1 or more filenames must be specifiedI0609: Mapping COBOL datatypes to IDLE0610: Filename too large, maximum size is 100 bytesE0611: %s not a valid filenameE0612: %s generation of .idy/.csi files unsuccessfullE0613: %s cannot open IDY/CSI file, CDI2 status = %sE0614: Cannot get class inhertance detailsE0615: Cannot get method parametersW0616: Cannot map %s into an idl data type method = %s parameter = %sE0619: %s is not Object COBOLI0620: %s generatedE0621: %s is Object COBOL; Wrapping only supported for COBOLE0622: %s is Object COBOL; Only COBOL is supported by %s domainE0623: Object COBOL file %s only allowed to inherit from a %s classE0624: Parameter modified by program; not allowed to pass it BY VALUEI0625: Extracting interface details from programsI0626: Extracting parent details from SOM Interface RepositoryW0627: SOM Interface Repository access module 'cc0som.dll' not availableI0628: Generating outputE0629: Source files must all be the same typeE0630: Maximum of %s parameters exceeded on method %sW0631: ** WARNING ** - '%s' Environment Variable not set %s may not be correctly installedE0633: Unable to resolve REDEFINES statement - %s W0710: Cannot map method return value %s into an idl data type attribute = %sE0712: Unable to locate template file '%s'E0713: Unable to Open template file '%s'; Status Code = %sE0714: Unable to find label '%s' in file '%s'E0715: Recursive level %s in emitter, exceeded with block '%s'E0716: Maximum of %s directives exceeded within template block '%s' Template file : %sE0718: Directive '%s' within template block '%s' not recognisedE0719: Value for '%s' within template block '%s' is missingE0720: '%s' within template block '%s' is not a directive tagE0721: '%s' within template block '%s' is not valid IF conditionW0722: Symbol '%s' within template block '%s' not recognisedE0723: 'Wrapping' not allowed; source code is already a DAIS server MF message file !+7b{$35<Wu4*#")*KIu52-3_##! Dd2}): , G a |=  ' 1 8 FJ ~" !   ); < w ' #   ' -) T' }1 " /  &- D* q% " . ).;W+/ 9#+\(0D9#6\(%?6dEK(IBq6*;)0d/,(I`5z509)M&v&!1@N4&!(&*N%x&') E1e+8N'f(. ?"4a C1?$Y"}!8&-9;f41,"F#hJ'*&"D#f 1I#"97[5.)3 E Q # $ 0 6!(-!^0!3!F!D"4,"x0"4"-#1#55#f"#,#3#!$$=A$SP$"$-%4%3 1 Insufficient buffer space 2 File not open when access attempted 3 Serial mode error 4 Illegal file name 5 Illegal device specification 6 Attempt to write to a file opened for INPUT 7 Disk space exhausted 8 Attempt to read from a file opened for OUTPUT 9 Directory not found 10 File name not supplied 11 Process limit reached 12 Attempt to open a file which is already open 13 File not found 14 Too many files open simultaneously 15 Too many indexed files open 16 Too many device files open 17 Record error: probably zero length 18 Read part record error: EOF before EOR or file open in wrong mode 19 Rewrite error: open mode or access mode wrong 20 Device or Resource busy 21 File is a directory 22 Illegal or impossible access mode for OPEN 23 Illegal or impossible access mode for CLOSE 24 Disk input-output error 25 Operating system data error 26 Block I/O error 27 Device not available 28 No space on device 29 Attempt to delete open file 30 File system is read-only 31 Not owner of file 32 Too many indexed files, or no such process 33 Physical I/O error 34 Incorrect mode or file descriptor 35 Attempt to access a file with incorrect permission 36 File already exists 37 File access denied 38 Disk not compatible 39 File not compatible 40 National Language Initialization not set up correctly 41 Corrupt index file 42 Attempt to write on broken pipe 43 File information missing for indexed file 44 Attempt to OPEN an NLS file in a Non-NLS Program 45 Attempt to OPEN an NLS file using incompatible language definition 47 Indexed structure overflow 48 Attempt to divide by zero 55 Routine table overflow 65 File locked 66 Attempt to add duplicate record key to indexed file 67 Indexed file not open 68 Record locked 69 Illegal argument to ISAM module 70 Too many indexed files open 71 Bad indexed file format 72 End of indexed file 73 No record found in indexed file 74 No current record in indexed file 75 Indexed data file name too long 76 Can't create lock file in /isam directory 77 Internal ISAM module error 78 Illegal key description in indexed file 79 COBCONFIG syntax error 80 Can't convert to/from Unicode codeset 81 Key already exists in indexed file 82 CALL convention not supported 86 Remote file system failure 99 Illegal operation in SORT/MERGE module100 Invalid file operation101 Illegal operation on indexed file102 Sequential file with non-integral number of records103 Parameter cannot be passed BY VALUE104 Null file name used in a file operation105 Memory allocation error106 Dictionary error107 Operation not