echo off echo This script installs the Micro Focus Audit Emitter MIB into a NET-SNMP echo installation. The installation location of NET-SNMP is assumed to be echo "c:\usr" unless a parameter is given to this deployment script, in which echo case the first parameter found is a assumed to be the location of the echo target NET-SNMP installation. if "%1" == "" ( echo using default NEt-SNMP location "c:\usr" Set target_dir=c:\usr ) else ( echo Using location parameter %1 set target_dir=%1 ) echo on Set path=%target_dir%\bin;%path% copy mf_audit_snmp.mib %target_dir%\share\snmp\mibs\mf_audit_mib.txt snmptranslate -On -m +MF-AUDIT-MIB -IR mfAuditManagerStart snmptranslate -On -m +MF-AUDIT-MIB -IR mfAuditManagerStop snmptrap -v 2c -c public '' MF-AUDIT-MIB::mfAuditManagerStart MF-AUDIT-MIB::auditTime.0 s "2006:09:20 11:00:00" MF-AUDIT-MIB::auditServerName.0 s "MyServer" set MIBS=+MF-AUDIT-MIB snmptranslate -Tpd MF-AUDIT-MIB::microFocus :theend