# Multiple emitters can be used by seperating them using commas on # the "dest" line and including both emitter configurations in this file. # # e.g. # mfaudit.dest = auditfile,snmp # # mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#collectionsize = 5 # mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#location = c:\logs # mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#maxfilesize = 1 # mfaudit.dest = snmp # The primary SNMP emitter module is snmpaudit.dll (or .so on UNIX/Linux) mfaudit.emitter.snmp = snmpaudit # Tell the SNMP emitter which SNMP agent to use, either Windows or Net-SNMP. # To switch between SNMP V2 providers simply switch this line. # NOTE: SNMP V3 is only supported by Net-SNMP installations, for full # SNMP V3 options please use the content from mf_audit_net_snmp.cfg. # Windows SNMP: mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent = mf_audit_win_snmp # Net-SNMP: mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent = mf_audit_net_snmp mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent = mf_audit_win_snmp # Emitters cannot use Micro Focus CTF trace facilities, so # a basic alternative logging method has been provided. # # Logging can go to file and screen, or just to file. # # mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_emitter options # # on - enable all logging options # off - do not log anything # errors - log only errors # flow - log module process flow # content - log audit message (partial) content # errors_flow - log errors and logic flow # errors_flow_content - log errors and logic flow and content mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_emitter = errors # mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_to_screen options # on - log to console screen # off - do not log to screen, log to file mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.log_to_screen = on # mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.logfilename options # if screen logging is disabled log to file name given here mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.logfilename = c:\snmpemitter.log # Generic SNMP configuration # hostname is the target system that will receive our Trap messages # the hostname can be textural (DNS name) or dotted decimal format # only one target destination may be specified. mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.hostname = target_name.domain.location # SNMP Traps default port is 162 mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.port = 162 # snmpv can be either "2" or "3". If v3 extra parameters are also required, see below # snmpv default is "2" # NOTE: SNMP V3 is only supported by Net-SNMP installations, for full # SNMP V3 options please use the content from mf_audit_net_snmp.cfg. mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.snmp_version = 2 # Transport options are UDP or TCP. The default is UDP. mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.transport = UDP # SNMP community in which to send Trap events. mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.community = public # default event level is to exclude the events 0,2,3,4,5,6, the example below excludes # events with a category >9 mfaudit.emitter.snmp#agent.exclude.events=>9