implemented in this Run-Time System108 Failure to initialize Data Division109 Your product license has expired110 Generated code not supported by this RTS111 Incompatible Class Library and Run-Time Environment versions112 Unable to locate/access the required security key114 Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory115 Unexpected signal116 Cannot allocate memory117 Bad collating sequence118 Name not found119 Name is not unique120 Symbol string table of zero size121 Symbol is not in TEXT section122 coblongjmp() called below level of cobsetjmp()123 Unknown relocation type124 Communication with Fileshare Server failed during I/O request125 All locks/current transactions canceled due to exceeding time limit126 Record size exceeds system limit127 coblongjmp() called from a different thread to cobsetjmp()129 Attempt to access record zero of relative file135 File not found136 Corrupt or invalid executable file137 File operation is not valid for this file or device138 File closed with lock - cannot be opened139 Record length or key data inconsistency141 File already open - cannot be opened142 File not open - cannot be closed143 Rewrite/delete in sequential mode not preceded by successful read144 Boundary violation146 No current record defined for sequential read147 Wrong open mode or access mode for read/start148 Wrong open mode or access mode for write149 Wrong open mode or access mode for rewrite/delete150 Program abandoned at user request151 Random read on sequential file152 REWRITE on file not opened I/O153 Subscript out of range154 PERFORM nested too deeply155 Illegal command line156 Too many parentheses in compute statement157 Not enough program memory: object file too large to load158 Attempt to REWRITE to a line-sequential file159 Malformed line-sequential file160 Overlay loading error161 Illegal intermediate code162 Arithmetic overflow or underflow163 Illegal character in numeric field164 Run-Time subprogram not found165 Version number incompatibility166 Recursive COBOL CALL is illegal167 Too many USING items168 Stack overflow169 Invalid configuration information170 System program not found171 Japanese operations illegal with this RTS172 Recursive non MF PERFORM is illegal173 Called program file not found in drive/directory174 Imported file not found175 Attempt to run intermediate code program which had severe errors in it176 Illegal inter segment reference177 Attempt to cancel active program179 Error during chain (program not found)180 End-of-file marker error181 Invalid parameter error182 Console input or console output open in wrong direction183 Attempt to open line sequential file for I/O184 ACCEPT/DISPLAY I/O error185 File malformed186 Attempt to open stdin, stdout or stderr with incorrect mode187 Run-Time System not found on $COBDIR path188 Filename too large189 Intermediate code load error190 Too many arguments to CALL191 Terminal type not defined192 Required terminal capability description missing193 Error in variable length count194 File size too large195 DELETE/REWRITE not preceded by a read196 Record number too large in relative or indexed file197 Screen handling system initialization error.198 Load failure199 OS error code lies outside expected range200 Run-Time System internal logic error201 I/O error in paging system203 CALL parameter not supplied204 Mainframe Pointer Manager (MFPM) module is required but not loaded205 Invalid mainframe pointer value206 Reading unwritten data from memory207 Machine does not exist208 Error in multi-user system209 Network communication error210 File is closed with lock211 Program not executable by Run-Time System212 Run-Time System version incompatible with object-oriented program213 Too many locks214 GO TO has not been ALTERed215 Cannot animate a program running communications216 Cannot initialize named communications device217 Incompatible host for native code file218 Malformed MULTIPLE REEL/UNIT file219 Operating system shared file limit exceeded220 Attempt to execute more than one SORT or MERGE simultaneously221 Internal sort error222 Merge files out of sequence223 NLS language expansion error224 External Language Initialization failure225 Dynamic load error - program component missing226 EXTERNAL file definition inconsistent227 EXTERNAL data definition is inconsistent228 Could not allocate memory for EXTERNAL item229 SORT/MERGE module does not support EXTERNAL using/giving files231 GENERATE encountered before corresponding INITIATE in report232 Reference modification out of bounds235 Error in Animator communications channel236 Animated program has terminated unexpectedly237 Unable to initialize animated process238 STOP RUN encountered during GNT animation239 Shared Run-Time System initialization failure240 