?_l6MAILSEND Help 1994 Rimrock Software.ZmainmainB2Qi2nQ22   Q6"QBm##*R,hl2BBB@/&;)z4Vv+PP  |CONTEXT\|CTXOMAPw|FONT=v|KWBTREEw|KWDATAw|KWMAPw|SYSTEM|TOPIC|TTLBTREE-|bm0:^ &@2F%1F&@2F%1Ff& A2%1FF&A2%1FF&A2%1FF&B2%1FF&B2%1FF&B2% 1FF& B2%@1FFFF&"B2%1Ff&'A2%1Ff&o 2% 1Ff&w*2%1F&|.&?r%^ |?@s-^&F$^ W- ^&&WFFV^F&&WFtV^ |,r#|@sG-^F&!GW- ^F&&WFt5^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&Ft6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&Ft6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&Ft6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&F t6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&F@t6^  | @}G ,^F&G - ^F&Ft6^ "|"@}G",^F&G"- ^TqKq 9E1{EContentsL ; F$2"MailSend En3 4U0MailSend is a command-line Internet e-mail utility for Win95/98/NT.Current MailSend release information can be found at:http://www.radiks.net/jimbo/share.html~ ʀ7p:㴲,0㺄0_ ~)ㅝܩG,How does one use MailSend?What's new?What's next?Why MailSend was temporarily removed from the marketLimitations in the trial version of MailSendHow to register or pay for use of MailSendInformation on distributing MailSend with your productsMailSend tutorialCommand-line quick reference listError messages listingFrequently Asked QuestionsMailSend technical information,n( p:(% 0< 1X:InformationAX( 20MailSend Information :, &m0MailSend is a command-line Internet mailer for Windows 95/98/NT Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 by James K. LawlessE-mail: jimbo@radiks.netWeb URL: http://www.radiks.net/jimboR!X1u Command-line quick reference listN&:( L0Command-line quick reference list -6 :0 -h Display the help screen -s subject Specify subject -a filename Attach filename with MIME base64 -f filename Attach files in list -smtp smtp_addr Specify SMTP server address -to to_address Specify 'To:' e-mail address -from from_address Specify 'From: address -file text_file Name of text file to send -msg string Specify immediate message to send via the command-line 0 .0 -filter Take text file input from the console stdin device -out Redirect output to specified filename -suppress Suppress output ( except for error messages ) -bccf filename Blind-carbon-copy to all recipients listed in filename -bccfna filename -bccf with no attachments to copied recipients . *0  -bcc cc_address Send one blind-cc to address specified -bccna cc_address -bcc with no attachments to copied recipient -date Force date headerO m 17m MailSend technical informationK# ( F0MailSend technical information m + $0MailSend was written using TAWK, the Thompson Automation ( http://www.tasoft.com ) AWK language compiler system. This help file was created using HelpGen from Rimrock Software. ( http://www.rimrocksoftware.com )h7 & 1b& Information on distributing MailSend with your productsd< ( x0Information on distributing MailSend with your products & ( 0If you'd like to include a registered version of MailSend with your own software, please contact me for licensing details. The most reliable way to reach me is via e-mail. Please send any e-mail inquiries to:: ' &p:jimbo@radiks.net) 0If you are a shareware CD vendor, you may include the trial version of MailSend on a CD collectionIf you'd like to distribute the trial version of MailSend on a CD packaged in a magazine you may do so.G@1 @Q@4LError messages listi@ngCQ@( 60Error messages listing M@BG \ 0 Certain errors are passed back directly by the SMTP mail server. These messages can vary depending on the SMTP software.Error messages displayed by MailSend predominantly pertain to improper command-line parameters.Error messages produced by MailSendError! Option whatever is not a valid MailSend option.This error message occurs when a parameter has been specified that MailSend does not recognize. This can occur if a command-line option is spelled incorrectly ( i.e., -smpt instead of -smtp ).8Q@DC T0  This can also occur if an argument for a prior command-line option is not specified.Consider the following:MailSend -msg -to fred@isp.komThe -msg option requires a string of characters as an argument. In the sample above MailSend will process the option "-to" as an argument for -msg. The next option MailSend tries to use is "fred@isp.kom". This will display the message Error! Option fred@isp.kom is not a valid MailSend option.Error! Missing destination 'To:' e-mail address.