Greetings! Thank you for trying out MailSend. Please send me your feedback on the program via e-mail ( ). MailSend is shareware. If you use it after a trial period of 30 days, you must register it. Please visit the shareware section of my web site for updates to MailSend and general information on enhancements. To install MailSend, you'll need an "unzip" utility such as WinZip or PKZIP. Unzip MailSend into a directory. You can then run it from that directory. There is no formal installation process. To uninstall MailSend, simply delete those same files from the directory you created. MailSend does not leave residual registry entries. You may place MSEND600.ZIP on any website or on any shareware CD collection. You may also place MailSend on CD's packaged with magazines or books. You must first contact me before distributing MailSend as a part of a program. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail if you have any questions regarding MailSend. Detailed information on using MailSend can be found in the file MAILSEND.HLP. Type "MAILSEND -h" on a command-line to see the quick-reference screen. Jim Lawless