Object reference not valid241 Cannot instantiate an abstract class242 Could not resolve DoesNotUnderstand message243 Class could not be loaded249 Process killed250 Not enough mainframe address space to load or run program251 Attempt to load AMODE(24) program when current setting is AMODE(31) only252 Memory corruption detected253 Cannot load file - unsupported format254 Keyboard interrupt to Animator during ACCEPT MF message file e3AG&GmHGHCDP,:K-?Me'-I78UAAHBWJOP2B  9 YA rB 9000 Failed to add an item to a configuration block9001 Invalid handle specified when building a configuration block9002 Invalid type of item specified when building a configuration block9003 Invalid tunable name specified when building a configuration block9004 Invalid tunable value specified when building a configuration block9005 Invalid tunable type specified when building a configuration block9006 Invalid tunable index specified when building a configuration block9010 Failed to associate a configuration block with a server context9011 Invalid server context specified for association with a configuration block9020 Failed to destroy a configuration block9021 Invalid configuration block specified to be destroyed9030 Failed to initialize configuration block9040 Service lookup failed9041 Service not found9042 Service disabled9043 Failed to load IDT9044 Service lookup request only valid before program execution9050 User exit not found9051 Error loading user exit9060 Service information request failed9061 Invalid service information request type9062 Cannot request service execution while in transaction end processing9063 Cannot make a dispose request within a transaction9064 Cannot start a new transaction within a transaction9065 Cannot start a new transaction when a dispose is outstanding9066 Cannot end a transaction while in transaction end processing9067 Cannot end/commit/rollback/recover a transaction that doesn't exist9068 Cannot prepare when the transaction has already been prepared9069 Cannot commit/rollback/recover when not in transaction end processing9070 Cannot commit/rollback/recover when transaction has already been completed9071 A stateful/stateless service request conflicts with current execution state9072 Cannot make an end transaction request in a local transaction9073 Transaction start failed9074 Transaction end failed9075 Transaction prepare failed9076 Transaction commit failed9077 Transaction rollback failed9080 Trace request failed9090 Unable to execute program as no service lookup was performed9100 SEP terminating due to run-time error while debugging service MF message file ~H0\,<*-5W## 1+/Z=x1*/-?ml):.h(5?t"$.+<@"|*$ *>%ZS' /-H+u8،d#9fLV&).QWI2E#[hO=OOOBN/9}>Q9E<~AaP \8 < @! !`+!vE!! !" ")"0"Y'"o."1"H"0#=3#m#$,$?.$^C$$φ$%ta%'&X1&&&DB2 does not accept EBCDIC data. Ask your support representative for details of MF products which enable EBCDIC data with DB2.%s is badly defined.Program contains more than one definition of %s.Nested or multi-source programs not allowed.An error occurred whilst processing the internal dictionary.No DB engine could be found.Source file name is invalid. MF DB2 Connect program missing or invalid.MF DB2 Connect program reported error condition '%s'.DB2 rejected an unspecified option.No database name was specified.Host variable used without a colon.Login failed.Host variables data types in UNION do not match. This statement will Delete an entire table %s is not preceded by a colon.SQL statement not currently supported - converted to comment.Operation is assumed to apply to Allocate Cursor.SQL Option must be selected and available.GROUP BY clause on a SELECT INTO will not bind.HAVING clause on a SELECT INTO will not bind.EXEC SQL statement found within COPY statement, COPY directive not set. May cause compile error on mainframe.STRING VARIABLE %s IS NOT 'VARCHAR' TYPE.Expected %s found %s.Host variable mismatch.Illegal symbol %s. Some symbols that may be legal are ':'.%s Invalid/Not Declared'INTO' not allowed for DECLARE.No 'INTO' Clause specifiedNo FROM clause specified.Invalid positioning of FROM.Invalid in data division.Invalid WHENEVER.Not valid in current compatibility mode.Group variable %s is not allowed in the WHERE clause.Cursor not found.A _ is illegal in a host variable.A '(' is illegal in the INTO clause.SQLCA not found OR comp/comp-5 mixup in SQLCA.Host variable type mismatch.Indicator variable %s is not SMALLINT type.The length of a host variable on CONNECT is greater than 16.PREPARE before DECLARE is illegal.Statement not identified.Multiple INTO's only allowed with a UNION.Illegal token found on CONNECT line.Cursor already DECLARED.Login failed.Invalid Cursor name.Syntax error in INTO clause.Login failed. Unable to validate SQL.Illegal