[(B1G3 4Q0You must either specify a "To:" address ( either by filling in the argument three using the classic syntax or by using the -to option ). Alternately, you may only specify a blind-carbon-copy address.Error! Missing SMTP server address.You must specify your SMTP server address. This can be specified as argument two using the classic syntax or by using the -smtp option.If you don't know what your SMTP address is, you might either look in your normal e-mail client's configuration section, or you could ask your Internet service provider.DDuIA P0Error! Missing 'From:' address.You must specify YOUR e-mail address, not an alias. This argument may be specified in argument four using the classic syntax or by using the -from option.Error! Missing -msg, -filter, or input text-file.This error message occurs if MailSend cannot find a text message to send. You may not send attachments alone in MailSend. A text message must be present.A message file can be specified as the first argument using the classic syntax or by using the -file option.&1GK3 40The -filter option may be used to filter text from the standard console input device.The -msg option allows you to specify a brief message on the MailSend command-line.Error! Carbon-copy and -filter options are mutually exclusive.When processing carbon-copied items, MailSend re-opens each file for each mail item sent.When using the -filter option, the standard console input device (stdin) is used for input. MailSend is unable to reopen this device for subsequent mail transmissions.ruI4L' 0This version of MailSend does not allow the mixed use of the -filter and carbon-copy options for this reason.BKvL1vLLMailSend tutorial>4LL( ,0MailSend tutorial ?vL>OK d0  In order to use MailSend, you'll need to know a couple of useful bits of information. One of them is your SMTP server ( Internet mail server ) address. This will usually be something like mail.isp.kom.The only other information you need to know is your e-mail address. It should be something like fred@isp.kom or something similar.PLEASE NOTE! The tutorial section does not include information on using the classic command-line. The classic command-line required that four basic options needed to be specified in special positions on the command-line.LFK dc0   The new command-line format provides much more flexibility. As such, it will be easier and more beneficial for the M>OF4LailSend user to discuss only the format for these options.General rulesCertain command-line options expect an argument ( such as -msg ). Since the command-line options are separated by spaces, you must enclose any argument containing spaces in double-quotes ( i.e. -msg "Hi there" ).Any new format command-line arguments can now be specified in an external file. MailSend will process this file if you specify it with the "@" symbol in front of the filename on the command-line. See the section titled Specifying options in an external file below. >OQg I0  Sending an e-mail messageMailSend -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Hi there!"This message "Hi there" is sent immediately to whoever@whatever.kom from fred@isp.kom.Sending an e-mail message with a subjectMailSend -s "This is a subject" -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Hi there!"Specifying options in an external fileFfN j0  The most useful new feature of MailSend is the ability to specify ANY new format option in an external text file. This can shorten MailSend command-lines by specifying frequently used options in this file.Create a text file called M.CFG in the same directory where MailSend.EXE resides. This file should contain YOUR EQUIVALENT of the following:-smtp mail.isp.kom-from fred@.isp.komThen, on the command-line specify the following:Qb {0  Mailsend @m.cfg -to user@wherever.komAll options in the M.CFG file will act as though you've entered them on the command-line.Sending an e-mail text fileMailSend -file SOMEFILE.TXT -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com The above example sends the contents of the text file SOMEFILE.TXT to the recipient. Prior examples have depended on the -msg option.Sending an e-mail from a stdin pipecf>V z0 If you don't know what this is, don't worry. It's likely that you won't need it.To send the output of one program via e-mail, the -filter option can be used. Suppose we want to send the output of a DIR command to someone via e-mail. This can be achieved using a command-line similar to the following:DIR | MailSend -filter -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com Sending an attachmentA single attachment can be sent using the -a option. Suppose we want to attach a file named SOMEFILE.ZIP as an attachment. The command-line would be similar to the following:'eE X0 MailSend -a SOMEFILE.ZIP -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Here's your attachment"Sending a block of attachmentsTo send a block of