MF message file 0A EGbp v64  "  B/ S; $ (    . B X p y : < M  g    0 1 % KM p $  %  ; T h # . > /IN01K!Ol$%9Rh.y>IM;\;6:ABB #=H01x?2"6,Fr, /*@H Pp  !22"d1   #@Uj p |   K/JMK*I AU00AG]s&%6%K$p(77.F)t)DE2w //2 2?q  -:Hf>CD 9 I3 3  '!'!-!TK!k!;!" " "+!"K<"l""F";##K6#_8##I#&$&$L@$\$$+$"$ $ %% % %'%2%C%U%X%k%y% %%%0%%9%0&7 &g2&r &&#&&1''9O'A2'1'0'(#$(@,(d4(!(((G)O)G)))))**"&*=,*c** *****.*'++ +RB+\3++++, ,. ,:",E",g",",",",--%2->.-p"-"-3-&.&.;..a0.).<.)/$</M5/A/8/80780o;0031314 1g 1.1.12'2!62H12~I22$3 ?3.M3mE3M3M4L444455/5M5k5555666=6[6y666677-7KM7i97$788*89 8U8`8f88/88"89 9/:9O9<994::5 :P4:[::::;%;! ;F$;f%;';;;$<$<,&.>lB>>>D>?B*?Z????,?@/@&@C(@i1@@H@@AAX6AlEA<A"B#*BEEBoHBBGCC^ClC;CDCDCD,%Do$D&D5D8E,EKEwReady to change/set passwordEnter current passwordEnter 6 characters to set new password, or Press Return for no change(6 spaces removes password)Enter password******Please re-enter the new password<<<<<<<< The 2 passwords entered do not match >>>>>>>><<<<<<<< The password will remain unchanged >>>>>>>>Password removedNew password setUnable to open message textfile %sPassword mismatchServer License Administration System - AppTrack-----------------------------------------------------------Server license database is read-onlyYou cannot install or uninstall licenses1. License List2. License Summary3. License Install4. License Uninstall5. Change/Set Password9. QuitEnter the Menu Selection%s Server licenses:----------------------------------------------------------%s Summary of AS Licenses Installed, In System and In Use:----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installed Sys In Use --------- --- ------ - - -%s %s %s %s %s %sReady to install licenseEnter the Serial Number part of the License Key:Enter the License Number part of the License Key:This is a Development System license!You are trying to install this license on a machine for which it is not validThis is an invalid license keyThe license key entered is not validUnable to open PRODFILEProduct/version not found in PRODFILEUnknown error in asappkeyLicense installed okLicense already on databaseCannot reinstall this LicenseLicense has expired - not installedNo Application Server license database exists.You must rerun this utility and install a license as root userto create the license database.Subsequent license installs/uninstalls do NOT require you to run as root.unknown failureReady to Uninstall licenseEnter the Serial Number part of the License Key:Enter the License Number part of the License Key:This is a Development System license and cannot be installed for deploymentYou are trying to uninstall this license on a machine for which it is not validThis is an invalid license keyThe license key entered is not validUnable to open PRODFILEProduct/version not found in PRODFILEUnknown error in asappkeyLicense uninstalled okLicense not foundNo Application Server license database exists.You must rerun this utility and install a license as root userto create the license database.Subsequent license installs/uninstalls do NOT require you to run as root.unknown failureApplication Server License Administration System - AppTrack-----------------------------------------------------------You have no access permissions to the license databaseThe Application Server license database cannot be created.You must run the utility 'initaslm' as root, before trying again.You cannot have standard & transaction licenses installed togetherTransactionLicense database security violationMachine Reboot required before Licensing Activity can proceedThe License database is corrupt due to copying, restoration or tamperingYou can restore the database from the last backup(The corrupt database has been saved in /var/mfaslmf/MFASDBBAD)Do you want to want to restore the database? (y/n)Restored**AS Developer UsageVersion %s of %sLicense units: %s **AS Developer UsageLicense units: %sDuration: %s days %sDuration: %s %s--------------------------------------------More... (Esc to Quit)Continue...You must be running as root to use this featureEnter response string:RejectedAcceptedunable to open message textfile 6. Reinitialize Licensing - - -BATCHSUPPORTyYWeb Server SiteSiteTransactionUnlimitedSeatTunePrevCurrHardSoftInvalid Interval - 60 substitutedInvalid Repeats - 1 substitutedYou must set an access password, before proceedingEnter 6 characters as the passwordAverages over %s snapshots at %s second intervals%sDuration: %s days %s **LapsedDuration: %s %s **Lapsed7. Current Users%s Current Users:----------------------------------- PID UID tty --- --- ---ServerMax ChildrenInstall RatioLic TimeoutOdraft %Odraft PeriodOdraft LevelType: %s Value: %s **TunableIf you install this 64-bit license it will disable existing 32-bit licensesthat are installed for this Application Server.64-bit licenses can run both 64-bit and 32-bit applications. Please ensurethat you have sufficient 64-bit licenses to run all of the applications youhave for use with this Application Server.