token ':' found. Check to see if previous token was an indicator variable.Syntax error, last symbol read is '%s'.'ORDER BY' clause not permitted.GROUP BY clause on a SELECT INTO will not bind.HAVING clause on a SELECT INTO will not bind.Invalid keyword '%s'; valid symbols are %s.Host variable '%s' is not exact numeric with scale zero.DB2 emulation mismatch - SERVER is in DB2 V6 mode, PRECOMPILER is in DB2 V5 mode. Set directive XDB(DB2VER=V6)or runtimes errors may result.DB2 emulation mismatch - SERVER is in DB2 V5 mode, PRECOMPILER is in DB2 V6 mode. Set directive XDB(DB2VER=V5)or runtimes errors may result.Illegal token %s found on SET line.Number of host variables specified in UNION do not match.Invalid ENCODING directive requested - is not compatible with CHARSET directive program compiled with.Internal EXEC SQL statement table overflow - use directive MAXSQL to override default.XDB Configuration error - check setup.Undefined or unusable host variable '%s'.SQLDA fields defined with incompatible fields for XDB OPTIMIZE directive setting.Multiple types of SQLDA's detected - all SQLDA's must use same structure.SQL statements not supported in nested subroutine.Invalid BLOCKING option specified - valid options are: FSR, SR or LB.Invalid DEFAULT-CHAR option specified - valid options are: BITS, SBCS, DBCS, or SYSDEFAULT.Invalid EXIST-CHECK option specified - valid options are: REQUIRED or OPTIONAL.Required directive AUTOBIND not specified with directive %s .Invalid DATE format specified - valid options are: ISO, EUR, JIS, USA or LOCAL.Invalid TIME format specified - valid options are: ISO, EUR, JIS, USA or LOCAL.Invalid number of values specified, maximum is 10 per option: %s .Only one DBRM specified when multiple other directives specified for AUTOBIND.No collection-id specified, option required for AUTOBIND.Required directive DBRM not specified with directive AUTOBIND.Array INSERT required token '%s' missing or number of ROWS specified not numeric.Array INSERT only supported in version DB2 V8.1 or later.Symbol '%s' found but it must be defined after VALUE clause.Number of rows for array INSERT invalid - maximum value is 32767.Number of rows specified is invalid - greater than array size of host or indicator variable '%s'.Array FETCH required token '%s' missing or number of ROWS specified not numeric.Array FETCH only supported in version DB2 V8.1 or later.Symbol '%s' found but it must be defined before INTO clause.Number of rows for array FETCH invalid - maximum value is 32767.Statement is too long.Statement contains too many host variables.%s does not have a suitable definition to be used as a host variable.Bad SQL data declaration.Syntax error.Filename too long.File %s not found.%s is non-unique and should be qualified.%s is not a data item.Statement contains more than one SQLDA.%s is not a table of null indicator variables.%s should not be a defined with an OCCURS clause.%s should not be a subordinate to an item defined with an OCCURS clause.Statement not allowed in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.An error occurred whilst processing the trace file.Invalid format of compound SQL statement. This condition is non-recoverable; subsequent (valid) SQL statements may generate spurious errors.Mismatched DECLARE.Host variable name is too long.Internal error - dictionary handle is too big.Package name is too long, max=8 chars, use ACCESS directive to fix.Nested INCLUDE's not supported.Host variable %s defined in FILE SECTION, must be defined in 'LINKAGE SECTION', 'WORKING-STORAGE SECTION', or 'LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION'.An internal error occurred. Create a trace file using the compiler directive CHKECM(TRACE) and contact your support representative.This error prevents SQL processing from continuing - further EXEC SQL statements will be ignored.Use of EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA END-EXEC.MF DB2 Connect program produced the warning '%s'.Statement is not in area B.Undefined error. MF message file {: 5D;y.8&L6r48:"N-p)*0 291k94 +&4Q9978.7f,3&"",D5p:97 8 O4 3 4 - "9 OJ D 4 4 J5 ~4 2 2 7 K7 7 7 7 '7 ^7 7 9%<9a'378+8c8* CSQL-I-001: Cobsql has finished returning to the Checker* CSQL-F-002: Unable to connect with Micro Focus CDI2* CSQL-I-003: COBSQLTYPE is incorrect defaulting to ORACLE8* CSQL-I-004: Accepted %s* CSQL-I-005: Passing %1$s to %2$s Precompiler* CSQL-I-006: Rejected %s* CSQL-F-007: COBSQL/Checker incompatible -- Terminating* CSQL-I-008: Invoking %s Preprocessor* CSQL-F-009: Irrecoverable error in %s -- Terminating* CSQL-F-010: Irrecoverable error writing STK record* CSQL-F-011: Environment unsupported by COBSQL/Informix* CSQL-F-012: INFORMIXDIR must be set for Informix Support* CSQL-F-013: Unable to access: %s* CSQL-F-014: Windows error Return Code is %s* CSQL-F-015: Dos error Return Code is %s* CSQL-F-016: UNIX error Return Code is %s* CSQL-I-017: Creating %s* CSQL-I-018: Invoking %s Precompiler/Translator* CSQL-F-019: Irrecoverable error Opening STK file* CSQL-I-020: Processing output of %s Precompiler* CSQL-F-021: Precompiler did not complete -- Terminating* CSQL-F-022: Irrecoverable error Reopening ORG file* CSQL-E-023: File Status %s* CSQL-E-024: Encountered an I/O on file %s* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create MIX-Line Virtual Heap* CSQL-F-026: Premature end of expanded source Check for* CSQL-I-027: Detected Working-Storage, now processing it* CSQL-I-028: Now processing through Procedure Division* CSQL-I-029: Found an EXEC SQL Statement, processing it* CSQL-I-030: CONTINUE CHECKING PROGRAM ? Yes/No/Zoom* CSQL-I-031: Aborting checking as requested* CSQL-I-032: Checking is be continued in Zoom mode* CSQL-I-033: Checking is be continued* CSQL-F-034: Unable to reopen: %s* CSQL-F-035: Unable to re-position file: %s* CSQL-E-036: Unable to open the precompiler file: %s* CSQL-F-037: Wrong Version of COBOL used, please upgrade.* CSQL-I-038: The following directive is now obsolete: %s* CSQL-I-039: The ORG & the CBL files were out of synch* CSQL-W-040: Pro*Cobol commented out the following line* CSQL-F-041: Cannot read the COBOL runtime switches* CSQL-F-042: Cannot set the COBOL runtime switches* CSQL-F-043: Unable to connect with Micro Focus CDQ* CSQL-F-044: Unable to load system module %s* CSQL-F-045: EBCDIC conversion not supported for this DB* CSQL-F-046: Command line is too large. Maximum length is 1140 characters*> CSQL-F-047: Cobsql cannot be used with the SOURCEFORMAT directive* CSQL-F-010: Irrecoverable error writing STS record* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create SQL-Line Virtual Heap* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create SQL-Array Virtual Heap* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create TMP-Line Virtual Heap* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Cursor Virtual Heap* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Select Cursor Virtual Heap* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 1* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 2* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 3* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 4* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 5* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 6* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 7* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 8* CSQL-F-026: precompiler abort when run standalone. This* CSQL-F-026: error is unrecoverable.* CSQL-F-026: Source Lines could not be Matched by COBSQL* CSQL-F-026: COBSQL was processing: %s* CSQL-F-026: Source lines around line in error are* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 9* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 10* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 11* CSQL-F-025: Unable to Create Temporary Virtual Heap 12 MF message file $: '/*,)V''8#(3At 4M5g):4531h629 : :: t> % 3 1 D u>  + & D <  .  #  '4 1 e< x- @" (-259= CLS[cw   # % 1;IXuy        "'*-0369<?BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~TC001S No input results file specified TC002S Internal Error in TC003S Internal Error in TC004S Too many program timestamp combinations TC005S Unable to open program source file TC006S Unable to open output report file TC007S Unable to open output text file TC008S Unable to open output index fileTC009S The version number on the results file is invalidTC010S Unable to open results file TC011S Internal Error in TC012I NOHTML and NOTEXT specified - nothing to do TC013S Internal Error in TC014S Invalid option entered TC015S Internal Error in TC016S Internal Error in TC017S Internal Error in TC018I Severe error encountered TC019I The run was incomplete TC020S Internal Error in TC021S Timestamp mismatch TC022S Version number from calling program is invalid ECHO - Echo to console SOURCE - Produce source listing (default) COMBINE - Produce single report file BLOCKNUM - Include basic block numbers VERBS - Breakdown by COBOL verb CALLS - Called subroutines breakdown DATAFREQ - Data frequency breakdown LEFTCOL - Puts counts & block no. on left REPORTLOC(location) - Creates reports in this location ROOTNAME(name) - Creates reports with this prefix HTML - Produces HTML report files (default)TC034E IDY/Results timestamp mismatchTC035E IDY/Results prog not compiled with TESTCOVERTC036E IDY/Results prog not compiled with ANALYZETC037E IDY/Results inconsistencyTC038E Cannot open CSI file : DATAFREQ or CALLS option ignoredno unexecuted