attachments, you must specify a text file which contains the names of all files you wish to attach using the -f option.Suppose you have a list of files you want to attach in a file called ATTACH.TXT. The command-line for attaching each file to the mail message would be similar to the following: l>яM h?0  MailSend -f ATTACH.TXT -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Here's your attachments"Please note that this does not send the file ATTACH.TXT itself.Sending a blind-carbon-copyTo send a blind-carbon-copy ( a duplicate of the e-mail item where the original recipient does not see the copied user's e-mail address ), use a command-line similar to the following:MailSend -bcc hidden@somewhere.kom -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Here's your attachments"eK dY0я4LThe above will send one e-mail item to whoever@whatever.kom and will also send a copy to hidden@somewhere.kom. The recipient at hidden@somewhere.kom will see the original recipient's ID in the 'To:' field.If the original message contains an attachment and you do not intend to send the attachment to the copied user, use the -bccna option.Sending multiple blind-carbon-copiesTo send blind-carbon-copies to multiple recipients, you must create a text file containing the e-mail addresses of each recipient. Suppose this file is called MAILLIST.TXT. The command-line to send blind copies of an e-mail to the list of recipients would look similar to the following:0яU x0 MailSend -bccf MAILLIST.TXT -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Here's your attachments"Each copied recipient will see the original recipient's ID in the 'To:' field.To avoid sending attachments to copied recipients, use the -bccfna option.To send each recipient's e-mail ID in the 'To:' field, omit the -to option and its argument.Suppressing outputMailSend output can be suppressed by using the -suppress option.;?W |0  MailSend -suppress -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Hi there!"Routing output to an external fileTo route the output normally displayed on the screen to an external file, use the -out option. Suppose we want to route the output to a file called OUTPUT.TXT. The MailSend command-line would look similar to the following:MailSend -out OUTPUT.TXT -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Hi there!"v)M hS0 Forcing 'Date:' header generationMailSend -date -from fred@isp.kom -smtp mail.isp.kom -to whoever@whatever.com -msg "Hi there!"This will cause a 'Date:' header to be generated. MailSend does not currently send a date header that conforms to appropriate e-mail standards. Please use this option only if your SMTP server requires it.Standard session outputMailSend displays response messages from the SMTP server unless the -suppress option is used. Standard output from a MailSend session might look something like the following:f3?3 4g0 MailSend v6.00 attempting connection to mail.isp.komConnection successful.*** 250 mail.isp.kom Hello dial24.isp.kom [], pleased to meet you*** 250 ... Sender ok*** 250 ... Recipient ok*** 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itselfSend complete!Kf1 ftFrequently Asked QuestionsG( >0Frequently Asked Questions fY o0Q: I've run out of room on the command-line. What alternatives are available?This will occur when running a 16-bit shell under Win95/98/NT such as COMMAND.COM.If you're running under NT, you may opt for using CMD.EXE.The easiest way to ensure lean command-lines is to specify all of your default information in a "@" file. Defaults that are likely to stay the same are your SMTP server address and your e-mail "From:" address.Suppose that your e-mail address is fred@isp.kom and your ISP's SMTP server is named mail.isp.kom. Create a text file called M.CFG in the same directory where MailSend.EXE resides. This file should contain YOUR EQUIVALENT of the following:=TN j{0  _ -smtp mail.isp.kom-from fred@.isp.komThen, on the command-line specify the following:Mailsend @m.cfg -to user@wherever.komAll options in the M.CFG file will act as though you've entered them on the command-line.Please refer to theT tutorial section for more information.Q: Can MailSend be used to send mail to multiple people?Yes. The -bcc, -bccna, -bccf, and -bccfna options allow one to send "blind" carbon-copies of the given e-mail item to multiple people. The -bccf and -bccfna options process a file that contains a list of e-mail addresses.