(If all 64-bit licenses for this Application Server are uninstalled, thenpreviously disabled 32-bit licenses are automatically reenabled).Do you wish to continue with this install? (y/n)<<< Disabled >>>%s Summary of AS Licenses Installed and in use:----------------------------------------------------------------- Installed In use --------- ------ - -%s %s %s %s %s - - - -CPUs:3. License Install4. License Uninstall5. Change/Set Password2. Current Concurrent License Usage Redundant - reuse!!!Application Server warnings disabled.Application Server warnings enabled.Serial no: %sLicense no: %sDuration: %s days Remaining: %s daysRun $COBDIR/aslmf/aslmdbrecover to recover the databaseNote that the license database cannot be moved, copied,or restored without reloading the license keysLicense units: %s **ES Developer Usage**ES Developer UsageLicense units: %s **MM Developer Usage**MM Developer UsageYou cannot have Model 1 and Model 2 license types installed togetherYou cannot install a reissue license until you uninstall the originalUser AuthorizedServer ConcurrServer CPULicense users: %s**AS Developer Usage for 32-bit Model 1 systems**AS Developer Usage for 64-bit Model 1 systems**AS Developer Usage for 32/64-bit Model 1 systems**AS Developer Usage for 32/64-bit Model 2 systemsServer Express 32/64-bit6. StatisticsAppTrack - Statistics---------------------1. Peak License Usage2. Display Statistics3. Print Statistics to File4. Begin New Statistics Period5. Settings9. Exit MenuAppTrack - Statistics Settings------------------------------1. Display/Set path for user (printable) copy of stats files2. Enable/Disable automatic user copy of activelog file *Enabled*2. Enable/Disable automatic user copy of activelog file *Disabled*3. Display/Set user defined statistics collection timesApptrack - User Defined Statistics Collection Times---------------------------------------------------1. Display entries by number2. Modify an existing entry by number3. Delete an existing entry by number4. Create a new entryNo user entries exist - system will default to daily collection at midnightTotal no of entries: Entry Time Weekday numbers (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)Press a key to continue...End of ListPress a key to return to menu...User collection times table full!No new entries can be added without deleting an existing oneCreating new entryEnter new valuesEnter number of entry to modify (blank will exit with no modification)Entry Time Weekday numbers (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)Enter amended valuesHours? (0 - 23) Leaving blank terminates the amendmentMinutes? (0 - 59) Leaving blank terminates the amendmentWeekday numbers?Enter single string of day numbers - eg. 1256) (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)Leaving blank terminates the amendmentWeekday numbers?Enter number of entry to delete (blank will exit with no delete)Entry deletedInvalid entry number - enter a value up to Total no of Applications Launched:Type: HeaderType: StartType: TerminateType: Boot Version: Location: Local Location: Remote ? Last flush date: Start Date: ID: Term Date: Boot date: INVALID RECORD TYPENo path yet set upPath for location of user copy of activelog fileCurrent path = Press Enter to change this path, or Esc to return to menuEnter Full Path for user copy of activelog file:Empty path!Press Enter to try again, or Esc to return to menuPath too longUnbalanced enclosing quotesPath must be directory, not a file!Directory does not exist!Press Enter if this is ok, else press ESC to quitAccepted------------------------------------------------------------------------------- << Start of File >> << End of File >>PageUp PageDown CursorUp CursorDown Home End EscFailure to open userstatsfilecorrupt user copy of activelog file failure to open user copy of activelog file System Rebooted Record No:Current Concurrent License Usage: Days Elapsed Type/Ver Local Remote All Launched/Running/Peak Launched/Running/Peak Launched/Running/PeakFull activelog:Current activelog:Drive letter missing!Error accessing statsfile Error creating activelogfile Error writing to activelogfile Error writing to statsfile Error opening temporary activelogfile Error accessing user copy of activelog file Error reading user copy of activelog file Elapsed Record No:Local:Remote:All:Peak License Usage:*** This exceeds the licensed users quota! ****** You are currently licensed only for users ***: Overdraft day %d in use (you have %d overdraft days remaining). %d overdraft instances with %d licenses peak usage;installed total %d for : Overdraft LOCKED for : Overdraft UNLOCKED for : Overdraft RESET for Computer: Program: Server Express 32-bit (Model 1)Server Express 64-bit (Model 1)Server Express 32/64-bit (Model 1)Server Express 32-bit (Model 2)Server Express 64-bit (Model 2)Server Express 32/64-bit (Model 2)OCDS 4.1.40 or laterObject COBOL for UNIX 4.1Directory/File permissions preventing file access.No such directory, or no space on file system.8. License Sharing Configuration%s License Sharing Configuration:---------------------------------------------------This COBDIR contains Model 1 licenses.This COBDIR contains Model 2 licenses.There are no licenses installed on the system.There are no licenses installed for this COBDIR.Only Model 1 COBDIRs exist on the system.This COBDIR is set to share the licenses of Model 1 COBDIRs.Only Model 2 COBDIRs exist on the system.This COBDIR is set to share the licenses of Model 2 COBDIRs.Both Model 1 and Model 2 COBDIRs