statementsTC040E Missing idy file no source availableTC041E Matching source file not found.These programs cannot be merged, they have been reported separately.TC043S Unable to open Trace fileTC044S Internal Error inUsage: tcreport results-filename <[NO]options>Details can be found in file: Listing of reports produced is in: options: TEXT - Produces text report files results-filename: One or more .tcz files comma separated, or @filelist.txtTC052S Unable to open the configuration file NOTE Results file(s) contained results from different versions of this program. Due to this, results from each version of the program cannot be merged and have been reported separately.NOTE Results files(s) contained versions of the same program with different compile times. These programs cannot be merged and have been reported separately, differentiated by the addition of -0001, -0002, extensions to the program name.NOTE no source code availableprocessed normallyTC057I ACCUMULATE ignored, incompatible with ? in .tcz file nameTC058S Syntax error in config fileJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTest Coverage ReportReport GeneratedReport ParametersContentsProgramsNavigate to Unexecuted Blocks inThis WindowNew WindowSummaryCompiledatline nocountblockTotal number of times calledExecutedofbasic blocksstatementssections/parasCALL statementsIndex of Report Files WrittenPathReportsGOResults FilesProgramOptionsUsageProgram NameProgram FileCompiled onNumber of BlocksBlock NumberResults FileReport DateProgram countTest Coverage Results File Utility1st2nd3rd4th5th6th6th8th9th10th11th12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th31st MF message file $314IS1D% 4Jg$4,$9]$z+C? 2KC}-TCA-~3N3,+< 4G,{'9& ! - N$ Y= }= F E => 1 A > 2C p? : H ,@ tE H 7 A7 xH E G `L C H-=uAJ9=8v~,@1^:.8$/2SaMbN52.*F'p''!-&LBrCgg^[H 9h0JO1jJ/V,jGW]4W^cF\])bx,(/,W'.BoJ-qdW).4RFPKV 33 > ; <!5F!q3!5!J"V"i3"*"@#(#\G#i#j$4S$V$d%G_%b& L&l_&i'G'4'_'c(Z+(a(w)I`)H* Y*hJ*1+ J+5Q\5w5G6b6666G7 !7R:7s777%78828L8i48888#99#9=$9Q#9u"9#999:L:):u/:::*:;;!;;;Q/;c ;5;;;<<15'>;>E>>>>!>$>?U?<.?2??'@ @34@OF@J@+AA>&A]$A#AA@A)B&<BOBB7B#C3C' CZCzC)C.C6CGD/=Dv;D3D2E!NES0E%E/E8F%%F]-FLF.F+G)9GT/G?G2GEH-LHr?H-H,I*.IVI>I?I*JJ:JO0Jj#J)J3J+K1KD'Ku,KK4K3L8LM0L1LML1M32Md-MGM;N 0NEONu:NNOO2IOHO8O?O(P$PBEPf,PHP#Q-QBHQo+Q&QR&R'#RM2RpRRRR'S S/SOSn%S,S,SSTT3TG9Tc(T$TT2TcU-KUFU!V!VBLVE5ViV7W/Wf!W$WWWeXNXnXY>4YXY<Y2YEZbZW0ZQZF[:#[&[c[2\,A\^O\U\X]Ci]I^F^M=^>^@_T_N%_%_2_&`)`D%`m%`2`6`a/a;*aja.a/abb*+bC"bn-bb6b?c FcL(cc)ccd+d0d[dyd!d!d-d:e!%e[Gee$e!ff)2fH2fzffffg"g3g:,gm4g8g(h)h-hV2ht(h h'h+i*i@:ijJi-i7j0jR.j"j)j0j5k+4k`-k9kkll8lR%ln?l7l+m Im4:m})m.m.n n<$n\n(nnn$no+o::oe.o.oo7p,pLpxp$pppp1q q:4qIaq}8q+r'rA$rhrr.r2r(ss=sP0s_0ss'sFst<tXtrtt>t=tHu<'u3uu u v/v;2vj2vDvDwJwV6ww<wRx)Ox{OxRyAykJyXyJzNzzzz!{ ${-3{Q6{[{[|F|pF|F|F}BE}J}V~Y~mM~VViMM JYVMMFJVY3M<<<Q<RRRmEEEIEBA9V93A<Q%m69%%BDgID"8GZM=1+@\4'* !A_ v%;4"N*p,1-,"Y{ << )H&q@=3'G"n 0Oi#!  <$`/c":*0OO980%?$d#8:*G(](1,J&v$-/-Iav0/%$Cg#0* (7"_$$$CP0dWd;oR[`j_%VI2#.U/(F: CZRK3::mNotation '{0}' has already been declaredAttribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}'Encoding ({0}, from XMLDecl or manually set) contradicts the auto-sensed encoding, ignoring itElement '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declaredElement '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declaredAn exception occurred! Type:{0}, Message:{1}{0} is unsupportedError: Top level complexType has no name - declaration ignoredGlobally-declared attribute must have a name - attribute declaration ignoredAttribute must have a name or a ref - attribute declaration ignoredGlobally-declared element must have a name - element declaration ignoredElement must have a name or a ref attribute - element ignored must have a name or a ref attribute - declaration ignored must have a name or a ref attribute - declaration ignoredAnonymous complexType in element {0} has a name attributeAnonymous simpleType in element {0} has a name attributeThe content of an element information item does not match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*)Untyped element: {0}Error in content of simpleTypeExpected simpleType in 'list' declaration for {0}List | Union | Restriction content is invalid for type {0}Error in content of derivation by list for {0}Expected simpleType in 'restriction' declaration for {0}Facet {0} already defined - ignoringExpected simpleType in 'union' declaration for {0}SimpleType content is emptyThe content of the simpleContent element is invalid. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSIONThe BASE attribute must be specified for the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION elementThe content of the complexContent element is invalid. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSIONError in content of element information itemContent (annotation?,..) is incorrect for type {0}Unknown simpleType: {0}Unknown complexType: {0}Prefix: '{0}' can not be resolved to a URIRef element {0} not found in the SchemaType not found in {0}:{1}Could not find top level attribute: {0}Invalid child '{0}' in the complex typeBase type could not be found: {0}No attribute '{0}' was defined in schema: {1}Error creating datatype validator: {0}Invalid child following the simpleContent child in the complexTypeInvalid child following the complexContent child in the complexTypeThe 'block' attribute values of a complexType must be #all | list(restriction,extension); {0} was foundThe 'final' attribute values of a complexType must be #all | list(restriction,extension); {0} was foundAn attribute cannot have both 'fixed' and 'default' present at the same time - default usedIf default and use are both present, use must have the value 'optional'.Local attribute:{0} has also a ref defined - name ignoredGlobal attribute:'{0}' cannot have a ref definedError: Attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope- ignoringAttribute declarations may not contain both a type and a simpleType declarationSimpleType ({0}:{1}) for attribute: {2} not foundAn element cannot have both 'fixed' and 'default' present at the same time{0}:'{1}' has also a ref defined - name ignoredref cannot appear with any of type, abstract, block, final, nillable, default or fixedInvalid {0} name:'{1}' - declaration ignoredGlobally-declared element {0} cannot have a ref attribute - ref ignoredElement '{0}' cannot have both a type attribute and a simpleType/complexType type childElement {0} has a fixed or default value and must have a mixed simple or simple content modelThe simpleType {0} that {1} uses has a value of 'final' which does not permit extensionThe type '{0}' specified as the base in the simpleContent element must not have complexContentThe type '{0}' is a simple type. It cannot be used in a derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexTypeInvalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in the simpleContent definitionInvalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in the complexContent definitionAnnotation can only appear once: type {0}The base type {0} does not allow itself to be used as the base for a restriction and/or as a type in a list and/or unionThe value 'substitution' already in the listThe value 'union' is already in the listThe value 'extension' is already in the listThe value 'list' is already in the listThe value 'restriction' is already in the listInvalid block value: {0}Invalid final value: {0}Element {0} cannot be part of the substitution group headed by {1}Element {0} has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution groupDuplicate element decl in the same scope: {0}The 'block' attribute values of an element must be #all | list(substitution,restriction,extension); {0} was foundThe 'final' attribute values of an element must be #all | list(restriction,extension); {0} was foundInvalid value '{0}' for attribute: '{1}'.Ref is present, and simpleType/form/type foundDuplicate reference attribute {0}:{1} in complexTypeDerivation by restriction is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schemaDerivation by extension is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schemaThe base type specified in the complexContent element must be a complexTypeImported schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}' from what's declared '{2}'Could not get the doc root for imported Schema: {0}A schemaLocation attribute must be specified on '{0}' element.Included schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}'At most one element is expected in the content.The content must be (annotation?, simpleType?) for attribute '{0}={1}'Attribute '{0}' must appear in {1} {2} declarationsAttribute '{0}' cannot appear in {1} {2} declarationsValue of minOccurs '{0}' must not be greater than value of maxOccurs '{1}''anyAttribute' elements can contain at most one 'annotation' element in their childrenGlobal <{0}> must have a name - declaration ignoredNo circular definitions are allowed: '{0}'Global {0}:'{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}Global {0}:'{1}' declared more than onceInvalid value '{0}' for facet 'whiteSpace'. Value should be 'collapse'.The namespace of an element must be different from the targetNamespace of the ing schemaIf the namespace on an element is not present, the ing schema must have a targetNamespaceElement '{0}' must not have a value constraint:'{1}' as its type is derived from IDIt is an error for NOTATION to be used directly in a schema in element/attribute '{0}'For element '{0}', the {content type} is mixed, then the {content type}'s particle must be emptiableThe content of complexType is EMPTY, but base is not empty or does not have emptiable particle.The content type of the base type:'{0}' and derived type:'{1}' must both be mixed or element-only.The content type is not a valid restriction of the content type of the base.Derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schemaThe {item type definition} must have {variety} of atomic or union (where all member types must be atomic)The {member type definitions} must all have {variety} of atomic or listThe group:'0' must contain (all | choice | sequence)The attributeGroup:'0' must match (annotation?. ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))The child of a model group definition must not specify either the minOccurs or maxOccurs attribute.The {0} -'{1}:{2}'- not found in the schemaA group whose content is 'all' must only appear as the content type of a complex type definition.When a model group has {compositor} 'all' which constitutes the {content type} of a complex type, minOccurs=maxOccurs=1In an 'all' schema component, the value of minOccurs/maxOccurs of an element must be '0' or '1'.Circular attributeGroup reference -{0}- is disallowed outside Attribute '{0}' already defined in base and should not appear in derivation by extension.The intensional intersection of {attributes wildcard}s must be expressibleBase type definition does not have any attributesAttribute '{0}' has an inconsistent REQUIRED setting with that of the baseType of attribute '{0}' must be validly derived from type of attribute in baseAttribute '{0}' is either not fixed, or has a different value from that of the baseAttribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to a base wildcard constraint or, base has no wildcardAn attribute wildcard is present in the derived type, but not in the baseThe attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the baseAttribute '{0}' cannot modify the 'use' attribute in a derived type, if base attribute use is prohibitedContent of is restricted to elements only. '{0}' encountered and ignored.Redefined schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}'.A simpleType child of a must have a restriction element as a childThe base attribute of the restriction child of a simpleType, must be the same as the redefine simpleType's name attributeA complexType child of a must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchildThe base attribute of a restriction/extension must be the same as the complexType's name attribute in The group '{0}' which contains a reference to a group being redefined must have minOccurs = maxOccurs = 1Could not find a declaration in the schema to be redefined corresponding to '{0}'If a group child of a element contains a group ref'ing itself, it must have exactly 1 reference.If an attributeGroup of a element contains a reference to itself, such reference must be exactly 1The declaration for notation '{0}' is invalidThe notation declaration '{0}:{1}' is not foundMore than one identity constraint named '{0}'.The content of an identity constraint must match (annotation?, selector, field+)Key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key with name '{1}'.Cardinality of fields for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match.Xpath expression is either missing or emptyThe complexType has content, while base is emptyThe {value constraint} of an attribute ref is not fixed or different from the fixed {value constraint} of '{0}'The {type definition} for attribute '{0}={1}' is or is derived from ID, and must not have {value constraint}More than one attribute derived from type ID cannot appear in the same complex type - '{0}' ignoredMore than one attribute derived from type ID cannot appear in the same attribute group - '{0}' ignored'' is not a legal value for the targetNamespace attribute; the attribute must be absent or contain a nonempty value{0}An exception occurred! Type:{0}, Message:{1}Invalid Redefine: '{0}' has already been included or redefinedSchema Representation Constraint: Namespace '{0}' is referenced without declarationAn 'all' model group that's part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content type of the definitionAn can only contain and elementsInvalid facet name: {0}Expected comment or CDATAExpected an attribute nameExpected a notation nameRepetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content modelsBad default attribute declarationExpected default attribute declaration, assuming #IMPLIED Attribute list syntax errorExpected equal signDuplication attribute nameBad ID, '{0}', for xml:lang attributeExpected an element nameMust start with an XMLDeclComments must start with