[G \0_ The e-mail address specified in the -to parameter will be displayed to each recipient unless this parameter is omitted. If the -to parameter is omitted, each recipient will receive their own e-mail address in the 'To:' field.Q: Can one send attachments with MailSend?Yes. Please refer to the -a and the -f options in the tutorial section.Q: Is MailSend 'crippleware'?The trial version of mailsend has limitations which will not hinder testing, but will likely render MailSend unusable for a full production environment. Please refer to the limitations section for more information./T%T v0Q: How do I upgrade from a prior version of MailSend?Currently, all upgrades have been free. If you have registered any previous version of MailSend, please contact me at jimbo@radiks.net to receive the newest registered version.Q: Help! What if I encounter problems?Please contact me immediately at:jimbo@radiks.netQ: Do you have a MS-DOS, OS/2, Linux, or Mac version of MailSend?At this time, no.I have no plans to make a pure MS-DOS version.Ot8 >/0㺄Please see the What's Next section pertaining to other platforms.Q: How do I use MailSend to automatically log-on / log-off of my Internet Provider Service?You can't. MailSend is not prepackaged with a supplemental tool for automating control of dial-up networking.K%1e How does one use MailSend?Gt( >0How does one use MailSend? _0e / ,a0_ MailSend is used at a Win95/Win98/NT command prompt. Most customers realize the potential of MailSend either by incorporating MailSend into batch files or by calling MailSend as a child process from their own software.The tutorial section contains information on how to use each MailSend option.L 1   What's new in version 6.00?H e  ( @0What's new in version 6.00? f  , &0One of the first things existing users will notice is this help file. MailSend has outgrown the old-fashioned text file used for documenting all features and functionality.This help file will automatically appear if a user clicks on MailSend from Explorer or another graphical shell or if MailSend is invoked on a command-line with no arguments. S  5 :<p:NKBug fixesNew featuresO - 1 - x @What features are forthcoming?K# x ( F0What features are forthcoming? ^'- 7 ^u"0& &^^ &GuvvSvvFV=u;uF^ &Gu&G&W^&G&WFV^ &9Gu&9W tF&G&W FV~u&w+PPP%y t^ &wFP RP#= t u&G&WFVv&t&tËVRPFP2ЉF uY=u0^&w&wF VRP+PPFP+Po teKю"0& Mvvvv u5^ &G&WFVv&t&tËVRPFPh u&G&W  ;V};Fw&GC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~hc204=uC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~hc20 uF^ &Gt:&G&WFVv&t&tËVRPFPӉF up&^"0& ^ &w$:^ &w&wPh"L^ &GP+PPP%j u)^&w^ &w&w+P%^ &9Gu&9Wt 0&>^u"0& ^&w^ &w W  C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~hc20$ u^ &w&w& t 0&^"0& ^ &w&wH-[^ +&G&G&Gu &w&7P0и^ &Gu ~ tv&t&tËVRP\у~ t+"0& Fvv^ &w&wJF"0& ^ &w$^ &G& Gt&w&w&^ &w& +^^ "|"@}G",^F&G"- ^|FONT=v|SYSTEM|TOPICv+F;vu;Fu&FG&vv{+F^_]UWVFFv v :^ &@2F%1F&@2F%1Ff& A2%1FF&/&;)LzFPVR:,Contents^Information-Command-line quick reference listMailSend technical information Information on distributing MailSend with your products Error messages listingMailSend tutorialFrequently Asked QuestionsMHow does one use MailSend?What's new in version 6.00?@What features are forthcoming?Why was MailSend temporarily removed from the market?Limitations in the trial version of MailsendHow to register or pay for use of MailSendBug fixesNew features:<uQ+؃~u ^&7^ &?.u FF&^_]UVv vv6V u!P*PP`3M1PP0ƋV^]UVFVFV |-=v&PFRPWO1 P5A1V u+XFVF&&TމNvNFVF @t&FVn^ tvFsF&ڋËV^]UWV^ F&&W uT=wOFV u?=w:FPVN1V tFVF&&Tƌ +v vvV tF~FF VFVFVF&9Twr&9s &&TFV~u ~u++FN^ uv+۹;r w;vӋ+ɻ+N;r w;vӋFVRPvvvv- +NNFt3F+NNFF$FFV)FVZvv .NjV^_] Uvv v vv] UV^F&&W u=v vVHO3 vV 5h2^]UVv vVv vvV u!P*PP`3G4P3ƋV^] UWV~v F&*+RPWF & *ΌRQ~FǚP3 ^&&Ƌ^_]UWV~ v&*FF&*"F&*F u FGF~u0؀~t} ~| ~+^_]UWVvF&F*+RPDQPQV4 ^*&8Ƌ^_]UWVvFPV;4*+RPWVDWPNH5 NJF&ƌ^_]UWVv ~^ F&8u <t!FG&*6*6:*u:tFG吸5+"4؎F &***F&**+^_]UWVv ~^ F&8u t FG&*6+6:+u:tFG吸e6+"5؎F &*+*F&+*+^_]UVvΌ^ *6-F<u[6؋V^]U/&;)L4,F<uxM 0_ NKܩ^#~)-G,,0@u/& F^& t+P&GRP^1^&G,&W.& G,u/& J^&G,&W.&G0&W2FV&G S&^&ZyUG&G&G=u.^&Gv&D-^&G&G&G&G F&G,&W.&G0&W2v v vv+Px~Fvvvvk~FFމF^&G+;~/& m&G&O I&0&G2~FF&9E|+PƙRP^1d~FԉV u /& Kvv^ԉ^F&=u /& vvvvvv t*vvԚ3^&w.&w,3^+&G.&G,^&7GFVRP^&G HPS u^&G&O I&G0&W2FVv v vvS Ձ ||vvvvnQ t\^&GRPvvvvc ^&7v v ^&G HPS+PPFP&_8=t2/&> t& vvvvni tvvԚ3^&Gv&Dڙ+ӋȋFڙ+ڃSQFVFFVRPFRPǂ FޙRPv v vv悃 FҙRPvvFVFRPC ^&GF&)G&O^&G"&W$&O+^_] U.WVFVVRPv v FP+PPPoF t~F&D,&T.&D0&T2&L &DI^VËVFVFRPV+QF܉Vމv،FښxN܋VȉNVRQvvؚk҃vWvv؉F֚k;Ft1vvv v \F uVvvv v vW-F=FPWNQV~҉FԋkRPvvvvS ^&O&LF/& ^_] U2WV^F&_ u+PRP^1ل‹&$K^ގF&D.& D,uVd( tF&D,&T.&D0&T2+P&D+RP^1kV uFЉ~҉FԍUʉFF+FFF&D~Ήv֋tUVvvv֚nFFV t.FFVF&&U&u^&GFV&w vvΚ33v΋N^&vV+P+PQ23΋/& +^_]UNF t FPQ3~]U WVF FuN F uF PQ[V uvvvv*POV t[F&FVvV+PPP*bvVvWvvń;Fu ;Vu+ uvV޶FPW,2FPV tvvvv6АvW+/& ^_] U WVvF&DF+lp88 D\ wp wp p p p p p p pppppppppPpP p p p p p p p p