exist on the system.To change this setting, Apptrack must be run with root privilege.There are no licenses installed for this COBDIR. You mayautomatically use licenses from one of the other COBDIRslisted below, if you indicate your preference. (You willalso be automatically sharing with all other listed COBDIRshaving the same license Model).This COBDIR is currently set to share with Model 2.This COBDIR is currently set to share with Model 1.Model 1 license sharing selectedModel 2 license sharing selectedThe following COBDIR contains Model 1 licensesThe following COBDIR contains Model 2 licensesPress '1' to select this entryPress '9' to quit the selection processPress any other key to continue displaying the COBDIRsOnly superuser (root) can set/change the passwordYou are trying to install a license to a COBDIR for which it is not valid2. Current usageUnable to connect to License ManagerCheck that Micro Focus License Manager Service has been started-----------------------------------------------------------------------------License | Type |Units|Installed| In Use | | | |Licensed| In Excess-----------------+-----------------------+-----+---------+--------+----------Server for COBOL Developer :Server for COBOL (M1) NAMED :Server for COBOL (M1) STD :Server for COBOL (M1) TRANS :Server for COBOL (M1) CPU :Server for COBOL (M2) AUTH :Server for COBOL (M2) CONC :Server for COBOL (M2) CPU :Server for SOA Developer :Server for SOA (M1) NAMED :Server for SOA (M1) STD :Server for SOA (M1) TRANS :Server for SOA (M1) CPU :Server for SOA (M2) AUTH :Server for SOA (M2) STD :Server for SOA (M2) CPU :Server for EE Developer :Server for EE (M1) NAMED :Server for EE (M1) STD :Server for EE (M1) TRANS :Server for EE (M1) CPU :Server for EE (M2) AUTH :Server for EE (M2) STD :Server for EE (M2) CPU : ---------+---------- TOTALS - Micro Focus Server license usage:Database location used:Closing down...Error %s validating licensesContinue...Usage: -i Install as a service -s Start the service -u Remove as a service -v Report on the install state of the service -x Stop the serviceThe service is currently installedThe service is not installedThe service is already installedMicro Focus License Manager service installed successfullyUnable to install the serviceMicro Focus License Manager service uninstalled successfullyUnable to uninstall the serviceMicro Focus License Manager service has been startedUnable to start the serviceResult = %sMicro Focus License Manager service has been stoppedUnable to stop the serviceServer for .Net Developer :Server for .Net (M2) AUTH :Server for .Net (M2) CONC :Server for .Net (M2) CPU :ASLM: License database does not existASLM: No license database headerASLM: Error opening License databaseASLM: License database has been movedASLM: License database checksum failureASLM: Unable to create pvc shmASLM: shm index fullASLM: shm index header checksum failASLM: shm index record checksum failASLM: sysfile open failASLM: Bad sysfileASLM: This boot time already recordedshm (index) missingASLM: You need to rerun as rootASLM: Can't create index shmASLM: shm index attach failASLM: shm open failASLM: shm attach failASLM: shm (pvc) attach failASLM: shm (pvc) content failASLM: shm control failNo App Server License available for CGI: %d installed %d in useNo Application Server License available: %d installed %d in useAll %d Application Server Licenses are in useYou should order additional Application Server licenses if you requiremore users to be able to run this application.You may continue for a temporary period to allow you time to orderadditional licenses.Please wait...ASLM: Environment variable COBDIR not set, or inadequate permissionsASLM: cwd not detectableASLM: Security failure checking ASSIG fileContent-type: text/htmlCGI Application Server status

CGI Application Server status

ASLM: COBOL execution would cause infinite loopASLM: Semaphore failure. Rerun as rootNo Application Server License available:%d system and %d user license installed %d in useASLM: Errno %dASLM: A shared memory area used by Apptrack licensing has been corruptedor deleted, and your system will need to be rebooted before thisapplication can run. A lapsed time-limited developer license is installed.To reactivate this license, first uninstall it, then reinstall again.Error - No license key detected. Application Server requiresa license key in order to execute.Please refer to your application supplier.Net Express Application Server will require a license key to run from2nd December 2002. If your application is not enabled with a key by thisdate, it will cease to run.Run Apptrack to suppress this message until closer to 2nd December 200230 Day WarningUrgent - 10 Day WarningATTENTION - %d day WarningNo Application Server License available at COBDIR location:A summary of all installed licenses can be found by running ApptrackOverdraft ErrorESLM: 0001 Client holds more licenses that exist on the license db.ESLM: 0002 Unable to read license db.ESLM: 0003 License security failure.ESLM: 0010 License Server not located.ESLM: 0011 License server comms message send failure.ESLM: 0012 License Server comms message receive failure.ESLM: 0013 License security failure level 2.@(#)mfaslm (aslmf.01) rev 1.35