?_\˙˙˙˙ŃCLCl!\zN Net ExpressGCopyright (C) 2002 Micro Focus International Ltd. All rights reserved.GCopyright (C) 2002 Micro Focus International Ltd. All rights reserved./AI(`MNU_HELP',"h_ho","U&sing help","HelpON()")CB(`ovw',`Overview',`FD()')BrowseButtons()ZmainCCIINST UtilitypZtaskCCI Configurationlw|íQ˙˙ß˙˙ßZglosCCI ConfigurationŠX¤QZemCCI Configurationr˝}ˇZexampleCCI Configuration0Ń”ůQZ tipCCI ConfigurationĚĂ3ô€˙˙€˙˙ZmapCCI ConfigurationQZrulesCCI Configurationlw|í  chcomm_ccitcp îĚĄ˘ą˛/&;)z4˙˙=˙˙˙˙|AWBTREE§|AWDATAš|CONTEXT4*|CTXOMAP2|FONTJ|KWBTREEk|KWDATAE|KWMAPZ|Petrac2|SYSTEM|TOPIC‹|TTLBTREEÖ|TopicId’:|VIOLA&|bm0ÁB|bm1Cż ś ˙˙˙˙ J˙˙˙˙V1 ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙V™… CCI Configuration UtilityC ™' €8€6˜˜––€‚˙CCI Configuration Utility.VÇ. *€€2˜––€‚€€‚˙CCI (the Common Communications Interface) is used to provide communications capabilities by some components of this product. The CCI Configuration Utility configures CCI to run over TCP/IP.The CCI module that provides support for TCP/IP is CCITCP. CCITCP is a generic name. On Windows 95 and Windows NT, the actual module name is CCITC32. For some applications, you must supply the actual module name while some also accept the generic name. Refer to your application-specific documentation for details.ň™â) €ĺ€2˜––€‚‚‚˙CCITCP is installed by the Micro Focus Setup utility. TCP/IP support must be installed and configured on your machine before CCITCP can be used.Before you can use CCI over TCP/IP, you need to identify a machine on the network that is running a CCITCP2 daemon. The CCITCP2 daemon is a program that enables systems using CCI over TCP/IP to connect to each other. This daemon only needs to be run on one machine on a local network.To identify the machine that the CCITCP2 daemon is running on, you must run the CCI Installation Utility. You can enter either a hostname or a dotted decimal format address. If you do not know the TCP/IP hostname or address of the system that the CCITCP2 daemon is running on, contact your system/network administrator.IÇ+, &€;€2˜––€‚‚€‚˙The CCI Configuration Utility also updates the TCP/IP services file with values needed by CCI to work over TCP/IP.If you leave the hostname field empty, CCI assumes that the CCITCP2 daemon is running on the local machine, but the changes to the services file are still made.Notesi*â” ? L€Y€r˜ŕ–:‚`€†"€ƒ‚†"€ƒ‚˙If the machine running the CCITCP2 daemon changes, you must rerun the CCI Installation Utility and change the hostname to the new value. Any Micro Focus processes running before you change the hostname continue to use the old hostname - you need to close these processes and restart them in order for them to use the new hostname.You can connect to other systems using CCI over TCP/IP without using an intermediate CCITCP2 daemon, but this requires extra configuration. Check with your system/network administrator if this facility is being used.|N+ . ,€œ€2˜––‚`€€€‚˙For full details of configuring CCI, see the online book Configuring CCI:u” … ^ Œ€0€2˜––‚HĚ%EF("ccpubb.chm","",5,"ghintr_nohtm")€†"€‰€ƒ‚˙Configuring CCI1 ˙˙˙˙1˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙čß ¨Times New RomanArialCourier NewSymbolHelveticaMF LineDrawMF Fixed CharacterMF Line DrawingTimes New Roman CETimes New Roman CyrTimes New Roman GreekTimes New Roman TurTimes New Roman (Hebrew) € /&;)F24˙˙Ľ˙˙˙˙CCI Configuration UtilityCommon Communications InterfaceTCP/IP /&;)F24˙˙ä˙˙˙˙chcomm_ccitcp/&;)Lz˙˙Ő˙˙˙˙CCI Configuration Utility˝/&;)L4˙˙đ˙˙˙˙/&;)L4˙˙đ˙˙˙˙ř°{/&;)Lz˙˙ł˙˙˙˙d:\packages\pkg_49953\bln_157\WHLP\documentation\whlp\Ghccin.rtf/&;)Lz˙˙ć˙˙˙˙chcomm_ccitcpE<lp $˙˙˙ŕŕŕŕËÂlp ź\€€€€€€€€€€€€ŔŔŔ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙‡wƒpˆƒpˆ…Uˆpˆ…UˆpˆĽUˆpˆX…UˆpˆUUXˆpˆUUˆˆpˆUUXˆpˆƒpˆƒp˙‚pˆ‚€