MF-AUDIT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, mib-2, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC2571 DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC; mfAuditMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200610100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Micro Focus" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Old Bath Road Newbury , Berkshire RG14 1QN UK Phone: 01635 32646 Fax: 01635 33966 Postal: 9420 Key West Avenue Rockville, MD 20850 USA Phone: 1800 872 6265 Phone: 301 838 5000 Fax: 301 838 5314 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This Micro Focus Auudit service MIB module is applicable to applications executing under the control of Micro Focus COBOL Runtime Audit facility" REVISION "200610100000Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB is now smilint clean!" REVISION "200610090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Passed MIB through agentpp online validator (needed to add groups)" REVISION "200609280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added trapServerType, change from trapXX to audit (except for vars)" REVISION "200609210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial SMI v2" ::= { mib-2 5043 } MicroFocus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 5043 } auditmgr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { MicroFocus 10 } auditmgrObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { auditmgr 1 } trapVars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { auditmgrObjs 100 } auditTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 1.. 32 ) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A string that indicates the time" ::= { trapVars 5 } auditServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 1.. 64 ) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A string that indicates the name of machine" ::= { trapVars 10 } auditManagerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 1.. 64 ) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A string that indicates the name of server" ::= { trapVars 15 } auditServerOriginatorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { winsnmp(1), netsnmp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A integer value that represents the type original SMNP emitter." ::= { trapVars 20 } auditServerServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commandline(0), service(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A integer value that represents how the audit manager was started." ::= { trapVars 25 } auditCategory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), auditFacility(1), system(2), securityApiRequestCheck(3), securityApiRequestDefine(4), securityApiRequestOther(5), securityApiResultAllow(6), securityApiResultDeny(7), securityApiResultError(8), securityApiResultSuccess(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A integer value that represents the audit event category." ::= { trapVars 30 } auditEventId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A integer value that represents the event id." ::= { trapVars 35 } auditComponentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 1.. 64 ) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string that indicates the component name" ::= { trapVars 40 } auditEventData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0.. 1024 ) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string that indicates the event information, each field is comma separated." ::= { trapVars 45 } mfAuditManagerStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { auditTime, auditServerName, auditManagerName, auditServerOriginatorType, auditServerServiceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the server was started." ::= { auditmgr 100 } mfAuditManagerStop NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { auditTime, auditServerName, auditManagerName, auditServerOriginatorType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the server has been shut down." ::= { auditmgr 110 } mfAuditEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { auditTime, auditServerName, auditManagerName, auditCategory, auditEventId, auditComponentName, auditEventData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This generic audit notification trap. This trap is generated when we can not generate a more specific one!" ::= { auditmgr 120 } mfNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { mfAuditManagerStart, mfAuditManagerStop, mfAuditEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mandatory objects in this MIB." ::= { auditmgr 32000 } mfIdentifierGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { auditTime, auditServerName, auditManagerName, auditCategory, auditEventId, auditComponentName, auditEventData, auditServerOriginatorType, auditServerServiceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mandatory objects for entities in this MIB." ::= { auditmgr 32001 } END